New Virginia porn law

The same people who will cry that minors are watching porn are now the people who have a problem with the solution.

If you're afraid to admit you watch porn-which let's face it is the reason people don't like this-then apparently you're not an adult and shouldn't be doing anything mommy wouldn't like.
I noticed a recent decline in internet porn. Some sites fail to stay connected, some are gone, and more are paywalled. Many phones now have thumbprint recognition, so that may become the standard way of age check and payment at the remaining sites. Whatever nanny staters say about porn doesn't change the math of rising expenses for anything on the internet.
I live in VA as well, reppin the 804 lol, but my get around is turning off my wifi to my phone and just use my cellular data. Works every time for pornhub. Luckily, and don't follow the new law and I can watch those with wifi on. Now, once I've started a video on PH, I can turn on wifi to be able to stream it better but I need to turn it back off should I reload the page or leave the page all together.
They should Institute this in NYC, Afast and easy way to get the UN out of the USA