Mueller’s credibility problem

So, did you read the article?

PS My tee rocks!

Mueller’s problem is his investigation was about collusion to rig the election between Trump and Russia. That's an empty sack.

Now he's gone on a political fishing expidition to get anything he can on trump , which was the goal to begin with.

I see Trump being vindicated. No 2018 boost for dems. Maybe Team D can pay for another, juicier dossier? Can it be done before midterms?

The FBI will have no credability left and Mueller’s reputation will be toast. The only thing exposed will be how corrupt our institutions have become.

Your T-shirt , nice rack. I mean it rocks
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The whole purpose of the Hillary Clinton campaign/DNC-financed, Fusion GPs-directed, Christopher Steele-complied "dossier" was to dig-up (or fabricate) political smear-job dirt on the current President of the United States of America (I typed that full, OFFICIAL, UNARGUABLE title out simply for imprinting it upon progressives' hateful, small minds even more). And it completely fulfilled its totally per-destined role by submitting one, simple conclusion: that Trump, because of these "dossier" fabrications, was somehow extremely vulnerable to Putin blackmail.

That's it, that's the entire STORY this thing's all about STILL: the Tool's opposition - no matter which deep state, statist political banner they pick to hide behind - unarguably find that he is unworthy/unfit/whatthefuckever to be constitutionally elected to the Office he was most certainly constitutionally elected to...

...and the ONLY thing they picked to base IT ALL on is Trump being wide-open vulnerable to Putin blackmail. Every other piece of crap that leaks out, seeps out of that; which, again, the infamous "dossier" asserts and which Obama's DOJ and FBI swallowed enough to seek and get warrants to further investigate and even pay more $ to Fusion GPS to keep pimping its fabrication - specifically for MEDIA consumption. The above bank propaganda simply continues to pimp the vulnerable-to-blackmail theme.

You remember where/when the irrelevant Trump-Russian bank stuff originally began?


The Indiana University computer science professor/Hillary Clinton campaign $$ donor who "discovered" a computer in Trump Tower "communicating" with a Russian bank?

Before clicking to read all the gossipy stuff/fodder has to print just to justify their "UNPROVEN" conclusion, remember: ALL this calculated smear-job is intended to do is pimp and pimp the mere suggestion of BLACKMAIL VULNERABILITY so that it sways enough public pressure that Trump has no other choice but to resign.

THAT is the goal of ALL of THIS.

If ANY of ALL THIS is true to the literal extent Trump is vulnerable to Putin blackmail, he most certainly should resign...

But if no such vulnerably exists - and Trump knows that more than ANYONE - then the statist deep state most definitely picked the wrong person to try to criminally bullshit about. Because if this swings that way now - that this is ALL bullshit - then the real HISTORICALLY criminal charges will be forthcoming and the statist deep state could very well be fatally wounded by from them.

Again: I wouldn't vote to elect Donald J. Trump anything; if I have a choice now between the Tool resigning and him being the monkey wrench to bring the statist deep state down...

Mueller’s problem is his investigation was about collusion to rig the election between Trump and Russia. That's an empty sack.

Now he's gone on a political fishing expidition to get anything he can on trump , which was the goal to begin with.

I see Trump being vindicated. No 2018 boost for dems. Maybe Team D can pay for another, juicier dossier? Can it be done before midterms?

The FBI will have no credability left and Mueller’s reputation will be toast. The only thing exposed will be how corrupt our institutions have become.

Your T-shirt , nice rack. I mean it rocks

We shall see.

I think Rob should make a death pool thread. That would be more entertaining than the endless back and forth currently going on here when no one knows what Mueller has or doesn't have.

Thanks, it was a gift, and I am rather fond of it. Them too I suppose. :D
Deflect. Distract. Lie. On, my, I'm so glad you told us how it is, Unabatable. :)

The stench of Trump dupe/dope desperation.
Don't know what was more funny watching all libtards get excited over the lie or seeing them cry once the lie was exposed and they knew the bitter sting of still losing !

And seeing that Florida democrat going to jail was more winning, lock up Hillary next, locker her up!!!

lol...and others are the "tards"..

Yanno...this may come as a complete shock, but many of us didn't care for hilary.. but had no desire to have this buffoon trump as the president. Hope you enjoy the tax cut for the rich when they cut back on your social security and medicare to pay for it.
Mueller’s problem is his investigation was about collusion to rig the election between Trump and Russia. That's an empty sack.

Now he's gone on a political fishing expidition to get anything he can on trump , which was the goal to begin with.

I see Trump being vindicated. No 2018 boost for dems. Maybe Team D can pay for another, juicier dossier? Can it be done before midterms?

The FBI will have no credability left and Mueller’s reputation will be toast. The only thing exposed will be how corrupt our institutions have become.

Your T-shirt , nice rack. I mean it rocks

The investigation of collusion includes the why. The answer sought for that is to what extent the Russians own Trump and therefore have a payoff in colluding.

Why are you nervous about that?
The investigation of collusion includes the why. The answer sought for that is to what extent the Russians own Trump and therefore have a payoff in colluding.

Why are you nervous about that?

Remember, first of all: there exists no criminal charge of "collusion" that can possibly be applied to this entire situation; ie, every time you read/hear anyone cite "collusion" as having any legal/criminal bearing whatsoever regarding Trump or anyone on his transition team and Russia, they're either intentionally or ignorantly lying.

That is not any wannabe opinion - it is pure legal fact.
I suppose you all believe Trump's lawyers about the subpoenas too?

So, you're not going to show us all of the evidence Mueller has seen?

Sad face emojii

You seem to be one of the very few who think he actually has any.
You seem to be one of the very few who think he actually has any.

Have you ever slaughtered a rabbit? You grab them by the hind legs and hold them up head down, then you pet them, calm them until they quit struggling. When they are calm enough you hit them right behind the ears with a blow that snaps their neck. Mueller has been very good at keeping things under wraps and keeping people calm. The metaphorical blow is just round the corner. Wait for it........

We shall see.

I think Rob should make a death pool thread. That would be more entertaining than the endless back and forth currently going on here when no one knows what Mueller has or doesn't have.

Thanks, it was a gift, and I am rather fond of it. Them too I suppose. :D

A Deadpool thread might be a good idea if Mueller can drag out the investigation for another year. So far it's a pig in the poke. No collusion just Flynn not being able to remember what he said, when he said it. It's Scooter Libby part duex IMO.
We'll see.

Considering the grand jury is from the DC area, populated overwhelming by Team D and deep state suck ups, he could get an incitement on Santa Clause if he wanted. IMO I think anything he can come up with will be weak, it might clear a low bar (headlines but no meat on the bones).

The more interesting question for me is does he fall on the sword for the never Trump crowd to advance their goals?

Suppose? Suppose? lol.

The investigation of collusion includes the why. The answer sought for that is to what extent the Russians own Trump and therefore have a payoff in colluding.

Why are you nervous about that?

1) You are dense. You should go watch that video Eyer posted. Time stamp 27:31
2) You need to learn how to read.
3) You keep on believing in that nothing burger.
1) You are dense. You should go watch that video Eyer posted. Time stamp 27:31
2) You need to learn how to read.
3) You keep on believing in that nothing burger.

And you can remain delusional as long as you want. We'll all see what actually happens. You seem to be one of the ones sweating what's happening. :)D) Some, like you (and Trump), will probably say it never happened even when it catches you on tape doing it. You go, guy. ;)
A few folks contributing to this thread will be eating a big big slice of humble pie before Mr Meuller is finished.

Just be patient people - the fat lady ain't started singing yet. ;)
I already knew that story was a German engineered lie. You're a bit behind. BTW, Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull, is in some shit now as well. Apparently emails have emerged of him praising Sally Yate's lawless action not to uphold Trump's totally legal travel ban (SCOTUS voted 7-2 in favor) saying he was in awe of her...more indications of Mueller's shitty judgment in picking credible staff who aren't politically compromised with bias.

Try not to fall in love with that idea, RG. I know it's hard, but SCOTUS did NOT rule on the merits of Trump's travel ban. Here is the full text of what the Court decided:

(ORDER LIST: 583 U.S.)




The application for a stay presented to Justice Kennedy and by him referred to the Court is granted, and the District Court’s October 20, 2017 order granting a preliminary injunction is stayed pending disposition of the Government’s appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and disposition of the government’s petition for a writ of certiorari, if such writ is sought. If a writ of certiorari is sought and the Court denies the petition, this order shall terminate automatically. If the Court grants the petition for a writ of certiorari, this order shall terminate when the Court enters its judgment.

In light of its decision to consider the case on an expedited basis, we expect that the Court of Appeals will render its decision with appropriate dispatch.

Justice Ginsburg and Justice Sotomayor would deny the application.

Trump may yet win this battle at the Supreme Court level, but, seriously, what do you think the Ninth Circuit is going to do? And don't be too certain about winning this battle on "the merits." Resident aliens seeking entry BACK into the country and those with families legally residing here have legal leverage apart from the President's authority in many cases.

This is still a long way from being totally resolved.
A few folks contributing to this thread will be eating a big big slice of humble pie before Mr Meuller is finished.

Just be patient people - the fat lady ain't started singing yet. ;)
Question is, when will Gups and Team Tromp totally freak out and go toxic-aggressive? Will Gup congresscritters introduce bills to cut Mueller's funds and cancel or time-limit his mandate? Will Tromp start firing and hiring stooges until he finds one who will fire Mueller? Will Tromp stage some flashy distraction like attacking DPRK? What is the limit of their desperation?

This ain't a TV reality-melodrama, folks. Politics is a blood sport. People are already being badly hurt. The seats of power are held by ruthless assholes who will do all possible to retain and expand that power. Stay low. Keep your passport updated and handy. This WILL get messy.
It will be interesting to see the expressions on the Trumpets' faces when they go in for their cancer treatments to find they no longer are covered by government programs so that the rich can have a bigger yacht. At some point the Trumpets have got to realize that they screwed themselves the minute they signed up as a Trumpet.

In a court appearance Monday in Manhattan, Gates' attorney Walter Mack said that federal prosecutors have told him that more charges, called superseding indictments, may be coming.

"We don't know what the government is going to do," Mack said in court, referring to both Gates' case and a white-collar case in New York involving one of Gates' business partners. "I mean, in both cases we've been told that there may be a superseder. We don't know what's happening."
A Deadpool thread might be a good idea if Mueller can drag out the investigation for another year. So far it's a pig in the poke. No collusion just Flynn not being able to remember what he said, when he said it. It's Scooter Libby part duex IMO.
We'll see.

Considering the grand jury is from the DC area, populated overwhelming by Team D and deep state suck ups, he could get an incitement on Santa Clause if he wanted. IMO I think anything he can come up with will be weak, it might clear a low bar (headlines but no meat on the bones).

The more interesting question for me is does he fall on the sword for the never Trump crowd to advance their goals?

Suppose? Suppose? lol.

1) You are dense. You should go watch that video Eyer posted. Time stamp 27:31
2) You need to learn how to read.
3) You keep on believing in that nothing burger.

You seem to have forgotten a few people. ;)

Interesting article written by Josh Blackman - South Texas College of Law Houston. Where have I heard that name before? I know!...

Josh is the founder and President of the Harlan Institute, the founder of FantasySCOTUS, the Internet's Premier Supreme Court Fantasy League.

Supreme Court Fantasy League? LMAO!!