Mons Veneris

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God i can only imagine the hours of work in the gym
That's not so much gym, as diet. (It still looks good!)

Unfortunately, most of us would need to near starve ourselves to get this shredded. A few people are this lean naturally, but not super common.
That's not so much gym, as diet. (It still looks good!)

Unfortunately, most of us would need to near starve ourselves to get this shredded. A few people are this lean naturally, but not super common.
Having so little body fat is not an easy feat by any measures. Yes low, very low calorie intake and lots of protein should help but I feel like genetics plays a crucial role as well.
Im not a gym bunny, i cycle, keep fit when i can, walk but i could never get into that shape
You're like the rest of us then, healthy.

My guess is this woman is basically at her peak level for a body building or fitness competition. (Probably also had a professional level photographer taking that photo.)
To get to that level of lean, requires A LOT of work. It's all diet and cardio, not really any muscle building. That 'peak' is typically only good for a short period of time, as muscle loss starts to happen when limiting calories to the level required to get there. A few hours previous to this photo she may have been limiting her water, and taking some glycerin to pull water into the muscle to make everything look that that tight.

To be clear, I like the aesthetic. I can appreciate the work to get there (it's probably close to a full time job). But, unless she's a genetic freak it's a very short window of time before she looks more like the rest of us.
Im not a gym bunny, i cycle, keep fit when i can, walk but i could never get into that shape
Desire provides absolute refutation to the media obsession with body-form. There is no one specific body-form that all must aspire to. The photos and clips uploaded onto Literotica – and elsewhere, show the full wonderful diversity of the human body. And for every kind of body, there are people out there who love and desire that body. Beauty is a flexible concept. Your nipples are kissable, and very beautiful.