'Pub Blurts

Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Children in more than a dozen states like Iowa and Nebraska will not be getting food assistance this summer after 15 governors recently rejected a new federally funded food aid program to start in June.

An estimated 8 million youngsters would be affected across Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming.

""Texas nationalists calling for something akin to a 'Texit' represent some combination of fantasy and symbolic gesture, each divorced from reality," he said...."The GOP party apparatus has become the favored dwelling place of extreme and esoteric elements, where such factions are treated much more seriously than they are among the general public."


Even the GOP knows the GOP is nuts.
The article says 45 people were at the meeting and the article also states there must be at least 50 people at the meeting in order have a vote to remove someone from the committee,, So there’s that.. The article is poorly written so we have no idea how many people signed via proxy.. If there weren't 50 total she has every right not to accept the vote.. Committees should follow the rules they make..

rump-backed Ohio Senate candidate shredded documents as he faced a lawsuit accusing him of wage theft

INSIDER | 2 hours ago
Bernie Moreno, backed by Trump, is well-positioned to be the GOP nominee for Senate in Ohio.He settled over a dozen wage theft lawsuits before launching his campaign.Moreno was also sanctioned by a
Lmao. No matter what you stupid fools think, DJT WILL BE YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT and YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! And that is the 100% TRUTH! If you havent realized that by now, you all need your heads eximined...IDIOTS!!!! Its great fun to watch it really is!
Lmao. No matter what you stupid fools think, DJT WILL BE YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT and YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! And that is the 100% TRUTH! If you havent realized that by now, you all need your heads eximined...IDIOTS!!!! Its great fun to watch it really is!
So instead of commenting on the post, you just throw out random ramblings about "owning" your opposition.

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