Revenge of the Nerd (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance rolled his eyes as the teacher droned on about how important their final was going to be, spending too much time on something obvious.

He ran his hand through his short black hair, cool hazel eyes scanning the class wondering who was screwed. He shifted in his seat, adjusting his glasses.

It was senior level biology, and he had smoked the class all year long, well all his classes. His nerdy reputation was well earned.

Thankfully the bell rang, and he slowly stood. Stretching his slender 6 ‘ frame as he rose, curious to see who was scared by the teachers admonition about how important this test was and how they needed to study, it was a Friday. And the test was Monday. Gonna be a long weekend for some poor slacker, he told himself as he stuffed his books into his bag
Ophelia Uhra Fox was a senior. Raised by two nerdy parents the ginger girl was raised on scince fiction and fantasy as well as a variety of the arts. It was a lively childhood that basically showed in the parents choice of first and middle name. For the most part Ophelia or Fifi as her peer group called her loved all the things her parents exposed her too. In fact she was a competitive dancer and a cheerleader because of them. She loved school and loved art,music and threatre.

Ophelia, or Fifi, though in highschool fell in with the popular cliche and thus became the creative girl. The demands of the popular group strained her other non school activities and this her trips to the local comic store and the tournaments of collectable card games and trivia nights with her less popular friends tended to go to the back burner. So.etimes her grades slipped as well. Still she was in AP biology and seemingly was the second highest in the class.

Thankfully Fifi was able to during 'Study Hall' secure a private area in the library. The one Chad Cummings had shown her to make out and do some more intense fondling as a freshman to read up on the Recent rules for Dungeons and Dragons. It was a great distraction, one she needed because a girl couldnt live on pedantic talk of k pop, pop and other non nerdy pop culture speak. Especially the horrendeous tales of her fellow girls talking about the guys they were with as well as fashion choices hair excetra.

In biology Fifi sat next to Jessica, head cheerleader the perfect blonde bombshell that most of the football team has done something with. Still Jessica was Fifis best friend, and despite her friends reputation Fifi was a good girl. None of the guys seemed to pressure her, she didnt date much and surprisingly the other girls on the team knew she would help them study. Something she was gearing up for now. As she began to pack her things Jessica turned to her and asked.

"So Fifi you on for a study session later?"

Ophelia looked at her friend smiled and said."After my dance class."

"You can skip, come on its for me? Please!"she asked giving Ophelia the sad eyes.

"Fine but make sure you order pizza! And My favorite all meat got it!"

"Its a date!" Said the blonde holding out her hand and Ophelia giggles as she shook it.

"Its a date"

With that the ginger left the class and headed to her next class AP Statistics. At least there she will be the only cheerleader. Mostly nerds in that class.
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Lance smiled, chuckling to himself as he watched some of the other kids scrambling around making plans. Nobody came his way, maybe he was off the hook for tutoring.

He shrugged to himself, and pulled his backpack on his shoulder. As he turned he smiled, seeing did talking to Jess. She was distracted, and he took the moment to admire the side view of her chest, it was a delightful profile.

He stepped into the hall and off to the last class of the day.

During his Stats class he saw some chatter in his friend group text about the test.

The math clas drilled on. AP statistics was a breeze for him as well, as he glad slept through the remainder of the day.

Soon the class bell rang, and the Friday night began. Of course he had no real plans, gaming at best. But it beat the hell outta school with all these chumps. He couldn’t wait to get to college and start over. He’d be bold. He’d take chances. He’d get laid!

All this running through his head as he mindlessly grabbed his stuff and made his way to the parking lot, running on auto pilot as he fantasized about how things were gonna be different soon. He was gonna be different.
Fifi enjoyed Statistics. It was free of her popular friends and she could listen in on the talk alot of tbe other 'nerds' talked about. She didnt even mind the stares alot of the others gave her. Be them lustful gazes or confused gazes. Still the head of the class Lanve seemed to look at her with lust and contempt.

As it got towards the end of the Day Jessica was hanging on Ansrew of the soccor team. At the end of the day Jessica gave Ophelia a text. " Going how with Andrew, well reschedule, later'

Ophelia sighed as she knew in the end, tonights study session was not happening. Even after she had earlier learned her Dance Teacher had rescheduled her class until next week. Was told it would be good for her to focus on the test. Strangely this and the fact she lacked a ride home prompted the red headed young woman to seek out Lance.

She knee Lance would be the best person to study with but also was close to her house. Fifi had seen his car in one of the drive ways a couple streets down from her own house. So she found the 6 foot tall nerd in the parking lot and approached him

"Lance, um can I ask you a few rhings?" She said with awkwardness as she wasnt sure how he would react. As well as the slight creepy vibe he gets from him.
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Lance turned at his name. It was Ophelia, Fifi, whatever.

His eye did linger over her figure. She was cute, maybe he’d have a girl lie her in college. Short, cute, curvy, his eyes slid over her as he thought. But his mind was moving on multiple paths, so his response was almost immediate

“Ask away” he said as he turned around to lean on his car, arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at the demure redhead
"Well" Ophelia said with a smile as she tried to put on a happy face." Jess kind of stranded me here. She also canceled our study date so I thought Id ask you for a ride and maybe simce you are the smartest guy in our grade and me one of the smarter girls in our grade could maybe study for the next round of tests? You dont have to if you dont want to, I know that my cicle doesnr treat you very well, so I would understand if you said no"

Ophelia wasnt lying she knew how Jessica, Jennifer, the other girls and the jocks picked on Lance. She had stopped them when she could when it got to harsh. She had been there and she never participated in the teasing and bullying. She also didnt stop it completely.
He leaned back, if it’s possible, even more in shock. She used to be a smart girl, but her body had bloomed the last few years, and that had gotten her attention that pulled her into the cool kids crowd. The people he loathed

“Well Ophe…, sorry, Fifi” he said as he looked around. The parking lot was clearing out. And he glanced up, the sky growing dark with rain clouds

“I guess I can. I’m not super busy, and I’m not an asshole like your friends”, he told her, in his mind he was thinking of how he could be a bigger awhile. How could he get back at them anyway. The year was winding down.

“Sure, I can give you a ride. But your gonna have to toss that green sweater in your bag, or else it’ll get covered in dog hair” he said as he gestured towards his car.

“I don’t give lots of people rides, and my dads dog sheds all over it” he told her as he nodded towards white hairs visible from the door he stood beside.

He then unlocked the door and nodded to the other side.

“Hop in” he said as he began to wonder, just how could he show her what it was like, how it felt to be treated in a way that had ‘zero’ consideration for her feelings, like her friends had more than once.

“So how are you with the biology material” he asked loudly so he’d be heard,as he turned the car on, glancing over as she approached the passenger door.
"I can just put it in my bag thats fine. And dont worry I can order and pay for the pizza" She says her smile boardeninf on her face.

"And Ophelia is fine, I get sick of Fifi at times. You learn french and I guess you get stuck with Fifi as a nickname" sighed the tiny yet lithe Ophelia relieved that she can relax.

" They are a bit mean, but they have there moments. Besides what can you do when your a simple duck swept into a group of swans. Sorry I dont know what a grouping of swans are. As for Biology Im no Dr.Crusher but I am second to you most of the time! Im better at the math. I get numbers" she said letting her nerd slip as she took off her sweater showing her chest and the faint outline of her lacey bra.

She got into the car and put on her seat belt. She looked like a child sitting in the front seat for the first time but looked at Lance. "You know I can garantuee you are a shoe in for valedictorian! What about college you apply yet? I have sent mine out to ten schools. Hoping I get MIT, I have always wanted to go into robotocs and Boston Dynamic is ther and works closely with MIT. I..." she paused and looked away.

"Sorry, I bet you dont wanna hear all that stuff, especially from a cheerleader and popular girl " Fifi says a bit sorrowful. She hated the whole popularity games and social cliches. She just wanted to like who and what she liked and care little abojt what others said or did.
As she hopped in, he couldn’t help but notice how much of her frame had been hidden by the green sweater, the way the seatbelt slipped across her chest, pulling her shirt right across her chest

She went in for a bit, and while he was kinda hopeful for her in school, they had two very different perspectives of their time there.

“Yeah it’s fine. I mean your friends are more than a little cruel, and I can’t wait to get outta here. I actually applied to schools as far from here as I can get. “ he told her with a half chuckle.

“Yeah. I think you’ll do fine with any school you want” he said with a half smile as the latter of rain began to fall on the roof of the car as he pulled off to his house.

Only a few blocks from the school the ride was brief. Lance had filled the silence with questions about the biology they were covering. Trying to be the diligent tutor. He did take more than one chance to giver her shapely thighs and full chest a glance when he could. What kinda girl was Fifi. There were rumors of course, but he wondered.

Then they pulled up to his house. Parking on the street it was a short walk to the house, a square box of a cottage.

Just as he turned off the car, the rain began to pick up.

“We better hurry” he said as he grabbed his bag, opened the door, and half trotted towards the house. As soon as they were both out, it seemed as if the skin opened up, and the rain began to come down in buckets.
Ophelia smiled and recotwd back the facts she knew and then asked a few more questions on things she got wrong. She actually enjoying herself. Infact she let Lance know.

" This is actually kinda fun. Its nice to talk to someone smart again" she commented havinf noted alot of her popular friends were smart enough to get by. It was refreshing. Still her popular friends did give her alot of experiences both good and bad that she was thankful for. She wished Lance had so.wthinf similar.

As they got to his house she noted the rain go from light to a sheet. She grabbed her bag and rushed out of rhe car following the taller boy. She had to take her rime as rhw grouns was slick and her shoes were not for such treks. The cold rain soaked her hair, her shirt, hwr bea and her skirt. Her shoes were muddy and her thigh highs soaked and muddy. Ar this point she doubted her pink hello kitty panties were dry.

What made it worse is she stood on the uncovered porch waiting for Lance to open the door. She shivered and spoke. " Hurray, I donr wanna catch a cold!"

After she stood now soaked to rhe bone, Lance opened rhe door and she stepped inside. Her pi k shirt was sheer, showing rhe pink lacy bra and her green skirt clinging to her like surain wrap. Timidly she cocered herself and looked to Lance.

" have clothes I can change...change into while these these dry" she says cold and wet hoping Lance would be kind and let her take a shower and dress befoee they can eat and study.
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Lance had glanced over his shoulder when he got out of the car, and he had seen her close behind. She was instantly drenched, and as he watched her shirt began to cling to her, and he had an idea.

“I’ve gotta circle around the back. Go to the front door and I’ll let you in” he said as he picked up the pace.

He darted to the rear of the small house, and using his key, quickly opened the back door.

He had been working on an app for home security and had integrated several small cameras. He grabbed a few from his room and stashed them around the house as he headed to the front. He paused near a window, where he could see her and admired the physique her dance and cheer had gotten her. The skirt was plastered to her thick muscular thighs and round full ass. Her chest was covered by her arms and her bag where she held them crushed to her.

He smiled as he opened the door and she rushed in.

Soon she stood there asking him for something, and his eyes drank in the soaked form.

“Sure you can use the bathrooom to change. And even rinse off in the shower if you like. I can get you something if my moms to wear. She’s at work and won’t be home til late” he told her as his mind spun, excited to see what the camera in th bathroom might show him. They weee small discrete black cameras that could be stuck in a window sill or anywhere really. That’s why he had chosen them to work with

“The bathroom is there, “he said pointing to a door down the shirt hall.
Ophelia shivered and looked to Lance." Your such a good guy"

She hands Lance her backpack and smiles. " Im gonna have to do something nice for you." She leaned up and kissed Lance on the cheek and then headed to the bathroom.

Inside she quickly doffed her clothes throwing them to rhe ground her freckled skin a d amole breast easily seen. Her stomach was flat ans taught and her shapely legs and butt were on display. Her jair clung to her and her critch had a small well kept triangle of fiery red hair. She began ro turn on the water.

Once in she used whatever product was in there to use. She took a good thrity minute shower before she stepped out and began to dry herself. As she did she noted her clothes were gone she thought nothing of it. She just took the offered clothes snd buttoned up the shirt and looked at herself in the mirror.

Ophelia giggled." This shirt is a little tight, did you have anything bigger, maybe one of your shirts or your dads?"

She walked out of the bathroom and pulled down her shirt to hide her crotch while she tried to cover up her boob window. She moved towards the front room and sat down looking at Lance and blushed. "Sorry next time my place, and more clothes. So where did you want to start? Oh ans what about the food?"
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He half blushed and half laughed as she said ‘do something nice’ to him. This was the classic popular girl persona that he really could not stand. The she followed it up with a soft kiss, that caught him off guard, the kiss had gone through his body like a wildfire. He had scene lots of stuff. It he had done ver little. In fact that was the second kiss he’d gotten this year.

He smiled as he watched her walk into the bathroom, the way she shimmied, and the way she looked. She the door closed he pulled his phone out and pulled up his app

He got the phone online just in time to see her peel herself out of her shirt, exposing the pink lacy bra that popped in her pale white skin.

It was recording. Then her chest swelled as she reached behind and undid the clasp, then she practically had to peel the lacy material off her breasts. The were full and firm. Her nipples were stiff red buds against her milky flesh.

He swallowed hard, his cock throbbed to attention

Her hips shimmied, and her tits jiggled, as she wriggled the wet skirt off, peeling it over her full round dancers ass. She stood there fir a second, and the camera drank it all in. This was gonna be perfect!

“Oh yeah”

He said to himself as he watched her strip down and step in the shower. He quickly ran into his moms room. He got her a shirt, thinking she could toss it on and button it up whil he dried her other clothes.

He quietly slipped into the bathroom, , snagged her clothes, panties and all, and left her a shirt.

He toook her stuff and tossed it in the dryer, putting it on the longest cycle possible. Before returning to the main room where he pulled out books and turned on some studying musc, some classical.

She finally stepped out of the shower. Her wet hair, somewhat dry, fell heavily over one shoulder. The shirt tried to break free, and had the tops of her breasts billowing out if the shirt.

“You’re bigger than what I thought you were” he said as he nods to the shirt.
“but yeah next time your place, and maybe I’ll get soaked” he said with a smile

“But it’s laundry day. I can get you a tank top of mine, and my dad left years ago. “ he told her non chalantly.

“Come sit down and go over each system and what organs are in it” he said as he gestured towards the text books.

“I’ll get a pizza ordered” he said as he took the opportunity to gesture to the seat for him. It had a better view straight up her legs, and then the camera on the bookcase would have a great angle down her top
Ophelia relaxed her mind working as she responded to the questions. She posed a few of her own and was enjoying herself. To the pont she stoppes really covering herself or even mind Lance and his stares. In fact she laughed a few times and giggled.

"Lance you are great at this. Im gonna tecommend you to the other girls on the cheer squad. I think you can dumb it down so they can understand the material, Only me and Jessica.." she stopped as her phone buzzed and she knew the little twinkle noise was indication she had gotten a text from Jessica.

Ophelia picked up her phone and read the text. ' jennifer and I met up at the party Aaron took me too. Its amazing here look.'

Pictures came of Jessica and Jennifer the twin blonde bombshells of the squad among a few guys basically naked and Ophelia remembered herself and looked about.

"Lance do you have a Blanket Im a bit cold. Seems like my best friend is out enjoying hers3lf with Jennifer at some party. Here I am with the biggest Nerd in school and they are off having fun, probably gonna get drunk and fuck the soccer team. She knows I like Timmy the Soccer teams captian! That bitch!" She sighs and the. Huffs and puffs.

"Lance, sorry, its just Jessica is so flighty! And foes rhis all the time. Can, um I gwt my clothes and maybe a ride hime. I wanna forget this day and just sleep it off." She says a bit dejected and defeated.
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Lance smiled as they started studying, and he found himself enjoying the rhythm of their exchange. She had not gotten as dumb as he had thought.

As they had worked she had shifted and moved, becoming less aware of her garb. He knew the camera was getting great angles of everything.

Then he felt his smile slack as she got a text and then went right back into her cheer leader ‘social’ life shpeel.

He pulled out his phone, and had a doctored screen capture from the bathroom footage emailed to the entire school.

“Sure I can. But check your email” he said as he watched her face change. She recognized the bra on the pale full breasts. The face was blurred out, and her hair too. Her bra was still on. But the image was a gif that looped to her arms sliding behind her back, and her chest swelling out.

“I’ve got a version with your face. And i even have this,” and he pressed send on the text, again routed through encryption server view so it couldn’t be traced back to him.

She had just gotten a gif of her completely naked in front of the mirror. Right before she had gotten in.

“That could get posted too. That would really cause a girls social life some problems” he said as he crossed his arms, resolving to see this through. He had her and he was gonna get his first blowjob tonight. And that was that. Or the whole school was gonna see her titties
Ophelia abscentmindedly opened her email. What she saw in it was deplorable! Her body naked, and at different angles and video. Lance had been planning this since she got here. She was pissed! She would...

Reality set in, ahe would do nothing. Lance had the upper hand here. Ophelia did hate him, a guy she thought cute and nice was infact a little monster! What to do?

" Why" she asked dry mouthed but calm. Fire shot from her eyes her face red with anger adn embarrassement.

"Why do this Lance? I know they treat you worse then the others but I thought you above them. " she said calmly and with just a hint of ire. She looked directly into his face not wavering in the slightest.

"You were gonna be someone great, but you are just as bad as them" Ophelia said standing and taking off her clothes. She figured his ultimate goal was this so why bother with resistance.

Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, much like the last time. Still she persavered as she stood hands to her side letting Lance get a good long look at her naked. Hoepfully she could get this over with and move on. Like she did with Thomas at the Fresh Meat Mixer four years back.
hint of ire.
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He smiled at her retort, but he didn’t care. He could see her give up almost immediately.

But then he crossed his arms and leaned back on the sofa. As he did so he watched her stand up, and undo the buttons of his moms shirt. Her full round breasts looked delicious, and he instantly wanted to reach out and squeeze on of them, but he continued to play cool, as he settled back, and let his eyes openly wander over her body. Her pink nipples turning darker as they grew small and tight on the peaks of her full chest.

“whatever Fifi” he said as he played it distant and cool, calm and commanding.

“If you don’t want the rest going out on another email then you’re going to have to suck my cock” he told her boldly. As he did so, the once demure nerd unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He pulled out his cock which was growing harder with every beat of his heart.

The veiny member was a thick 8 inch member that he had always thought a girl would be impressed with based off of what he knew about the average length and a woman’s preference for girth.
Ophelia glared daggers at him. She had came here because she honestly wanted to improve her test scores. She came because she wanted to be witj someone intelligent and witty, not. Manipulative and overtly social.

Ophelia watched though as Lance undid his pants and she knew then and there it was a Tjommy situation all over. However her eyebrows rose as she fought back shock at hid member. Ophelia whonhad managed to not party as much as the other Cheerleaders, knew a few cocks. She had been forced at first but lesrning to service the boys with her mouth was something she did to keep them statisfyied and wanting more. Thankfully only a gew had demanded more. Fifi was worried now that Lance could be a challemge.

No, Ophelia waled forward and knelt. She spit on the head and reached out with her hand and began to rub the head. Slowly she cicrled her palm on the tip and then slid down her hand stretching to move it down letting the spittle slicken the shaft under his head. As she did that she looked up at him her eyes still full of bitter hatred. She though kissed the tip and began to let her tongue gently tease his slit as that happened her other hand began to stroke slow with a slight tqist up and down but only a tight hand span up and then back down.
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He stared back at her, holding his ground. Internally he was terrified he had made a grave mistake. But he had thought through the outcomes and done everything he could to control the situation.

She took a few short steps forward, her red hair shimmering in the light, mostly dry now, hung over
One breast. The other jiggles with each small step until she stood beetween his legs, and she lowered to her knees.

He almost groaned as her petite hand gripped his shaft, and began to stroke him.

He growled lightl and low as her lips met his aching cock. The slick heat was glorious to feel and he watched as her tongue began to slide over and around the swollen head, tasting his pre cum.

Her eyes were locked on his as her hand stroked his shaft, and her prettty mouth worked the head.

He could feel her breasts pressing against his thigh. He reached down with one hand and gripped her firm titty, catching her nipple between two fingers as he tugged gently.

“Such an amazing body. And I never knew your mouth could do such wonderful things”
Ophelia ignored that comment. She had to learn fast in her popular status. If she hadnt she would have been tossed aside in a minute for a more "agreeable" girl. So she had suffered in the first couple of years under rhe gross leadership of Jessicas older sister Teresa. She also earned the names Fifi from Jessica and from the Boys V for Vaccum.

Ophelia finally placed her other hand up and grabbed Lances balls. She gave a slight squeeze before she bealgan to knead them like silly putty. As that happened Fifis lips parted to engulf the bulbous knob within. Suckling the head her other hand continued a steady stroke twost and stroke up and doen the shaft. It was a signiture she had learned from years of forced blowjobs as a freshman and refined from a feigned compliance in her latter years. As a Senior she was above alot of that crap and naively thought she was removed from it. Now here she was forced to suckle Lances hairy salty shaft.

She continued for a few minites until she pulled her ball fondling hand to grip the lower part of the shaft and twist and stroke up to meet her other hand on it sdescent. When they touched Ophelias hand moved away from each other until they had to move back towards eachother. All the while her lips moved up and down from the tip of his jead to the edge and back. Almost as itlf where a lewd lollipop.
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Holy shit, was all he could think as Fifi went to work on him.

He had watched porns and seen what a skilled blowjob looked like, and he had imagined what it would feel like, but he had been wrong. Soooo wrong.

His body was on fire with list and ecstasy, the way her hands pumped around the thick veiny shaft, and the way her tongue danced along the swollen head

He watched her lips wrap around the engorged head and watched her bare full breasts jiggle as she pumped away at his shaft.

It was soo good, he felt his body swelling, everything about him tensing as the sensations drove his mind wild. He could feel he was about to lose it, but he wasn’t done with her. All of this felt so amazing, but he wanted to know what deep throating felt like.

He reached down with both hands, running his fingers into her shimmering red hair, he pulled her head down on his cock without warning. He felt his rod push into her throat. The sensation instantly overwhelming him, and his whole body convulsed, pulling her down further onto his member until he felt her nose press against his pelvis and at that same split second instant he felt his cock erupt, throb and twitch as he came.
As she was impaled on his member Ophelia began to choke and gag. She hadnt prepared him nor herself on taking it in. So cougjing haking and sputter happened as she fought to breath.

Once able to come up and off it she does, a dribble of cum trickled fro. Her miutj as dhe took her forearm and wiped it free. Tears streaked down her face as she glared at Lance.

"Happy?" She asked still kneeling as she watched and waited
His sight seemed to go a little blurry as the eruptions of ecstasy were still reverberating through his head.

His eyes focused on the demure red head on her knees between his thighs. Her full pert breasts were just inches away, her skin flush from the exertions on her part.

The sensation of feeling her throat gag on his cock had been a sensation he had never imagined were possible. This was amazing

He glanced down at his throbbing member, glistening in spit and the last oozes of cum.

“Very happy” he said with a grin as he looked at her breasts. Deciding he was already fully committed to this, he reached out and grabbed one of her full left tits, giving it a squeeze. He looked up at her.

“What are the odds you could help me get Jessica over here. Didn’t I just hear you say she was screwing you over?” He asked as his fingers found her rigid nipple, and he began drag his finger in a circle around it.
Ophelia looked at him and then looked down. "Not tonight, she is probably balls deep on some soccer player."

The red headed popular girl then spoke up. " If getting Jessica your goal I think I may beable to get her to come if we make it seem like I have booze, drugs and cute guys on another day."

Ophelia paused not woshing what happened to her to be thrust on anyone and yet jessica didnt really love her. She was too much a narcissist for that. No Jessica may be a narcassist butbshe was still human.

"I could get her to come on another day, but you cant record what me and her do before you reveal yourself ok" Ophelia says hatinf to even hint at Jessica and hers relationship. Fifi was a pet name, between Ophelia and Jessica who did hanf out alot and sometimes too much time together. The ladies having slept together multiple times together as if a couple. One which Jessica sought out men still.
Lance leaned closer and listened to her. He was recording all this and it was gold.

His hand began to grope and squeeze her breast as she talked about how she might be able to get Jessica over here.

He couldn’t believe all of this was working, thank god for that rain storm he said as his eyes drifted over her body and he felt his cock twitch.

“That’s a great idea? “ He told her, not necessarily agreeing with her, but wanting her to feel like he had. He would. Record every instant all over the house

“You can work on setting up something for us tomorrow between 12-8. I will have the house to myself then. I can actually even get my hands on a handle of tequila” he said as he looked down into her face.

He let go of her breast and leaned back, his cool blue eyes meeting hers.

“I’m fine if you still want to go, but if you want to stay…” he said leaving her room to wonder what he meant. He thought it would be interesting to see what she’d do.