

Lesbian Avenger
Jan 22, 2002
Maybe they started this forum, not to discriminate, but to give us a place of our own... a place so we can meet others like us.

Sometimes it's hard on the other boards to tell.... you don't just come out and ask someone about their sexuality. If you do, that's just rude. ;)

Now we have a place to discuss serious issues with other people of our nature....

So, don't look at it as an all bad thing... try and make the best of it.
Thank you, Cherry! ;)

Some people tend to disagree.... but we cannot help if they've been sheltered all of their lives, only to be exposed to nothing but the Andy Griffith Show. :)

Hehehehe. Sorry... had to say it.
Straight people can post here too, Maddy - posting in a GLBT forum doesn't mean somebody is automatically queer!
Etoile said:
Straight people can post here too, Maddy - posting in a GLBT forum doesn't mean somebody is automatically queer!

Did I say that they were? I think not.

I was simply stating that a forum of our own would give us more chances to meet someone like us....

And I would think that there would be MORE homosexuals posting here than straights.... I mean, wouldn't that be an obvious assumption? I don't know. *shrugs*

But, I do know that I never said that everyone that posted here was gay. (I hate the term queer.)

Politesuccubus has done a wonderful job of supporting us and she is straight. As well as many other who have posted their support. I do read other threads. I know there are straight people here. Thank you.
MaddyBaby said:

But, I do know that I never said that everyone that posted here was gay. (I hate the term queer.)

You like me, though, don't you?:D
MaddyBaby said:
Did I say that they were? I think not.

I was simply stating that a forum of our own would give us more chances to meet someone like us....

And I would think that there would be MORE homosexuals posting here than straights.... I mean, wouldn't that be an obvious assumption? I don't know. *shrugs*

But, I do know that I never said that everyone that posted here was gay. (I hate the term queer.)

Politesuccubus has done a wonderful job of supporting us and she is straight. As well as many other who have posted their support. I do read other threads. I know there are straight people here. Thank you.
I'm sorry you felt attacked and feel the need to defend yourself like this. Your original post was worded in a way that sounded to me like you thought this forum was exclusively for queers. (Sorry, I use it as a blanket term.) I was wrong, that's great.
Just one question...

why is it an issue?

This is LIT we're talkin about here! I didn't see anything in the sticky thread that said anything about excluding didn't really see anything discriminatory about this post. Of course I am new to this I guess I don't get the whole thing...


why is it an issue? it because it's moderated? Well, I agree with there being a moderator...isn't there a mod on every forum in Lit?

Maybe everyone needs to talk...and have us all set up some ground know, like everyone is a part of the forum...maybe we should be asked what rules of the forum we would like...because a lot of us have issues with the way things are going now...maybe the Mod...what's her name again?

((sorry hon, I'm new))...

Maybe we just need to see how we'd like the thing to go...and how we'd like to express our thoughts...any ideas any1?

Perhaps as a moderator, etoile, you need to read posts more closely, and maybe contact us personally before you come to so many conclusions.

Not trying to be a bitch here, just stating the obvious.

I only defend myself when needed. Please remember that.