Phrases like spices.


Blinking Osprey
Oct 15, 2021
Are there words or phrases you like to use, but like certain spices, know must be used sparingly?

My guilty favorites are the euphemisms 'her womanhood' and 'his manhood' as well as 'unbridled passion.' Words that if overused sound awful.
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Are there words or phrases you like to use, but like certain spices, know must be used sparingly?

My guilty favorites are the euphemisms 'her womanhood' and 'his manhood' as well as 'unbridled passion.' Words that if overused sound awful.
I think you can get a little extra mileage out of 'unbridled passion' if you're doing a ponygirl story. Or maybe a My Little Pony fanfic.
"Cupped her face like a prayer" has had more than one outing, as has the analogy of a woman's sex to the heat and life of a bird, held in one's palm.

And looking up at someone in a café, obviously.