Sins of the Mother (seeking one female)

The Jeffinator

Captain Manbeard
Mar 13, 2005
I am seeking one female writer to play the role of a young college student living in New York City. Unbeknownst to her, she was actually born from an unholy union between a human warlock and a dragon queen in human form. Due to the Laws of Magic upheld by the Watchers, any visitors from other realms must maintain human form on Earth and keep the existence of magic a secret from the Unmagi.

After uncovering the nefarious plot your parents had for you -- which included offering you as host for the resurrection of an evil goddess -- the Watchers raided their home, tore apart the cult they were building, imprisoned your father, deported your mother, sealed your magical potential away and sent you into foster care. After this, the Watcher's Council of Elders initiated a severe crackdown on magical activity on Earth, erected a reinforced barrier around the entire planet, and strictly monitored travel between Earth and other realms through their Portal Hub.

It is now roughly eighteen or nineteen years later, and you have no memory of your parents, only foster homes. You finally got a taste of freedom coming to the big city for college, on your own for the first time. But after a group of men corner you in an alley and attempt to rape your young, toned body, your desperation and terror awaken the power lying dormant within, just barely cracking the seal placed on you by the Watchers.

You seem to leave your body for a moment, your mind swarming with images of your ferocious dragon mother and the agonized screams of her victims. You can see their skin melting from her fire, smell the burning flesh. You can feel the crunching of bones beneath her talons as if it was you.

Then you are back in your body, covered in a warm, sticky liquid. You look around and see the group of rapists strewn about, horribly mauled. The ground is soaked in blood, and so are you. What's worse, you look directly in front of you to see the closest rapist has a gaping hole in his chest -- and you are holding his still-twitching heart in your hand. He has a look of absolute horror frozen on his face. You share that expression.

Then suddenly police come rushing into the alley, and you faint, feeling exhausted as you drop to the ground. You wake up some time later in a police station, and after helping you get cleaned up, they spend hour after hour questioning you, trying to find out what happened. That's when they call in a specialist -- me.

I'm a private investigator who works closely with the NYPD's Special Affairs Office on cases like these. Supernatural/paranormal claims -- like hauntings and poltergeists and demonic possessions all flood into the NYPD, where they are redirected to the Special Affairs Office for further investigation. The vast majority are hoaxes or unfounded claims, sometimes brought on by drugs or mental disorders. It is very rare indeed for me to be called in for a legitimate magical issue.

From here, the idea is that I take you under my wing and try to help you come to grips with your emerging powers. When the Watchers find out, they want to execute you as a threat to Earth's safety and imprison me, but we manage to convince them to let me keep training you. Or maybe we go on the run -- I'm open to ideas.
In a state of shock made this experience surreal as Dawn listened to the cops. The images of the dragons and fire and destruction were more real than a dream, but she knew must have been her subconscious making things up to help her through.

"How did I... kill? those men?" she thought, unable to even imagine killing. She loved things. Stray dogs on the street would make her sad, Homeless people brought her to tears.

Dawn was the envy of the foster care system. She was white and blonde and beautiful but somehow was never placed with a permanent family. The other kids were trouble makers or had health problems but Dawn was perfect, the princess they used to call her. Now eighteen she could not enter a room without turning heads. Five foot eight with a rich perfect complexion and thick blonde hair she wore in a braid down her back. She was perfectly proportioned 34x24x28 and mature enough to handle the attention it brought.

Looking up from the hard wooden chair at the police captain and special ops officer Dawn asked "you think this was magic? You think this was a ghost? Are you guys serious?" She was not a street kid but wise beyond her years, or the years of the cops she was talking to.

"I just want to go back to school. I did not mean to hurt anyone but at most it was self defense, no? I mean there were five of them and they were not just looking to talk" her tone was serious and convincing. The image of an older woman in gold armor who looked very much like her appeared during the incident and she remembered vividly said "fight but never tell anyone." It flashed through her head as she waited for the men to give her an answer. "What did that mean?" she thought.
It was a dark and stormy night... Julian Shepard sat in his comfortable recliner in his New York City apartment, the sounds of rain hitting the windows as the light from the television lit the otherwise dark room. As the evening news played out on the screen, the light illuminated a tall, well-built man wearing only boxers, fading in and out of consciousness in the chair with a nearly empty bottle of Jack Daniels. On the end tables and coffee table sat other empty bottles, mostly of various whiskey and rum brands such as Jim Beam and Captain Morgan. Some standing up, some knocked over, others lying broken on the floor.

Also visible were several overflowing ashtrays and empty packs of Marlboros, rolling papers, glass pipes, syringes, and several ziplock bags containing what appeared to be a variety of narcotics in herb, rock, and powder form. Also littered throughout the apartment were empty bottles, cigarette butts, and processed food packaging. Shepard himself wasn't in much better shape -- his hair was messy and greasy, his face covered in several days of stubble, and his breath simply reeking of alcohol.

He suddenly snapped awake as he heard ringing, stumbling for his smartphone in a drunken stupor. "Yeah?" he said once he had finally brought the phone to his ear.

"Shepard," came a strong male voice on the other end. It was Derek Lee, a detective with the NYPD's Special Affairs Office. "I've just been assigned a case. Some creepy shit going on here. Right up your alley."

"Damn it, Lee," Shepard responded angrily. "This is supposed to be my fucking vacation week. I don't have time for this shit right now."

"Come one, we both know you have nothing going on except wallowing in self pity and probably up to your neck in drugs and alcohol. Did you just light up? Are you smoking again, man?"

"Fuck off," he replied. He had indeed just lit a fresh smoke. He threw the phone down and grabbed a new bottle of whiskey and began chugging. Unfortunately, it kept ringing.

"What, damn it?!" Shepard screamed into the phone. "I told you, I don't have time for another fucking hoax or kids playing pranks, this shit -- "

"People are dead, Shepard," Lee cut him off. "This is no hoax or prank. A teenage girl was backed into a corner by a group of rapists, and then apparently she killed them all. In a very non-human way. She mauled them, Shepard. The officers who responded heard screaming and they entered the alley just in time to see this girl rip the heart straight out of one of a guy's chest."

"Well, fuck."

"You're telling me, dude," Lee replied. "The officers swear that for a split second, the girl's eyes were glowing red. When they entered the alley, her eyes went back to normal and she is claiming no memory of the event. She says she blacked out after the men attacked her."

"Could be demonic possession or something, but I don't know... Fuck."

"Like I said, this is some creepy shit, dude," said Lee. "I have no idea what's going on here -- that's why I need you to come down and talk to the girl. Most of the cases I've been handed since being shoved into this office are bullshit. Like you said, hoaxes and pranks. But this is different. I've never encountered something like this before."

"Yeah yeah," he replied. "I'll be down there shortly."

"Thanks, man. And Shepard?"


"Quit smoking, dude. Cigs and the harder shit."

"Fuck you." Shepard hung up the phone and pushed himself to his feet. His legs wobbled as he stumbled into his kitchen, and then into a walk-in pantry. His finger tips glowed a bright blue as he waved them in front of the wall and a second, secret pantry within the first one opened up. Inside, the shelves were filled with various magical artifacts and ingredients for potions. He struggled to focus enough to throw a few things together to make a glowing green potion in a vial, then he drank it.

"Argghhh!" he growled as he dropped to his knees in pain, clutching his stomach. "Fuck! Arrgghhh!!" A ghostly steam erupted from his mouth, and a moment later he opened his eyes. He then stood to his feet, completely sober. "I fucking hate having to take that potion."

Soon Shepard was showered and dressed and heading out the front door of his apartment building. A police cruiser was waiting to give him a ride down to the station. Once there, he signed in and then joined Lee in the interrogation room. He sat down and looked at the young woman.


"So, was this magic?" he asked her bluntly. She seemed startled by that.

"You think this was magic? You think this was a ghost? Are you guys serious? I just want to go back to school. I did not mean to hurt anyone but at most it was self defense, no? I mean there were five of them and they were not just looking to talk."

"We're just trying to understand what happened, Dawn," Lee said calmly. "No one is accusing you of anything."

"Well, unless she murdered them willingly," Shepard added. Lee glared at him. "Listen -- Dawn, was it? -- The police call me in anytime something like this comes through their office. As Lee called it, 'creepy shit.' I'm here to determine if there is anything supernatural at play, and if so, neutralize the threat. I need to know exactly what you remember. I need to know if you've been possessed by a demon. And Lee, to do that, I need a moment alone with the girl."

"Shepard..." he responded, skeptical. Shepard gave his coy little smile.

"Trust me."

Lee sighed, then turned to leave the room. "You got five minutes -- that's it."

"That's all I need," he replied. As soon as Lee was out of the room, Shepard turned to the girl and then snapped his fingers. Suddenly the room was enveloped with a quick flash of light that faded as swiftly as it had been conjured. "I've cast a veil over this room. To everyone watching through that two-sided mirror, we are just sitting here talking. What they see out there and what happens in here will be very different, though, my dear."

His mouth curled into a sinister grin and his eyes began crackling with blue energy. "Let's find out just what you are, shall we?" Without warning, bolts of bright blue lightning erupted out of his fingertips and hit Dawn like a freight train, sending her slamming into the wall across the room. With a wave of his hand, he used telekinesis to push the table and chairs out of the way as he walked slowly towards the girl.

"Good thing my veil blocks sound too," he added. "One way or another, I'm going to find out what you are and force you out of this girl's body." He kept slamming her with magical attacks until he saw her eyes glow red in response. "At last, the beast shows itself." A heated magical battle erupted inside the room while the detectives outside were oblivious.
"This is different" Dawn thought as she flew across the room. She was not afraid, which was strange as a strange man was doing magic and seemed to be intent on harming her. Something in her was different. She was different. Time was different. Her body felt different, possessed would be the only word she could find. She was not afraid as her beautiful young body landed against the wall. She did not feel pain, but power. Rage filled her as she hung against the wall in this man's control.

"What the hell is he?" she thought for a moment but before her mind could process that she was moving quickly sideways. She reached the heavy metal table and flicked it at him.

"You want to play magic man?" she heard a voice come out of her body. It was definitely a strange experience but it was also so intimate, so part of her. This was like playing a sport for the first time that she was naturally gifted at. The table was waved away but the man. Dawn raged on circling the man, magically flinging chairs and anything else she saw at him while looking for an exit. The man's magic sealed the room and she knew it.

She stopped and faced him. She brought her hands together in front of her as if praying or meditating. She closed her eyes. It was unclear if she was summoning power for another attack or calming the beast within. She was not defeated but trapped, and she knew that this man was her only chance to understand what was going on.

She slowly opened her crystal blue eyes and with a voice as dirty and raspy as middle aged whore at closing time she said, "I think we should get out of here." It was part spell and part pure lust that she spoke with. She pushed her shoulder length blonde hair back and smoothed her hands down her white tee shirt, stained with blood. She had changed. Something in her had snapped and released the person from her dreams and nightmares. She was not the beautiful orphan people felt sorry for any more. She was not sure who she was but knew she was powerful and not of this world, or at least the world she knew.
Shepard smirked as he saw Dawn's voice turn to one of lust. He wasn't sure if she was trying to cast a spell on him to entice him, but he couldn't deny he found her very sexually appealing. He wasn't sure how much of it was his own intention and how much was a possible spell.

"So, a lust demon, then, perhaps?" he asked with his palms upturned. "A succubus? Maybe you desire to mate with me to steal my life force? I'm still not sure what you are, but you know you can't just walk out of here. You brutally murdered several people. The police will want answers for that. That's why they hired me -- to get answers."

He watched her for a moment to see if she was going to attack, but she seemed non-violent now. With a flick of his hand, the table and chairs returned to their position and any damage to the room was reversed. He then sat back down. "Have a seat. Explain what you are."
Dawn looked at him and watched him reset the room. She was confused but feeling this new found power was intoxicating as well as giving her clarity. She sat in the chair as they were back to where they started.
"So how do I get out of here?" she said as her features softened and she returned to the shy teenager. "I don't know what happened in that alley" she said honestly. She knew she was playing a part but wondered if her powers would enable her to get out of here. She looked across the table.

"So Sheppard, will you help me get out of here? I don't know what I am any more than you do. You seem to share some unique abilities" she said looking around the room and wondering how it was not buzzing with cops after their little display.

"So what you are the cops freak appraiser?" she said as her eyes glinted up at him. She pressed her palms together under the table and felt a heat, like nothing she had felt before. She looked down and say they were glowing. The warmth spread through her body imperceptible to anyone other than Sheppard.

She looked up and saw his interest. She thought she wanted to tell him "God this feels incredible" but dare not say it with cops watching. His expression made her think he may have read her mind or she may be telepathic. She smirked at him then turned on the charm.

"I am so tired" her school girl voice softened even more. "I just want to go home. I don't know what happened in that alley. How could I have hurt those grown men?"

She looked at Sheppard sympathetically and thought "get me the fuck out of here and I will make it worth your while." As she thought this her body surged with energy. She was turned on like never before. Every fiber of her body was on fire and wanted more.
Shepard watched her as she attempted to seduce him further. He grinned as she looked around, as if expecting the cops to burst it. "Remember," he said as he pointed to the ceiling, "I cast a veil over this room. No one can hear what we are actually saying except us. To anyone outside this room, they are seeing a magical illusion of me just asking you random questions. They are completely oblivious to anything that really happens in here."

He eyed her as he explained, then grinned again as he felt her heat and lust pour into him. "Damn, you're really turning it up, aren't you?" His thoughts seemed to interpret her thoughts, specifically the notion that she would make it worth his while if he got her out of there.

"Our five minutes are about up," he added. "Detective Lee will be back in here any minute. You will be taken to a cell for tonight. Go quietly. Don't cause any problems. After lights out, I'll come for you. Don't make me regret this, and you better indeed make it worth my while. Don't disappoint me." He then snapped his fingers and the Veil fell just before Lee walked into the room.

"Well?" the detective asked.

"I got nothing," Shepard replied. Lee sighed. "If there was a demon in her, it refuses to show itself."

"Well, shit!" exclaimed Lee. "The next step then is to schedule a full psychological examination. I'm sorry, Miss, but you'll be staying in a cell tonight. There are two courses of action here. If you are found to be suffering from psychiatric issues, then you may be found criminally insane. If not, you will likely be charged with multiple counts of manslaughter. A self-defense claim is not valid here due to the extreme violence used against the attackers."

Detective Lee motioned for officers to come in and escort Dawn to a cell. Shepard kept eye contact with her, giving her a reassuring look, as if to say, "Go with it. I'll come for you." Of course, her seduction techniques hadn't been entirely successful on him. He only agreed to their arrangement because he wanted her close so he could keep an eye on her. He was already working out a plan in the back of his head to protect Dawn from further persecution once he freed her, while also hiding her presence from the Watchers.
Dawn returned to school girl Dawn and although a glance and sparkle in her eye to Sheppard sent a thrill through him she walked out with the officers.

The took her to a cell. It was grey cinder block with a metal door and small observation window in it. The entire thing was maybe eight by ten. Concrete floor and ceiling and a window about six feet up with bars on the other side. A metal cot hung from the wall on her left as she stepped in. She did not turn back or complain. Simple compliance.

On the left was a toilet. She stood for a moment feeling the officer in the small window looking at her. Her braid running down her back. Her jeans cupping her firm young ass just below her red blouse. She stood for five minutes. It took that long for the man to leave.

"Probably jerking himself off" she thought. It was so strange for her to even think that. It was as though another person was in her thoughts. She reached up and stretched her body. She felt alive and powerful.

She sat on the cot with her legs crosses under her and leaned back against the hard wall. She closed her eyes and replayed the interrogation room with Sheppard with perfect clarity. She then went back to the alley and replayed killing the men. She had done it, no doubt. She could still feel their hot blood and muscles going limp as she ripped them apart with a power she never knew.

She returned to thoughts of Sheppard and began imagining sexual acts with him. Her libido was off the charts as she began to touch herself. After a minute with both hands massaging her breasts through her tee shirt and bra she stopped and opened her eyes trying to shake the desire.

"What the hell is going on with me?" she said out loud.
Shepard left the police station and returned to his apartment. He set to work preparing a potion, chanting in Latin over the pan he was making it in. The liquid was green and glowing as he added in exotic ingredients like powdered dragon blood and various herbs. He then tapped his finger to his temple, pulling out what looked like a flowing silvery hair made of pure energy. This was a memory, the memory of what Dawn looked and sounded like and her name. He dropped this silvery hair into the potion, and it began to bubble and change color, becoming a much darker green.

When it was complete, Shepard poured the potion into a pocket-sized spray bottle, sliding it into his jacket pocket. He then headed back out that night, hunting down each person that had seen Dawn commit the crime or at the station. He sneaked up behind them with a shadow cloak, spraying the potion in their faces. This altered their memories so they would remember Dawn as looking different, under a different name. He then shadowstepped into the police station, altering her mugshots and surveillance footage to uphold the fake appearance of her he instilled in them. The potion affected memories, but to alter the photos and video footage he had to personally warp the color and shape of her body in the images. Now everyone thought Dawn was an older Russian woman with graying hair named Natalia. So if any of the officers saw her in the future, they would not remember her as the old Russian woman who killed people in an alley.

Soon Shepard made his way to her cell, having casting a Veil over the building before his little adventure started. "So, are you ready to get out of here?" he asked her with a smile. With a flick of his wrist, her cell door swung open and he waved for her to follow him. As they walked outside and down the sidewalk, he could feel her heat and lust radiating, and decided he would have fun with that. They hailed a cab and soon arrived at Shepard's apartment.

Once they were inside, her turned to her and smiled. "So I can tell you're aching for sexual release -- I can feel it. So I have a proposition for you. I will help you learn what you are and how to control your powers, and I will satisfy your every sexual need. But in return, you must listen to me and heed my words. Oh, and when we're in the apartment, you won't be needing your clothing. I'd rather you be naked whenever we're home."
Dawn sat until the door opened and she rose to her feet. She smiled at Sheppard and then walked out calmly in front of him and out of the station. She was seething with desire and physical need. It was like nothing she felt before as they walked out into the night air.
She got into the cab and turned to face Sheppard nearly unable to resist pouncing on him. She did not know if she wanted to fuck, eat or just kill him. Then he spoke, and like a spell she relaxed.
"So I can tell you're aching for sexual release -- I can feel it." he said.
She bit her lip and grunted "you have no idea." Her blossoming teenage body was now swelling with centuries of physical desire having been pent up in a curse.
He continued talking but she could think of nothing but stripping herself then him and mounting him here in the cab.
"...satisfy your every sexual need...." she heard and smiled.
" you must listen to me and heed my words" he said bringing a twitch of pain to her back, like an old wound was just ripped open.
"I heed for no man!" she hissed her tone completely changed and her eyes glowing red. Dawn felt trapped inside herself, possessed and overtaken.
She fought to take back her primal inner beast and regain control enough to satisfy this warlock.
"OK" she said quietly as her eyes returned to their magnificent blue and her body relaxed. "I agree to all your conditions" she said then looked out the window at the city passing, wondering what this new life would bring.
Shepard saw her tense up when he mentioned following orders, to which he grinned. Then she seemed to be thinking it over, and finally agreed to his terms. "Excellent."

Soon they were inside the apartment, and Shepard pointed to the bedroom. "We will be sharing my king size bed. There's a closet and empty dresser drawers where you can store the clothing you're currently wearing. You won't need them for the next couple days. I will remain nude as well. Tomorrow we'll start your power training, but tonight we will focus on helping you release some of your pent up sexual tension. I'll be waiting for you in the living room once you have stripped everything off your body."

He winked at her and then walked into the living room, having cleaned up the apartment prior to her arrival. He began stripping off his clothing and throwing it on a chair in the corner, and then sat on the couch, toned muscles and erect circumcised cock on display. He had some light hair on his chest and his pubes were shaved, as were his balls.

Shepard sat and watched the hallway to the bedroom with a smile, waiting for Dawn to return to the living room. He was actually quite excited about the situation, but still maintained awareness in the event this was a trap.
Dawn looked around the apartment. To her former self it was pretty nice but to her new inner demon it was a dump. She was excited as she stripped her clothing and stuffed it into the drawer he had given her. She looked at her reflection in the window facing out onto an alley lit by a single flood light. Her body was more toned than it had been. Every hair other than her head was gone and her skin seemed to shimmer in the dim light. She ran her hands noticing her nails had grown as well and her touch send waves of excitement through her.
"Oh yes, you will do nicely" her inner demon sighed as she groped her own breasts.
She let her hair down and it fell over her back. She pulled it around and it nearly covered her breasts. Her nipples had grown and darkened and now stood nearly an inch high in the center.
She turned and walked slowly out into the hall. Her body felt like a leopard as she took each step. Her confidence was off the chart as was her desire.
She entered the room and saw the warlock across the room. He was naked and smiling and clearly ready to engage with her. She smiled a wicked smile as his eyes roamed over her body like a wolf over a fresh kill.
"How do I look? As expected?" she said as her personalities seemed to be merging somehow. She was still Dawn but also the dragon queen demon. She watched his cock, unable to focus on anything else. She felt herself growing more energized with lust. She began to hover above the floor.
"I need you" Her voice now deeper and raspy. She moved through the air towards him slowly. She held out her arms submissively and stopped in front of him.
"I need you" she repeated staring at his throbbing shaft. "I need that!" she said louder then somehow resisting the desire to take him. "Tell me what you want" she said desperately.
Shepard smiled as he gazed upon the beauty of Dawn's naked, hairless body. His heart rate picked up a bit and he leaned forward, reaching out for her arm and pulling her into his lap. He slipped a hand behind her neck and pulled her face to his, engaging in a deep, fiery kiss while his raging erection began leaking precum onto Dawn's thigh.

He shifted slightly, maintaining the kiss, and slid a hand down to massage her vulva. Slipping two fingers inside her and curling them upward, he began to toy with her g-spot as his lips moved to lick and nibble her neck. Now she was sitting with her back pressed against his chest, one hand working her pussy while the other went back and forth kneading each breast and massaging her nipples as he sucked on her neck.

His erection was now poking up between her thighs, mere inches away from her vulva. They could feel the heat from each others' genitals, almost as if a magnet was drawing them together. He smiled as her moans grew louder, then lifted her off his lap and laid her on the couch. A moment later he was trailing kisses up her inner thighs, after which he ran the flat of his tongue up along her pussy to the clitoris. He did this several times, and then returned his fingers to toying with her g-spot while the other hand returned to her breasts. He began giving Dawn's clitoral glan a generous tongue bath, edging her towards a massive orgasm.
Dawn was no virgin but she had never been with anyone like this. Every touch was choreographed and electrified her. She could not speak, only moan and groan and as he worked his fingers into her she cried as though she were stabbed with pure joy. Her body seemed to be growing physically or changing as the sensations grew more intense.
"OH fuck" she roared reaching for his cock. "I need this!" she hissed desperately but he resisted her. He was strong, as strong as she and she loved it. She felt as though they were two powerful animals in some erotic duel.
As her body seemed nearing orgasm she gasped "how can I please you master?" her words strange, as through someone else said them. "Let me take you, let me have your seed in my body." she said.
He worked her body and positioned her like she was a rag doll and she loved it. Her growing energy felt as though she would explode, literally. It felt like she did int he alley but different. She wanted this. It felt as she did taking the last man's heart our of his chest.
"Give it to me" she roared echoing through the building as he held her against his with his hot hard cock between her thighs. She struggled to raise her hips in hopes of mounting him but like an inexperienced lover she was awkwardly unable.
His fingers worked magic as her body pulsated and neared something larger than any orgasm she ever gave herself. She felt trapped and wanted to be tied tighter. She felt on fire and wanted to be doused with gasoline.
As her body peaked she roared as every fiber in her body tightened against his equal strength. His fingers inside her then against her clit then back and back and her howl was long ans strong and should have broken windows for blocks around. Her heart felt as though it had exploded as she tingled with pleasure like nothing before.
She relaxed on top of him, like a cat awaiting it's prey. She turned her head and brought her mouth to his sliding her tongue into his mouth. Her tongue filled his mouth as she went from being pleasured to giving the pleasure.
"Let me give you your darkest deepest desires. I will server you as you served me." Dawn spoke in a voice mortal men would kill to hear. Her tongue slid out of her mouth and wet her lips. it was longer than anything human. She rose off of him and stood looking at him. Her skin now radiated red scales but not rough, like a snake as her eyes were now red and her nipples glowed. Her lips glowed.
"Tell me your wishes" she hissed with her forked tongue. "I am the dragon queen and you mine." Her words were commanding and unflinching. She slowly squatted and rand her hand along her thighs and over her glowing red lips. "Let me feel you inside me, giving me your seed" she hissed then rose bringing her hands to her breasts that pulsated as her hand now tipped with silver talons massaged them as she moaned "tell me my mate, tell me your desiresssss" her tongue slithering through the last word.
"Or perhaps you would prefer a different partner" she said instantly transforming to Dawn in her school uniform. Her voice innocent and weak. "Would you rather dominate me as the child?"
Suddenly she transformed to an older woman with long silver hair dressed in a black robe over her shoulders. "Or perhaps your maker?" she said in a different but confident voice. "Come to me Sheppard, let us lay again as we once did..." her words warm and gentle. The old woman's body was not old only her face was slightly wrinkled and her gray hair gave her an older appearance. In fact Sheppard's maker was thousands of years old.
"Tell me my love, what do you desire most?" she asked.