Obamacare: 83% of docs considered quitting

Merc's compulsion to lash out and call names was probably fueled by his intense hatred of conservatives and capitalism rising to the surface. If he really felt the article was misleading it would have been easy to remain calm and simply point out any perceived errors. But no, he chose to knee-jerk react and call names and use profanity.

I ask again, if Obamacare is so great, why would even one doctor consider quitting over it? We should be seeing medical school enrollment going up. And I don't mean foreign students coming from third world shitholes where even Obamacare sounds better than what they have.
I ask again, if Obamacare is so great, why would even one doctor consider quitting over it? We should be seeing medical school enrollment going up. And I don't mean foreign students coming from third world shitholes where even Obamacare sounds better than what they have.

Because stupid is not confined to fear mongers on a porn board?
Merc's compulsion to lash out and call names was probably fueled by his intense hatred of conservatives and capitalism rising to the surface. If he really felt the article was misleading it would have been easy to remain calm and simply point out any perceived errors. But no, he chose to knee-jerk react and call names and use profanity.

I ask again, if Obamacare is so great, why would even one doctor consider quitting over it? We should be seeing medical school enrollment going up. And I don't mean foreign students coming from third world shitholes where even Obamacare sounds better than what they have.

Health care enrollment is down? Do show facts old chap. Last I checked it was one of the fastest growing fields.
And that means, what?

Are you implying that it's stupid for doctors to want nothing to do with Obamacare? Please explain.

I could, but considering youre the person who posted a study that had already been debunked in another thread, a study that any 3rd grader could have told you didnt seem to add up:rolleyes:, anything I say will fall on willfully stupid ears.
I just spewed fried rice all over my table when I read "VettePet."

Fuck you, Johnny Savage.
I ask again, if Obamacare is so great, why would even one doctor consider quitting over it?

Because even the medical profession includes some RW ideological asstards?

Furthermore, we're still waiting for some actually reliable proof -- there is none such in the OP -- that any doctors are considering quitting over it.
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<derp snip>

I ask again, if Obamacare is so great, why would even one doctor consider quitting over it? We should be seeing medical school enrollment going up.

Obamacare was not designed to help further line the pockets of doctors. It was designed to help lessen the number of uninsured and undersinsured people in the United States.

As such, we're going to see more people on bare bones programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Doctors don't make as much profit (if any) on these patients, so they are pouting.
And that means, what?

Are you implying that it's stupid for doctors to want nothing to do with Obamacare? Please explain.

If the Affordable Health Care for America Act interferes neither with doctors' ability to treat patients -- which it doesn't -- nor their ability to make a living at that -- which it doesn't -- then, yes, it is abysmally stupid, and/or greedy, of them "to want nothing to do with" it. And, we still don't know that there are any who take that attitude anyway.
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Obamacare was not designed to help further line the pockets of doctors. It was designed to help lessen the number of uninsured and undersinsured people in the United States.

As such, we're going to see more people on bare bones programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Doctors don't make as much profit (if any) on these patients, so they are pouting.

Nevertheless, no M.D. in America is actually going to be made working-poor by this reform.
Florida urologist Jack Cassell posted a sign on his office door reading, "If you voted for Obama ... seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your health care begin right now, not in four years."


Quote: "Maybe he thinks the Hippocratic Oath says, 'Do no good'," Grayson said. "If this is the face of the right wing in America, it's the face of cruelty. ... Why don't they change the name of the Republican Party to the Sore Loser Party?"

These are the people you associate with.
Of those surveyed, 83% "have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama’s health care reform law." If it's so damn good, why would even one doctor consider quitting the field?




Gullible and dumb, what a combination.

Besides your dog, where's your proof to the contrary?

If 50% of doctors were considering quitting it would be the biggest story of the decade. If 83% were considering quitting because of Obamacare Obama would have been shot, and if not that he certainly wouldn't be a viable candidate and you can hate on him all you want but we both know this isn't going to be the year Californa goes Red.
The truth be known! The wonder of Canadian state run medical care:

Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
Published: 3:17 PM 07/11/2012

A Canadian study released Wednesday found that many provinces in our neighbor to the North have seen patients fleeing the country and opting for medical treatment in the United States.

The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104 percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993.

Specialist physicians surveyed across 12 specialties and 10 provinces reported an average total wait time of 19 weeks between the time a general practitioner refers a patient and the time a specialist provides elective treatment — the longest they have ever recorded.

In 2011, Canadians enrolled in the nation’s government-dominated health service waited long periods of time for an estimated 941,321 procedures. As many as 2.8 percent of Canadians were waiting for treatment at any given time, according to the Institute.

“In some cases, these patients needed to leave Canada due to a lack of available resources or a lack of appropriate procedure/technology,” according to the Institute. “In others, their departure will have been driven by a desire to return more quickly to their lives, to seek out superior quality care, or perhaps to save their own lives or avoid the risk of disability.”

Increases in the number of patients leaving Canada for treatment were seen in seven of the ten Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

“Some of these patients will have been sent out of country by the public health care system due to a lack of available resources or the fact that some procedures or equipment are not provided
in their home jurisdiction,” the report concluded.


Oh NOE! People have to wait for ELECTIVE treatment!

The truth be known! The wonder of Canadian state run medical care:

Report: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
Published: 3:17 PM 07/11/2012

A Canadian study released Wednesday found that many provinces in our neighbor to the North have seen patients fleeing the country and opting for medical treatment in the United States.

The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104 percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993.

Specialist physicians surveyed across 12 specialties and 10 provinces reported an average total wait time of 19 weeks between the time a general practitioner refers a patient and the time a specialist provides elective treatment — the longest they have ever recorded.

In 2011, Canadians enrolled in the nation’s government-dominated health service waited long periods of time for an estimated 941,321 procedures. As many as 2.8 percent of Canadians were waiting for treatment at any given time, according to the Institute.

“In some cases, these patients needed to leave Canada due to a lack of available resources or a lack of appropriate procedure/technology,” according to the Institute. “In others, their departure will have been driven by a desire to return more quickly to their lives, to seek out superior quality care, or perhaps to save their own lives or avoid the risk of disability.”

Increases in the number of patients leaving Canada for treatment were seen in seven of the ten Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

“Some of these patients will have been sent out of country by the public health care system due to a lack of available resources or the fact that some procedures or equipment are not provided
in their home jurisdiction,” the report concluded.


Many of their hospitals and medical facilities simply closed their doors, leaving no medical care for miles to those who now had 'free care', but no available medical facility to use it. The cause in nearly all cases was the crippling effect of the economics of 'free medical care'.
Hip replacement line------------------->


take 2 aspirin. :cool:
Many of their hospitals and medical facilities simply closed their doors, leaving no medical care for miles to those who now had 'free care', but no available medical facility to use it. The cause in nearly all cases was the crippling effect of the economics of 'free medical care'.

No medical care for miles?

That would explain a lot.
The loser Obama is proven to be a liar of the first order once again:

Obamacare Now Estimated to Cost $2.6 Trillion in First Decade
11:29 AM, JUL 11, 2012 • BY DANIEL HALPER

The Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee will later today release the following chart, detailing the rising projected cost of President Obama's signature legislation, Obamacare:


The latest estimate, as the chart details, is that Obamacare will cost $2.6 trillion dollars in its first real decade. The bill does not fully go into effect until 2014, therefore the estimate begins with that year.

"President Obama promised a joint session of Congress in 2009 to spend $900 billion over ten years on his health care law: 'Now, add it all up, and the plan that I’m proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.' Adding up all the different spending provisions in the health care law, however, (including closing the Medicare 'donut hole,' implementation costs, and other spending) total gross spending over the FY 2010–19 period is about $1.4 trillion, based on CBO estimates," the Senate Budget Committee Republican staff explains. "And most of the major spending provisions in the law do not even take effect until 2014. Congressional Democrats delayed these provisions in order to show only six years of spending under the plan in the original 10-year budget window (from FY2010-19) used by CBO at the time the law was enacted. Therefore, the original estimate concealed the fact that most of the law’s spending only doesn’t even begin until four years into the 10-year window. A Senate Budget Committee analysis (based on CBO estimates and growth rates) finds that that total spending under the law will amount to at least $2.6 trillion over a true 10-year period (from FY2014–23)—not $900 billion, as President Obama originally promised."


Even if this were the price I'd be cool with it, but I'm fairly certain these numbers are half truths that for example aren't factoring 500 billion shifted from Medicare.