Squad Pissed Infrastructure Senators Are White


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Race hoaxer Cori Bush, who manufactures racism where it doesn't exist, is pissed the American white majority is allowed to vote for white Senators.:

‘Audience At A Kid Rock Concert?’: Squad Members Attack Bipartisan Infrastructure Senators For Being White


Members of the squad including Democratic Missouri Rep. Cori Bush attacked the bipartisan infrastructure group for being white, comparing it to an audience at a rock concert Wednesday.

Bush criticized the bipartisan infrastructure group for only having white people, comparing it to the “audience at a Kid Rock concert.” The Senate advanced a bipartisan infrastructure deal Wednesday evening, voting to open debate on the legislation after weeks of talks.

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also criticized the bipartisan infrastructure group for having too many white people. “A lot of times, ‘bipartisan agreements’ are just as defined by who people in power agree to exclude than include,” Cortez tweeted

Cortez and Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan criticized Arizona Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Wednesday for voicing her opposition to a $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

Can’t you get banned for spamming Lit with these phony threads?
Oh good, I almost thought we'd go a day without mention of the squad for a second there

SQUAD! Drink!
It's always hard for POC not to, especially if they're in politics. It's only white Americans who have the luxury of pretending they don't see race.

So i guess that Sidney Poitier's wish didn't come true, did it?

Progressives love racism. They wouldn't know what to do without it.
Ever see "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?"

No. I've heard of it -- film from the '60s, a white woman brings her black fiance to meet her parents. Seemed shocking at the time, but since then we've had a president born of such a union and we still have a SCOTUS justice who is in one.
The interesting thing is that what Poitier told his father character is almost verbatim what our church's Nigerians told me about Nelson Mandela, that when he was released from prison, he thanked his jailer for being the only one to have ever treated him like a man and not an animal or a child.

Time for American proggies to learn that lesson.
The interesting thing is that what Poitier told his father character is almost verbatim what our church's Nigerians told me about Nelson Mandela, that when he was released from prison, he thanked his jailer for being the only one to have ever treated him like a man and not an animal or a child.

Time for American proggies to learn that lesson.

If you mean "proggies" should not treat RWs like animals or children, that would be neither wise nor appropriate.
I challenge Pud to produce a cite that Nelson Mandela "thanked his jailer for being the only one to have ever treated him like a man and not an animal or a child".

I'll wait.

A quote that significant should be pretty easy to produce.

Unless it's another one of Pud's lies.......

I challenge Pud to produce a cite that Nelson Mandela "thanked his jailer for being the only one to have ever treated him like a man and not an animal or a child".

I'll wait.

A quote that significant should be pretty easy to produce.

Unless it's another one of Pud's lies.......


It was a personal conversation with a Nigerian family in the basement of our church. No idea if it's on a site or not, and you're also one I'm not running errands for, as honesty is not in you.
Oh look, clown shoes made another thread about nothing.

Stay triggered, klanshoes! Lol

From Rightguide to clown shoes to Klanshoes...

You went a long way for a shitty joke. You need to work on your material, D-list Robin Williams.