My Bohemian Lounge: Come in and relax!



Hello! Welcome! :)

Sit down and relax. Have a drink if you'd like. We have tea and other types of beverages, and snacks if you'd like some. This is my area if you would like to come in, have a chat with me and tell me about your day. All Writers are Welcome! :D I will share some of my writing inside this thread. Mostly examples of my writing, and sometimes I will share idea's with you all that I have in mind to do next. Feel free to ask me questions if you'd like to get to know me better. Sometimes I will share photography and gifs that I love. Look forward to meeting you all and I hope you're having a lovely day!! :)

Tommy Jarvis felt something in his heart, he woke up, gasping for air, and looked around the room. Right beside the bed, was the alarm clock and it was set for six a.m. in the morning, he had a shift tomorrow at the warehouse. Megan laid closely towards his body, snoring softly. The moonlight poured in through the room and he could see Megan's gentle face sleeping soundly. His blue eyes dimmed and adjusted to his surroundings. He went beside her and kissed her forehead softly, Megan stirred in her sleep and felt his movements. Her eyes opened up and looked at him, "Tommy? You okay? Another nightmare?" she asked softly, her voice sounding concerned. Tommy looked straight ahead, not answering her, yet he sighed and nodded as looked over at her. Megan sat up in bed and rested her head on his shoulders, "You know he's dead right?" the words came out doubtfully and Tommy chuckled and shook his head. "I can't believe I still have nightmares of that fucker, after all these years." Tommy sighed and held her close to his body. "I'm glad you don't think I'm a total shitcase, Megan." Megan placed her lips on his and kissed him passionately.

Megan laughed to herself and kissed him again, "You a shitcase alright, but you're my shitcase." Tommy began tickling her and it took her by surprise, she began laughing and kicking her feet up as he continued to tickle her. "We should go back to bed, if you have another nightmare... just wake me up okay?" she raised her eyebrows at him and smirked. Tommy laid down and Megan rested on his chest, closing her eyes feeling close to him. "I love you, Megan," he whispered softly. Megan responded and Tommy kept his eyes open, looking at the Moon. Something still was aching in his heart and he could feel it, he chose not to say a word though. The last thing he wanted was to worry Megan.
