OOC - Makai Disgaea - When Netherworlds Collide


Jan 22, 2010


Netherworlds. Dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands. Each with it's own King, or Queen, or gender ambiguous creature type thing as it's ruler. These planes of existence vary in shapes, sizes and make ups.

One plane might be ruled over by demons, another angels. One might be ruled over by anthropomorphized Hedgehogs. (HA!) The walls that separate these worlds are thin, easily pierced by those with the will, technology or raw power to do so. But this story focuses on a collection of these Netherworlds.

An intertwining of Demonic Overlords and their lands, these Netherworlds sat nestled, like neighbors, holding all manner of demons, monsters and wandering adventurers. Above them all sat parallel Heavens, with hordes of Angels and souls of departed Warriors who chose a more righteous path.

Travel between these particular Netherworlds has become commonplace under the unity of one Overlord Zetta. Ships, teleportation systems and the occasional ride on a sleepy Babylon allowing all manner of creatures to wander back and forth between the realms.

The realms of Zetta, Alexander and Pram remain the largest and most powerful of the Netherworlds (In that order). Zetta rules with his now Queen Salome, one of the only joint Overlord ruler-ships known to exist, and as such, is the most powerful. The soldiers of Zetta's great army, no longer expected to march a never ending war against other Overlords (save for the occasional bought with Alexander) are essentially free to go about their own ways.

But should an Overlord ever be in need, all Warriors of any size and stature were expected to answer the call.

Despite the relative peace, in the midst of null space, the emptiness between realms, something stirred, and grew. Something that threatened to consume even the greatest of Overlord's realms.

Who would be there to stand beside the Overlords should this evil come to fruition?

The walls of reality were always tenuously held together in this point of time and space, but as of late, it has become even more delicate, tears becoming more common and beings from realms not native to any Netherworld dropping in and out like uninvited house guests...

Combined with the shadow of a new threat, will these new visitors be allies or enemies? Will the Overlords of this realm be forced to fight a battle on two fronts or forge new alliances to save themselves?

Profile Template:

Age: ((Remember, 100 demon years = 10 human years apperance wise.))
Gender: (Male, Female or Neutral if you choose to play a monster that is gender nonspecific (such as Tarman))
Race: (Human, Angel, Demon, Monster.) (Half Breeds are not allowed unless discussed with me first in private.)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Description:
Birthplace: (Where were they born/created? If a Netherworld, which?)
Class: http://disgaea.wikia.com/wiki/Classes <-Check it.
Faction: (Overlord Minion, Merchant, Independent, Heaven, etc.)
Preferred Weapon Types: (You may select two from the following list if you are an Angel or a Demon, 4 if you are a Human, one being a main, second(or second/third/fourth) being a back up: Axe, Balloon, Bazooka, Beam Sword, Bomb, Book, Bow, Box, Cannon, Dagger, Drill, Drum, Fan, Fishing Pole, Fist Weapons,Flamethrower, Frying Pan, Gatling Gun, Hammer, Katana, Magnet, Morningstar, Nunchaku, Pie, Rapier, Remote, Rifle, Shovel, Spear, Staff, Sword, Syringe, UFO, Wrench. Monsters do not use Weapons, save for Prinnies who use Knives and Bombs.)

*Note: You may dual wield short swords, daggers, fans, frying pans, Nunchaku, Fist weapons, Pistols (A type of rifle) or wrenches and it will only count as one weapon slot.
Special Attacks: (You may create two based around your character specifically and create two based around each of your waepons. You should have a total of six (Ten if a human), with a total of four being possibly used at any given time.)
Motto: (Basically what your character would tell someone was their way of thinking, their creed, their Hakunamatata.)



Demons come in various shapes and sizes, but only the Humanoid Demons are considered the true demons. (The more bestial looking ones are dubbed 'Monsters', even the intelligent ones.) While some (most often the females) have spear tipped tails and red eyes, not all do. The one definite feature that all Demons share are short, pointed ears.

Aside from that, their appearance can be anything from a small child to a rippling mass of muscles, wings, claws, fangs, horns and extra limbs. They all speak a language shared by humans, angels and the more intelligent monsters.


Righteous, glorious, pillars of holy light and forgiveness.

Angels rarely embody any of those features. Instead, they tend to be superior, self important and look down upon both humans and demons, although in different ways. Humans they view as children that need to be protected and Demons as the embodiment of pure evil that need to be destroyed.

They find their views on the world to be flawless and rarely listen to anything else.

All Angels are winged humanoids (With normal ears) whose wings show their level of power. The larger the wings, the greater the power.


The current dominant race of the planet Earth, Humans look very much like Angels sans the wings. While they rarely possess powers equal to that of Demons and Angels, it is sometimes possible for them to reach such levels. (Often with the assistance of their technology or spells.)

Despite what people may think, Humans are fairly common in the Netherworld, taking the form of Prinnies. A Prinny is a human who has been reincarnated as penance for sins in their mortal lives. It is also possible for a human to enter the Netherworld through spells, as a few rare cases of humans becoming Overlords or Grand Witches have been recorded.


Monsters is more of a definition then a race, covering everything from the more primitive demons such as Nekomata, to the rotting flesh of Zombies, to even the pathetically weak race of Prinnies. Even Succubus tend to be classified as Monsters due to the fact that their tails turn into razor toothed mouths. To be a monster is to be FEARED...or pathetic. One or the other.


Zetta's Netherworld:​

The military center of all Netherworld's. It is easily the largest both in population and mass, being ruled over by TWO Overlord's, it's technically Zetta and Salome's Netherworld, but Salome let's Zetta take the title and Zetta happily agrees.

Here you will find the highest variance in monster strengths, as well as the most different types. Ranging from casters, to brutes, to robots and animated vegetables. Anything can happen here.

Zetta's Netherworld contains the Vehicle Shop. Here adventurers can purchase vehicles for combat, travel or even to live in. Upgrades are readily available for those that can afford them, and anyone not trained in the proper use of the Wrench would need to come here for repairs.

Alexander, God of Destruction's Netherworld:​

Young, powerful, full of energy and ego. Alexander embodies what you would expect from his title. Violence, flash and a big attitude. His world is no different. Expect colorful monsters, and a heavy storm theme here. Thunder Demons are the most common species here, but each of the more powerful ones tends to command a small army of their own.

Storms and natural disasters run rampant all over this Netherworld, much to Alex's amusement.

Here Alexander has his Battle Stadium. A living, breathing Warzone, it's often a great place to seek training against hordes of imported demons and monsters, or to settle a score in front of a vast audience. Sometimes Alexander himself will step into the ring to test out a particularly skilled Gladiator.

Pram's Netherworld:​

Much more reserved then other Netherworld's, Pram's realm is a nexus of magic and mystery. Each area is living and breathing, a tree may spring to life and do a little jig, or a waterfall may suddenly change direction and turn into a geyser.

The enemies you find here will most likely be casters, physically weak but commanders of great magic. Those of you that don't do well with ranged opponents or the elements may want to steer away from this realm.

Pram's Netherworld contains the Arcanum Academy where the greatest Spell Casters gather to work on new spells and teach their skills to impressionable youths. Should you wish to learn magic, here would be where you would study.

Seedle's Underworld:​

The Underworld, the Jail of the Damned. Even Demons die eventually, and when they do, Seedle greets them with a place all their own. Should you be struck down in a fight, this is most likely where your spirit will end up until your resurrected. You can try to escape Seedle's prisons, but few have ever managed such a feet.

Here you will find the Soul Collector, a place where you can find the souls of the dead, and resurrect them if you have the appropriate payment, and anchor for their spirits.

End of the Netherworld Tavern:​

A mobile bar owned and operated by a gaggle of Prinnies and a Merchant and Chef team (Baiem and Barley). A great ship that holds far more patrons then you'd expect, EotNT has the best food and best All Prinny band in all the known Netherworlds.

If you're lucky, Desire, the Succubus Dancer, may entertain the dry throat's and hungry bellies with one of her shows.

Here you can pick up the latest news from the live feeds from all the Netherworld Newscasts, as well as find jobs from the bulletin board. Don't cause trouble, or you'll be bounced by the Prinny Super Bot!

(Services provided at all Netherworlds)

Hospitals: All Netherworlds are equipped with a Hospital to heal wounded and sell medicines. Pram's Netherworld currently has the best Hospital, as it is home to some of, if not the best, magical healers in existence.

Zetta's Netherworld has a larger Hospital which holds more standard forms of healing, such as doctors, nurses and lots and lots of drugs.

Alexander's Hospital tends to work more like a medic's union, primarily used to get Gladiator's back on their feet just long enough to finish the next round.

Seedle's Hospital is more like a Hospice, minus the hospitality.

Dimensional Gates: All Netherworlds have a handful of Dimensional Gates, but as of late they have become so popular and well traveled that all the Overlords have constructed buildings around their Dimensional Gates to prevent them from being abused or mistreated. Each one is guarded by some of the Overlord's minions to ensure that anyone the Overlord wishes not to leave, or live, does not use them.

If you're a wanted man, you won't be using a dimensional gate easily!

*As of late, the Dimensional Gate has been shown to have the power to open up doors to completely alternate realities. Bringing through Overlords from realms never before seen. (IE: Disgaea realms.)

Rules: Two characters per player, possibly a third if I think you're committed enough.

Each player is allowed ONE vehicle to start with. You either get a bike for travel, or a very weak combat vehicle. No super robots, or mega cannons, or nuclear missle launchers. :E

No god modding or meta gaming. That means no being impossible to hit, no narrorating the other other player taking damage, no killing another character without permission and no reading someone's mind.

Guidelines: The whole 'quest' system is not going to be super important to the plot, it's just something for people to do if they want a change of pace from the core story, or to use as an introduction. The rewards from the quests aren't going to be legendary weapons, but they may offer unique trinkets that you won't find elsewhere.

Feel free to PM me any questions that are not answered here.

That said.

Let the games begin.

IC Threads:
Taken Canon Character List
DameonLG (Permanent): Zetta, Alexander and Adell

Mao: (Permanent.) Mao, Axel.

thelittledeadgirl: (Permanent.) Etna.

(Until replacement is found.) Raiden, King Drake.

Non-playable Canon Characters.
((First OC application! This means the rest of you can apply as well! :D))

Name: Maje
Age: 2324
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Dark Silver
Physical Description:

His skin is a deep tan in dark contrast to his pale hair and eyes. Hundreds of scars number along his shoulders and arms, as well as the bridge of his nose, cheeks and neck. (Although most are too small to see without closer inspection due to the wonderful work of Netherworld medics.) His hair is of medium length and very messy, with spikes jutting out in all directions. His physique is athletic and very toned. His abdomen looks very fit and heavily muscled without being too heavy, as are his arms. The muscles are thin and tightly knit as opposed to bulging and massive. The most obvious feature that makes him stand out as a demon are the short, pointed ears that stick out from the silver hair that sits atop his head.

His gear is that of the standard Warrior unit. Leather gauntlets, a forehead protector, heavy boots and pants. He also wears a sleeveless shirt, unlike most of the Warrior Class. He carries his first sword with him at all times, although it is dull and chipped from a long period of use and battle wear. The sword is nothing special, simply a battered broadsword with nicks all along the blade and a fairly dulled edge. His garb is mostly black, save for the boots, gloves and headband which are an uninspired dark brown.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Birthplace: Zetta's Netherworld
Class: Warrior
Faction: Ex-Overlord Minion
Preferred Weapon Types: Sword, Morningstar.
Motto: You can't outrun Death, but you can give him a work out.

Personality:A very self assured and brave Warrior, much of his ego is completely unwarranted. He will often take on jobs and 'missions' that require the man power of several people on his own, get thrashed, and try again over and over until either he gives up, something prevents him from completing his task, someone else does it first or he gets hit on the head so hard he doesn't remember what the job was.

He's very independent and rarely goes out of his way to work with others. Should someone request his help, though, he is often more agreeable, preferring not to be 'weak' (even when it's obvious he could use the help.) He's your stereotypical Warrior type, not thinking things out too much and often bludgeoning things until they work out the way he wants them to. He's rarely reserved and wears his opinions and emotions on his sleeve in almost all situations.

He has a great fear of Succubus, worrying that they'll suck out his soul, or turn him into a drooling, useless man slave. He also greatly despises Overlords, feeling that the way they use souls and lesser demons like fodder is inexcusable. He feels that lesser demons that succumb to a life of servitude are nearly as bad as Overlords, and wishes to one day free the enslaved demons across all Netherworlds.

As well as kill Zetta.

History: His spirit was one of the first used by Zetta to create his 'Battle Monkeys' in his war to reclaim his Netherworld after being sealed into the pages of the Sacred Tome. After the first assault, he was slain by a pair of low level minions due to Zetta's lack of skill as a commander and the fact the Overlord just didn't care.

After being dragged off to the Nether-hospital, and healed, he was expected to go back out to die again for this book-lord, but instead, he snuck off the first chance he could get, leaving the rest of his former allies to go along their adventures in the Makai Kingdom. Armed with nothing but starting equipment and a dull sword, he dragged himself through the backwash of Zetta's Netherworld's, trying to survive.

As he did, all he could do was watch as Zetta and the rest of his minions rose in power and strength to eventually restore Zetta to his body and throne. All of his soldiers having become increasingly powerful during the ordeal. But not Maje. Filled with resentment towards the Overlord both for his uncaring nature and the fact that he succeed so easily where Maje could only struggle, the Warrior then and there swore he would become strong enough to one day face Zetta and take out all his rage upon his former sire.
Comic Troubles

Name: MAO
Age: 1578

Mao sat in his room, pacing.
"Darn it! I'm running out of comic books? You! Prinny! Where do you get these anyway?"
"The comic book store, dood? But it's closed right now."
"I don't care! If I run out of comic books, I won't be able to continue my research!"
"Don't you know everything there is to know about heroes by now, dood?"
"Gah! You're a Prinny! You're my underling! You don't question, you just obey! Now go get me those comics!" The Prinny's eyes widened as sweat poured down its blue, plump neck.
"But dood! It's against the law to break into a comic book store! And it's guarded by dragons!"
"Exactly! You'll be respected in no time! Here, take these sunglasses." Mao handed the Prinny some sunglasses, grinning.
"What are these for, dude?"
"A disguise, of course!"
"But we all look alike, dude! If anything I'll just stand out!"
"I don't care how you do it, just get me those comics! Here's some armor to help you in case you're attacked."
"Dood! This armor has negative defense!"
"Put it on, dammit! That's special armor! You'll be so scared of being hit, your intelligence will go way up so you don't get killed! It's the result of hard, painstaking research!"
"Alright dood..." The Prinny put on the armor and sunglasses, reluctantly, and trudged off.

***A few hours later...***

Mao continued pacing, faster.
"I only have three thousand pages left. This is taking too long. Where is that Prinny?"
A black, smoldering blob began to pull itself in, slowly.
"Ah! There you are. Did you get the comics?"
"Dragons, dood... DRAGONS EVERYWHERE!"
"That's the new issue? Strange name, but I'll take it. Give it here. What's this? You don't have any comics on you! What kind of servant are you? Bah, this is useless. I'll go get them myself." With that, Mao walked off, leaving the Prinny on the floor.
"Dood? Don't leave me here, dood! The nurse is all the way over there, dood! Can't you carry me? Dood? DOOD? DOOOOOOOOOD!"

Name: Ryvonne
Age: 312
Gender: Female
Race: Demon.
Hair Color: Neon Green and Fuschia
Eye Color: Fuschia
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 98 lbs without the humongeous axe in her hands, 135 lbs while holding it.
Physical Description: Ryvonne is dainty and delicate looking and garbed like a harlequin marrionette from fashion hell. She has wings like a dragonfly poking out from the back of her multicoloured tunic and wears a screaming tangerine miniskirt. She has sky-blue platform boots with a platform about 9 inches thick with bright red laces on them. Her skin is parchment white and she has little fanged teeth that are frequently exposed by her near constant grin. She barely looks strong enough to hold her ginormeous weapon. Her little pointed ears that signify her demonic heritage peek out from behind her spikey hair along with a set of delicate looking, andorian style, blue antennae.
Birthplace: Originally emerged from a shattered mirror in Pram's netherworld.
Class: Beastmaster-ish.
Faction: Independent.
Preferred Weapon Types: Big, oversized axes and hammers.
Motto: Smashy-smashy!
Special Attacks: Shattered Universe (5 square straight ahead beam attack with lots of rainbow sparks) Calamity Dive (as per standard axe), Whack-a-mole (Hammer strike, single opponent, massive damage, leaves them imbedded in the ground), ummm, more to come.

Personality: Ryvonne is a trouble maker and shit disturber who loves to play pranks on others. She seems deceptively innocent and is prone to playing the "Who? Little old me?" card when caught getting up to no good. She absolutely loves interfering in other peoples' business and although she eagerly joins in any quest she's invited along for, she tends to cause more problems than she solves. She has an odd little quirk of painting prinnies with horrible 1980's patterns in clashing colours.

History: After emerging from the shattered glass in Pram's Netherworld, Ryvonne ran amok causing trouble and disarray wherever she went until Pram finally expelled her from his(her?) netherworld after she painted half of it purple. She now wanders the alternate netherworlds alone looking for trouble and finding it easy.
(Sweet dreams and don't let the bed-bugs bite! Why the hell do we say that to our young children and then expect them to sleep tight after we've just told them to be afraid of bedbugs?)
(Sweet dreams and don't let the bed-bugs bite! Why the hell do we say that to our young children and then expect them to sleep tight after we've just told them to be afraid of bedbugs?)

(Very good point. There's a clever response to that, but I'm far too tired to figure it out right now :heart: I'll settle with "The same reason we have a nursery rhyme about a baby falling from a tree." Nite nite. )
Anyways, I'll try to be online for 9pm promptly here (I'm pretty sure I'm on Central time, but time is a funny man-made thing to account for the movement of astral bodies we know so very little about. Furthermore, we insist on complicating the hell out of it with silly concepts like Daylight Savings time and time zones.)
Anyways, I'll try to be online for 9pm promptly here (I'm pretty sure I'm on Central time, but time is a funny man-made thing to account for the movement of astral bodies we know so very little about. Furthermore, we insist on complicating the hell out of it with silly concepts like Daylight Savings time and time zones.)

Hey there zombie girl! =) Hope yer doin well.

Sorry I haven't been posting as Mao lately, I'll do it after this week ends or sooner. Haha.
I think that MG forum would be great for us. Some people post a couple times a night, but if you guys do once a day, you'll be golden.
Cool! Weekends are a-okay for me (excuse the colloquialism, I'm sleep deprived) I only work from 9am-3pm on saturdays and sundays so let's have a session then okay? I unfortunately must sign off now or my pattern of sleeps deprivation will continue ad infinitum.