Missed Connection


Really Really Experienced
Nov 5, 2015
I used to wonder if you felt the same way I do, but your passing smile and the way you look back at me after passing each other in the hall tells me you do.

Over the last few months you have started parking closer to me, sitting closer to me in meetings, and standing closer to me in the elevator even when we are alone. Sometimes as we pass you smile softly as I raise my eyebrow and smile back. Both of saying or wanting to say more than just "good morning."

Lately we can feel each other's presence. I can hear you sit up straight and act busy when I pass your desk, and I clench my teeth with need when I hear your heels clicking on the marble floors as you pass my office.

We have both grown brave in our intenions. I've noticed you stepping slower and closer to me when I hold doors open for you, and the way your walk suddenly has a suggestive sway when I'm in your line of sight. You make it hard to work. Especially when your hand brushes my arm reaching over me at the copier or coffee bar. Equally so, it appears I have the same effect when my hand grazes the small of your back guiding you into the elevator or through a door.

I wonder if your mind wanders through all the what-ifs and desires that mine does? Do you find yourself wondering what would happen if we were there alone before the office was full or after everyone goes home? Could we stand the anticipation? Where would we see each other if we were the only ones there? A hallway, breakroom, or would we dare find a reason to visit the other's desk. What then? Would you follow my lead if my hand more than grazed your lower back? Humor me a moment and think about finding ourselves in the breakroom to get coffee. Your hand brushes my arm as it usually does, and my hand touches your lower back. We pause for just a moment. You feel yourself being pulled closer to me. My hand drawing you in, but it feels like you are floating and being pulled in by an invisible string somehow anchored in your stomach. I stand next to and over you with one hand on your back the other now caressing then holding one of yours. You can't tell if the sudden temperature increase is the heat from the coffee machine, our bodies, or you blushing. I turn you to face me with both hands on your hips. You look up to me with your hands flat on my chest now. Your nude heels make you feel like you are on your toes leaning up to be kissed. My grip on your hips tighten and you bite your lip and exhale a whispering moan as your body reacts.

Is the feeling mutual? Do you have the same thoughts distracting you throughout the day?
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Is everyone ready for their holiday work parties?
Well written! Hope she says YES, I know I would.

Thank you! This wasn't for anyone specific. It was for those who have been through that kind of experience, and just starting a conversation.
Very well written. I'd like to think that those 'missed connections' could always end in at least a kiss...but, then, they wouldn't be 'missed'.
Very well written. I'd like to think that those 'missed connections' could always end in at least a kiss...but, then, they wouldn't be 'missed'.

I sometimes wonder if the fantasy itself is the only seductive part. It would be a shame to act on it and it be a total bust.
But if you never take a chance on something, you might miss something wonderful.

I sometimes wonder if the fantasy itself is the only seductive part. It would be a shame to act on it and it be a total bust.
I sometimes wonder if the fantasy itself is the only seductive part. It would be a shame to act on it and it be a total bust.

Good point... but what if it's more than what was imagined?

That fantasy is only the 'foreplay' in what could possibly be the most sensual adventure. I think, if two people were that attracted to one another, and were still able to hold back, that it would be exciting and very heated when those bonds were broken.
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Good point... but what if it's more than what was imagined?

That fantasy is only the 'foreplay' in what could possibly be the most sensual adventure. I think, if two people were that attracted to one another, and were still able to hold back, that the it would exciting and very heated when those bonds were broken.

It is a risk I would need to take. The reward of that kind of unfiltered passion would be too great to not try.

Have you been in that situation and followed through?
It is a risk I would need to take. The reward of that kind of unfiltered passion would be too great to not try.

Have you been in that situation and followed through?

Yes, I have. Yes, I did. No regrets.
So certain

"Faint heart never won fair lady." I am so bold, now, at 72. Most all women love a compliment, and react well to it. I have never been told to go away, or shut up, or U creep, or anything like that. And, there is SO much to like.....
This is great! If only there was someone at work worth flirting with! Though there are some people on the train in the morning I'd love to get closer to! Always difficult to think of what to say though...
This is great! If only there was someone at work worth flirting with! Though there are some people on the train in the morning I'd love to get closer to! Always difficult to think of what to say though...

A smile, an accidental brushing of the hand...and if you need words, hello and good morning are good ice breakers;) At this time of year there's more. . Merry Christmas, it's 'insert weather'... etc.
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A smile, an accidental brushing of the hand...and if you need wirds, hello and good morning are good ice breakers;) At this time of year there's more. . Merry Christmas, its 'insert weather'... etc.

Yes, all good advice! I've had times where someone has stood up right against me on a busy train, so a clear sign of them liking me, but never had the guts to say anything as they're usually talking to someone else! Time to be more brave I reckon!
Yes, all good advice! I've had times where someone has stood up right against me on a busy train, so a clear sign of them liking me, but never had the guts to say anything as they're usually talking to someone else! Time to be more brave I reckon!

If there's a pause, you can say your hair smells nice. It's hard in that situation, because she could say she's only against you because it's busy.
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If there's a pause, you can say your hair smells nice. Its hard in that situation, because she could say she only against you because its busy.

You never know until you try, right? Most people don't look as though they want to talk on public transport but once you get them started they love it!

The whole missed connections thing is fascinating, if only people (myself included) just talked to each other!
You never know until you try, right? Most people don't look as though they want to talk on public transport but once you get them started they love it!

The whole missed connections thing is fascinating, if only people (myself included) just talked to each other!

Is it a British thing, not talking?
Some people are shy. I used to walk with my head up until someone approached, them look at the sidewalk... afraid they'd say hello, but happy if they did.

But that's not the same as watching someone pass by your desk each day and being attracted to them.
Is it a British thing, not talking?
Some people are shy. I used to walk with my head up until someone approached, them look at the sidewalk... afraid they'd say hello, but happy if they did.

But that's not the same as watching someone pass by your desk each day and being attracted to them.

Yes, it's definitely a British thing to not talk! We're the best in the world at that!

I think the thing about watching someone at work and not doing anything is the fear of it going wrong and not being reciprocated...It's gonna be awkward for months if you're not successful!
Yes, it's definitely a British thing to not talk! We're the best in the world at that!

I think the thing about watching someone at work and not doing anything is the fear of it going wrong and not being reciprocated...It's gonna be awkward for months if you're not successful!

Or if it takes off and ends. But, I never had that problem. We were adults.
Christmas party might be a good opportunity if you have one of those happening?

Not for me this year. Maybe one of my Litster neighbors will though. Happy flirtings everyone.