New Literotica "stories page"


Really Experienced
Dec 16, 2015
So I have bookmarked

When I click in the link I see "STORIES, CATEGORIES & MORE" and "COMMUNITY" (Why this ALL CAPS SCREAMING???)

I don't see any stories.

So I scroll down to the next page.

I see "RESOURCES", but I don't see any stories. (Do you remember that I opened the "stories"-page)?

So I scroll down to the next page.

I see "SHOP LITEROTICA", but I don't see any stories. (At that point I'm tempted to scroll up to the page start to see if I'm really on the "stories"-page)?

So I scroll down to the next page.



But ... There is the "Author Index" button, which is absolutely pointless, since I can NOT "Select stories by your favorite writer." if the writer hasn't just posted in the last hour.

All in all the new interface is an absolute disappointment.

Also: The German start page is mostly in English.

The category headers ARE in German but lead to the English categories.

The German category header for "Non consent" is translated wrong. "Nicht festgelegt" means "not determined". The correct translation would be "Nicht einvernehmlich".
Yes, and you get English, not German stories there. Not helpful.
Yes, and you get English, not German stories there. Not helpful.

The new Literotica Story Page Beta has some bugs, and in particular for the Non-English part of the website. If you want to visit the German story lists, use the old, 'Classic Literotica settings.
The new Literotica Story Page Beta has some bugs, and in particular for the Non-English part of the website. If you want to visit the German story lists, use the old, 'Classic Literotica settings.

This answer in a "Tech support" forum? Not helpful!
This answer in a "Tech support" forum? Not helpful!

Don't blame me for the website; I'm only a visitor. But it's clear to me; you are only here to complain and you are not really interested in getting to the German stories.
Don't blame me for the website; I'm only a visitor. But it's clear to me; you are only here to complain and you are not really interested in getting to the German stories.

Sorry? This thread is about bugs in the NEW INTERFACE. It doesn't help the developers if everybody just goes back to the old one.

I don't expects answers along the line of "How to avoid the new interface" here.
If you keep dumping on folks who are trying to help you, you're going to stop getting any responses at all.

I didn't ask for help. This is a bug-report in a "tech support" forum.

If this is the wrong forum for bug-reports, can you please point me to the right one?
What you're saying makes sense, but the /stories/ page has long been the site index or site map. This wasn't intentional, it just happened as the site grew over the years. :D

There are millions of people who visit Literotica every week, and many of them don't like big changes, so we are trying to make as few changes to the site structure as possible while updating the interface.

Our plan in the future is to slowly re-organize things to make Lit easier to navigate, but changing the interface and the site structure at the same time might lead longtime users to stage a revolt.

As far as the language issues, sorry about those. That's just a matter of updating the translations, which is in progress. All new pages should be available in all of the existing languages, plus many more languages, once the update is completed.

We have been testing the language updates on the Tags Portal, so you might see more of the new interface in German there:

Thank you for the feedback and for being patient with our slow update. :D
Thank you for the feedback and for being patient with our slow update. :D

Being a software engineer myself, I can understand all this. I just wanted to emphasize that the new interface doesn't really feel better than the old one to me.

I have lived with the bad translations for a long time, but I heard there was a recent surge of new members due to xhamster closing its stories section. I don't see why wrong translation can be corrected. What about asking for volunteers in the relevant language specific fora?

Just my 2 cents