Republicans are quite simply un-American

I first started comparing the Republican Party to a religious cult back in 2003. Back then, people mostly ignored what I said, and few (if any) people agreed with me that the Republicans were acting in a very cult-like manner.

I thought that the evidence of cult-like behavior was quite clear. Back then, Republicans were rejecting the evidence that they could see with their own two eyes, and instead they fervently embracing the words of their dear, infallible leaders.

Here’s an example of the sort of irrational, cult-like behavior I’m talking about. Back in 2002, Saddam Hussein allowed United Nations weapons inspectors into Iraq to search for any signs of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, long-range missiles, or anything else that the Iraqi regime was forbidden to have.

Bush complained endlessly about the U.N. weapons inspectors. He referred to their inspections as a game of “hide-and-seek” and strongly hinted that the inspectors should be arresting Iraqi scientists and torturing them to force them to give up all their secrets about weapons of mass destruction.

That was in 2002, and millions of Republicans all seemed to agree with Bush’s assessments of the U.N. weapons inspectors. They mercilessly ridiculed the U.N. inspectors, and peppered Hans Blix with endless insults for not finding the ostensible weapons of mass destruction.

Then in 2003, George W. Bush claimed that he was FORCED to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein refused to allow the U.N. weapons inspectors into Iraq. Thus, Bush and Cheney had NO CHOICE, but to invade to protect America’s national security.

Republicans had absolutely no problem agreeing with Bush when he said this.

For four months, Bush’s followers in the Republican Party had no problem insulting and ridiculing the work that the U.N. weapons inspectors were doing in Iraq. Then, in 2003, Bush claimed that the U.N. weapons inspectors WERE NEVER IN IRAQ, and Bush’s supporters had no problem agreeing with that either.

Even when Bush’s lies directly contradicted what he had said a few months earlier, his supporters had no trouble immediately accepting this lie. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing that goes on in religious cults! It doesn’t matter how nonsensical and obvious the lie, it will STILL BE BELIEVED if it comes from a high-ranking leader of the cult.

Well, that was back in 2003. It’s now 2018, and things haven’t gotten any better.

Nowadays, we have millions of Republicans with an unquestioning devotion to Trump and whatever his ideas may be at any given moment. Even when his ideas are blatantly irrational and puerile nonsense.

Consider the most recent example. Trump has whipped up his supporters into a frenzy of irrational fear and hatred by repeatedly engaging in hysterics about a small group of Central Americans, fleeing poverty and violence, who are hoping to come to the U.S. border and apply for asylum.

Refusing to allow these poor, frightened, hungry, huddled asylum-seekers into the country would be bad enough, however, Trump and his accomplices have concocted bizarre fear-mongering propaganda out of thin air and invented conspiracies about who is behind this group of impoverished migrants.

Pete Hegseth, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Newt Gingrich, Greg Jarrett, Tomi Lahren and other leaders of the Republican cult have been over at Fox “news” Channel referring to this group of frightened migrants (mostly women and children) as “an invasion” and “an act of attacking the United States' sovereignty”, planning to “storm our border” and “a threatening invading force.”

These migrants, many of whom are women and children escaping grinding poverty and violence in Central America, are tired, frightened and hungry. They are refugees, seeking asylum.

Trump refers to these asylum seekers as "very bad people" and "an invasion of our Country" and warns that "our Military is waiting for you!"

These are frightened women and children.

And Trump is basically saying that American soldiers will gun them down if they attempt to enter this country and apply for asylum.

This is like a doctor calling it "an invasion" if wounded people try to enter a hospital to seek medical attention, and warning that sheriffs and armed security guards will form a barrier around the hospital to stop them from entering.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (another leader of the Republican cult) joined in on the fear-mongering and propaganda and publicly asked if Democratic donor George Soros was funding the Central-American migrants.

The question is pure childishness and propaganda, however, childish propaganda spreads like wildfire in the Republican cult, and other members of the Republican leadership have taken the absurd notion and run with it. The notion that Soros is the dark mastermind behind all kinds of movements is now deeply embedded in the Republican cult. He’s become an all-purpose boogeyman. Republican cult leader Steve King has taken it a step further and has accused Soros of backing a grand scheme to systematically introduce foreigners to replace “Americans” (in other words, whites) with “somebody else’s babies.”

These paranoid fantasies about impoverished, tired, frightened women and children being a threatening, invading force make no sense, however, millions of Republicans have embraced these fantasies and are cheering the notion that U.S. soldiers may gun them down if they attempt to cross the border and apply for asylum.

This is not rational behavior. Embracing paranoid fantasies, embracing irrational hatreds, embracing irrational fears and rejecting the evidence of your own eyes is demented and cult-like behavior. And yet, this is exactly what we see with MILLIONS of Republicans in America today.

Are the American people starting to see it now? Are they starting to see what I mean when I say the Republican Party is acting more and more like a cult and less and less like a legitimate political party?

Take a stroll on Facebook and read the endless rants over the dread Trump, the Russians and countless other transgressors, real or imagined.

It's hilarious to note that the right wing web sites say the same things about the left as you just outlined about the right.

There is no middle ground for the parties. There never will be. Both should be dissolved and let others grow that DO represent their members.
Good analogy. The majority of people in the middle of the curve are left with very few representatives/candidates that truly represent them.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to be able to go to the polls and vote for someone on their merits, not based on whether you can tolerate them for 4 years because you KNOW it will be either a D or an R with a 50/50 chance at either?

Hey, I'd love to have a better choice than Trump. But no party has nominated a fully qualified candidate since the 80's (having the chance of a snowball in hell of winning, anyway)
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Trump refers to these asylum seekers as "very bad people" and "an invasion of our Country" and warns that "our Military is waiting for you!"

These are frightened women and children.

And Trump is basically saying that American soldiers will gun them down if they attempt to enter this country and apply for asylum.

This is like a doctor calling it "an invasion" if wounded people try to enter a hospital to seek medical attention, and warning that sheriffs and armed security guards will form a barrier around the hospital to stop them from entering.

Very well-said. I'm gonna quote you on that.
Very well-said. I'm gonna quote you on that.

I hope you do. It reinforces the idiocy being spouted by the Dem party.

Especially this:

"This is like a doctor calling it "an invasion" if wounded people try to enter a hospital to seek medical attention, and warning that sheriffs and armed security guards will form a barrier around the hospital to stop them from entering."

Not sure if anybody noticed but the "wounded people seeking medical attention" actually had to break through a wall the Mexicans have on THEIR southern border, forcing their way past armed troops.

The border of a sovereign nation is HARDLY the entrance to the ER...

Why is nobody criticizing Mexico for having a wall as good or better than ours? (btw, THEIR southern border also does not have a continuous wall, either)
These are frightened women and children.

And Trump is basically saying that American soldiers will gun them down if they attempt to enter this country and apply for asylum.

This is like a doctor calling it "an invasion" if wounded people try to enter a hospital to seek medical attention, and warning that sheriffs and armed security guards will form a barrier around the hospital to stop them from entering.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (another leader of the Republican cult) joined in on the fear-mongering and propaganda and publicly asked if Democratic donor George Soros was funding the Central-American migrants.

The question is pure childishness and propaganda, however, childish propaganda spreads like wildfire in the Republican cult, and other members of the Republican leadership have taken the absurd notion and run with it. The notion that Soros is the dark mastermind behind all kinds of movements is now deeply embedded in the Republican cult. He’s become an all-purpose boogeyman. Republican cult leader Steve King has taken it a step further and has accused Soros of backing a grand scheme to systematically introduce foreigners to replace “Americans” (in other words, whites) with “somebody else’s babies.”

These paranoid fantasies about impoverished, tired, frightened women and children being a threatening, invading force make no sense, however, millions of Republicans have embraced these fantasies and are cheering the notion that U.S. soldiers may gun them down if they attempt to cross the border and apply for asylum.

This is not rational behavior. Embracing paranoid fantasies, embracing irrational hatreds, embracing irrational fears and rejecting the evidence of your own eyes is demented and cult-like behavior. And yet, this is exactly what we see with MILLIONS of Republicans in America today.

Are the American people starting to see it now? Are they starting to see what I mean when I say the Republican Party is acting more and more like a cult and less and less like a legitimate political party?

People are starting to see it now. And it’s not just me. Here, I’ve collected some quotes that show this view is going mainstream:

“How did the Republican Party become a dangerous cult? Desperate to halt a terrifying tide of social transformation, the political heirs of Jim Crow flooded into the weak and nearly empty infrastructure of the Southern GOP. Men like Alabama’s Roy Moore and Texas’ Rick Perry were the last generation of white Southern men to begin their careers as Democrats. The flight of millions of Dixiecrats into the GOP shifted the balance of power inside the party nationwide. Their fear-soaked, delusional fervor converted that institution from a conventional political party into a white nationalist cult. The Party of Lincoln now exists to help Neo-Confederates win the Civil War politically, long after losing it on the battlefield.”

-Chris Ladd

“It’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? It’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation as it relates to a president that happens to be of, purportedly, of the same party.”

-Senator Bob Corker

“It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological, authoritarian parties of 20th-century Europe.”

-Mike Lofgren
Your comment makes no

sense! All I can think of you is 2 words. NO not fuck you but that works too. More like you
re fake news!!!
and the de,ocrates are excatly like

Commies and socialist pigs!

People are starting to see it now. And it’s not just me. Here, I’ve collected some quotes that show this view is going mainstream:

“How did the Republican Party become a dangerous cult? Desperate to halt a terrifying tide of social transformation, the political heirs of Jim Crow flooded into the weak and nearly empty infrastructure of the Southern GOP. Men like Alabama’s Roy Moore and Texas’ Rick Perry were the last generation of white Southern men to begin their careers as Democrats. The flight of millions of Dixiecrats into the GOP shifted the balance of power inside the party nationwide. Their fear-soaked, delusional fervor converted that institution from a conventional political party into a white nationalist cult. The Party of Lincoln now exists to help Neo-Confederates win the Civil War politically, long after losing it on the battlefield.”

-Chris Ladd

“It’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? It’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation as it relates to a president that happens to be of, purportedly, of the same party.”

-Senator Bob Corker

“It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological, authoritarian parties of 20th-century Europe.”

-Mike Lofgren
People are starting to see it now. And it’s not just me. Here, I’ve collected some quotes that show this view is going mainstream:

“How did the Republican Party become a dangerous cult? Desperate to halt a terrifying tide of social transformation, the political heirs of Jim Crow flooded into the weak and nearly empty infrastructure of the Southern GOP. Men like Alabama’s Roy Moore and Texas’ Rick Perry were the last generation of white Southern men to begin their careers as Democrats. The flight of millions of Dixiecrats into the GOP shifted the balance of power inside the party nationwide. Their fear-soaked, delusional fervor converted that institution from a conventional political party into a white nationalist cult. The Party of Lincoln now exists to help Neo-Confederates win the Civil War politically, long after losing it on the battlefield.”

-Chris Ladd

“It’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? It’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation as it relates to a president that happens to be of, purportedly, of the same party.”

-Senator Bob Corker

“It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological, authoritarian parties of 20th-century Europe.”

-Mike Lofgren

Your friend was most likely plagiarizing the opinion piece mentioned in this article.
People are starting to see it now. And it’s not just me. Here, I’ve collected some quotes that show this view is going mainstream:

“How did the Republican Party become a dangerous cult? Desperate to halt a terrifying tide of social transformation, the political heirs of Jim Crow flooded into the weak and nearly empty infrastructure of the Southern GOP. Men like Alabama’s Roy Moore and Texas’ Rick Perry were the last generation of white Southern men to begin their careers as Democrats. The flight of millions of Dixiecrats into the GOP shifted the balance of power inside the party nationwide. Their fear-soaked, delusional fervor converted that institution from a conventional political party into a white nationalist cult. The Party of Lincoln now exists to help Neo-Confederates win the Civil War politically, long after losing it on the battlefield.”

-Chris Ladd

“It’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? It’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation as it relates to a president that happens to be of, purportedly, of the same party.”

-Senator Bob Corker

“It should have been evident to clear-eyed observers that the Republican Party is becoming less and less like a traditional political party in a representative democracy and becoming more like an apocalyptic cult, or one of the intensely ideological, authoritarian parties of 20th-century Europe.”

-Mike Lofgren

Thanks for responding to my question. It's rewarding to know that I'm reaching some people with my words.

Also, I did some research on those quotes. I was fascinated to discover that Bob Corker, Chris Ladd and Mike Lofgren all had something very significant in common. Can you guess what it is?

All three of them have years of experience, working in the inner-halls of power in the Republican of them as a Republican U.S. Senator, one as a Republican Congressional aide and one as a York Township Republican committeeman.
GOP consultant exposes why DeSantis’ Trump-like campaign is flopping in Florida against Gillum

During a panel discussion on MSNBC on Sunday morning, a Republican consultant explained that the campaign of former U.S. Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is floundering because he is trying to portray himself as another Donald Trump and he doesn’t have the chops to pull it off.

Speaking with AM Joy host Joy Reid, conservative Christopher Metzler said that DeSantis should have run on topics that people care about, but instead tried to follow in the footsteps of Trump with a campaign based on bombast and race.

“What DeSantis did not look at very effectively is that fact that he is not Donald Trump,” he stated. “Now what works for Trump doesn’t work for other candidates. You can put the baby in a Trump onesie, but at the end of the day you’re not Donald Trump.”

With Rethug's trying to be DJT, they will soon find that there is only room for "One Gigantic Asshole" in this country.
GOP consultant exposes why DeSantis’ Trump-like campaign is flopping in Florida against Gillum

With Rethug's trying to be DJT, they will soon find that there is only room for "One Gigantic Asshole" in this country.

Yup. The party of tolerance and understanding is definitely living up to their self image...
About half the country voted for Trump. About half the country voted for Hillary.

Trump won. Gripe about it, whine, play what if games... He won.

So about half of the people that voted for Hillary are pissed about it and about half of those are very vocal about it.

Had Hillary won, about half of the people that voted for Trump would have been pissed about it and about half of those would have been very vocal about it.

Actually about 25.5% of the country voted for Trump
About 25.6 voted for Hillary Clinton
About 1.7% of the Country voted for Gary Johnson

The remaining 46.9% of the country was either unwilling or unable to vote.
Actually about 25.5% of the country voted for Trump
About 25.6 voted for Hillary Clinton
About 1.7% of the Country voted for Gary Johnson

The remaining 46.9% of the country was either unwilling or unable to vote.

Gary who?

Pick all the nits you want. Half the voters voted for one, half for the other, just like everybody knew would happen. I guess the 46.9% that noped the hell out of the election felt they weren't well represented by either side, or couldn't be bothered.
Thanks for responding to my question. It's rewarding to know that I'm reaching some people with my words.

Also, I did some research on those quotes. I was fascinated to discover that Bob Corker, Chris Ladd and Mike Lofgren all had something very significant in common. Can you guess what it is?

All three of them have years of experience, working in the inner-halls of power in the Republican of them as a Republican U.S. Senator, one as a Republican Congressional aide and one as a York Township Republican committeeman.

You're a lunatic if you think those three Never Trumper RINOs represent the base of the Republican Party. The only interests they represent and protect are those of the administrative state.
So, basically, both parties represent opposite ends of the bell curve. The lunatic fringe, if you will.

Well, most moderates are Dems now, the GOP has no place for them. The re-sorting of the two parties was not symmetric -- the GOP is now an ideological party, the Dems remain a coalition of interest groups.
Good analogy. The majority of people in the middle of the curve are left with very few representatives/candidates that truly represent them.

Proportional representation would solve that problem. Probably a new centrist party would emerge -- and, holding the balance of power between the leftists and rightists, prepared to vote with either depending on the issue, and no party holding a majority, the centrist party would almost always get its way.
Are they starting to see what I mean when I say the Republican Party is acting more and more like a cult and less and less like a legitimate political party?

The next logical step would be for the GOP to form an actual cult, with distinctive clothing and rituals, and brands on their skin, and ashrams.
Well, most moderates are Dems now, the GOP has no place for them. The re-sorting of the two parties was not symmetric -- the GOP is now an ideological party, the Dems remain a coalition of interest groups.

That coalition is being forged on a united hatred of President Trump and the Republican party.

Hatred is a fantastic unifier.
So by tomorrow night you'll have the House and the Senate, right?:rolleyes:

That's for the voters to decide.

All I can do is go cast my one vote.

It should be obvious by the fact that I'm not calling anybody a racist or worse, that my vote will be against the Democrats.
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Republicans seem to be rejecting EVERYTHING that is good about America! Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion and Separation of Church and State all seem to be alien ideas to these people!

They seem to want to live in a Christian theocracy, where the government tells you what religious doctrines you’ll follow and what church you’ll attend and criticizing the government will get you thrown into jail.

Back in the eighteenth century America fought a war to GET AWAY from a government like that! Now, Republicans are pushing America back in that direction!

Republicans are un-American. It’s just that simple.

Donald Trump swore an oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution, however, he's made it quite clear that he hates the United States Constitution and that he has no intentions of protecting or defending it.

In an interview with Fox News Trump called America's system of checks and balances on power “archaic”.

“It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”
It predates Trump.

No it doesn't.

The Dems went from a little foamy around the mouth to kicking, spitting, screaming and all manner of truly foul behavior that fateful day two years ago when Hillary lost her bid for the presidency.

Yes, there was always name calling and race baiting from the D side but since that day it's been beyond the pale.

Did you know there's actually some jackbutt that's been counting down the weeks since President Trump took office, elsewhere in the politics board here? Each week he comes up with some new (or retread) hate filled description of how Trump destroyed the world THIS week .
No it doesn't.

Did you know there's actually some jackbutt that's been counting down the weeks since President Trump took office, elsewhere in the politics board here? Each week he comes up with some new (or retread) hate filled description of how Trump destroyed the world THIS week .

Pulease! It's Jack Luis that Chronicles the failure of Trump the Turd's failures as Peeresident. It's not hard to accurate in your attributions.

And it is not hate that motivates me to do this, but disgust that the Rethuglicans allow the Turd to 'lead' them.