Omar was right


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
Not so long ago, Representative Ilhan Omar made various comments about the duality of Jewish allegiance to this country, or how it is all about the Benjamins, or even how the U.S. bends over backwards for Israel.

Needless to say, many on the right, and some on the left, condemned her remarks as anti-semitic (the usual trope trotted out when someone says anything bad about Israel).

However, when the facts are examined with a critical eye, it is quite clear her remarks are spot on. One need only look at the damage the con artist has done in two years to any suggestion of peace in the Middle East. So far he has undone decades of standard U.S. policy which states only the two parties, Palestine and Israel, can come to an agreement. Further, the U.S. will not pre-judge ownership of Jerusalem but will instead treat it as neutral territory to, again, be decided by the two parties. Instead, the con artist moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, giving Israel a longstanding desire to be recognized as ruler of the city, a rule they ruthlessly enforce through forced evictions of Palestinians from homes they legally purchased, or using laws similar to those of the Nazis, preventing Palestinians from buying land anywhere within the city.

Only today, the con artist recognized Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, again undoing decades of longstanding policy that the use of force to seize land will not be honored. Needless to say, when it was pointed out that Russia has seized Crimea from Ukraine, and the precedent of the con artist's move, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had to pull a big lie out of the hat and claim:

"What the president did with the Golan Heights is recognize the reality on the ground and the security situation necessary for the protection of the Israeli state. It's that - it's that simple."​

In other words, Israel's deft policy of "facts on the ground", a policy they have pursued since their terrorist organization was forcing Palestinians out of their homes at gunpoint or outright murdering them, bore fruit. However, Russia's use of force to eject Tatars from their homes in Crimea then moving Russians onto the land as well as building up a Russian military presence on the seized land is not the same thing. Not even close.

Then of course there is AIPAC, the only political action committee which isn't a political action committee. Every year elected officials of all stripes flock to its annual meeting to pay tribute to those who provide them with the Benjamins to run their campaigns. In return, those same elected officials are to swear their allegiance to Israel and do its bidding which, since the UN created Israel, they have done with stunning precision. Even after Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, strafing the ship multiple times in international waters while the ship broadcast in the clear it was a U.S. vessel, elected officials provided a neat and clean coverup of the deliberate attack.

And speaking of allegiance, when Omar made the comment at American Jews having dual allegiances, it's difficult, if not impossible, to say she was wrong. It is well known this particular group does whatever it can to get the American taxpayer to foot the bill for Israel's apartheid policies. Annually, over $10 billion is sent down the black hole, more than any other country and more than several other countries combined. In return, the NSO Group, an Israeli company which specializes in hacking and spying, regularly offers up its services to the very countries the U.S. accuses of human rights violations such as China and Saudi Arabia. In fact, this company justifies its sales to these and other oppressive regimes by claiming the ends justify the means. And the U.S. taxpayer is happy to pay for this?

When it comes to Israel, there will always be an excuse. Electing a known terrorist? He was a freedom fighter. Give Palestinians 15 minutes to get off their own land so Israel can confiscate it? It's a security necessity. Attack your neighbor at will? Security concerns. Being attacked by those same neighbors? Oh, the poor victim.

Israel is the only country the U.S. unequivocally stands for, no matter the issue. Not even our closest allies get this treatment. In fact, the con artist has gone out of his way to sever the ties of friendship with friends and allies alike. It's as if all those elected officials are afraid of losing those Benjamins and angering the Jewish society in America. Because as everyone knows, saying anything bad about Israel immediately makes one an anti-semite. No criticism of Israeli policies is allowed. Not one word.

And yet, by their actions, the Jewish lobby shows the truth of Omar's remarks. In fact, Glenn Greenwald lays out the hypocrisy of those claiming Omar's remark are anti-semitic, by the actions of the U.S. Senate which rose to the defense of Israel and wrote legislation which would punish anyone or any company which supports the boycott and divestment movement against Israel for its apartheid policies. As Greenwald put it:

a bill sponsored by Marco Rubio, who got more money from Sheldon Adelson than any other politician in 2016,​

So when someone such as Omar makes a factual statement, trotting out the dog whistle of ANTI-SEMITE! only goes to prove the point.
Got to admit women in Bikini's with Fully Automatic Weapons are HOT!


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