Mankind's Last Hope (closed)

She smiled again when he said the 'wow'. Scott was the longest relationship she had ever had and intended to keep it going even longer.
"good night."

And she watched him walk off. She waited a few more minutes and took the ice off her knee and threw the bad back into the freezer and walked back to her room hearing him still in the shower shutting her door and undressing down to her panties and shirt and slept through the night.

Her body clock got her up and she got up stretching and pulled on her bra and a tight t-shirt and camo pants. She went to the bathtroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth then went to the kitchen and started to make coffee.

As it was brewing she went to the cockpit and checked on everything and saw it was all in order and still running well then returned to the kitchen.
After his shower, Brad got dressed with his t-shirt and shorts, and climbed into bed. He had planned a journal entry on his computer, but was too tired, and, in-fact, fell asleep rather quickly.

He woke and heard running water in the bathroom, it sounded like the sink. These ships had been built in haste, any sound seemed to travel throughout the entire deck. While he didn't care right now, in 18 months, it could drive him mad. He put on a tank top with some blue flight pants.

He strutted out of his quarters and nodded to Sloan, who was on her way back from the cockpit. "Morning, corporal. I trust we're not flying in the wrong direction yet?" He asked jokingly, before joining her in the kitchen and helping himself to the pot of coffee.
She saw him and smiled and he called her by her title.
"we're going the right way sir."
She said the 'sir' without even thinking about it, it came so naturally since she had to use it all the time.

After he had gotten his coffee she poured herself a cup drinking it black and blew on it trying to cool it off. She looked at him.
"So whats on the schedule for today? Anything special?"
She sipped at her coffee and looked up at him.
Brad smirked. "Try not to go crazy?" he suggested to her. "We have a high-beam telescope on board, we're supposed to spot and record various space objects while we're cruising along. However, its 'low-priority' and we're not supposed to stop for anything," he explained.

He finished his cup of coffee and set it down on the counter. He found it hard not to smile at her. "The telescope is one deck below this one, next to the engineering compartment," he said, before heading to the treadmill. He flipped the video screen to one of the boring military documentaries that they had saw fit to pre-install on the ship, and started his jogging. He occasionally glanced back to Sloan to see if she was watching him or not.
She laughed at his intial answer to her question. She rolled her eyes at the recording of objects idea and new her time could be spent doing something more useful than that. She slowly finnished her coffee and then poured herself another cup finnishing off the pot and then watched Brad go and start running on the treadmill.

He was a very attractive man, and she shook her head trying to get 'those' thoughts out of her mind. She took her coffee and walked into the rec room and sat on the couch drinking her coffee watching the documentary and looking over at Brad every once in awhile.

But she tryed her hardest not too and just watched the rather boring 'movie' yawning occasionally and sipping coffee. She leaned forward and set her coffee mug down and then stretched her back, her shirt showing her stomach and she leaned back and pulled her shirt back down. and picked her coffee back up.
Brad jogged harder and faster, and slowly felt beads of sweat form on his firm skin. His eyes darted between Sloan and the video screen. She leaned back and stretched her back, slowly slipping her shirt up her flat stomach. Brad let out a low moan of pleasure, and then darted his eyes back to the screen.

She must be trying to tease me, Brad thought, Women. At least it'll spice up the trip. He looked back at the ring on her finger and smiled. He wondered if she was really trying to get in his head, or was just being innocent. Either way, he went back to the movie and jogged harder and faster.

Soon, his legs burned and his heart beat hard. He finally climbed off, and headed towards the shower. "I gotta wash off before I smell up the whole ship," he said, before entering the bathroom.

Once inside, he shed all his clothes, and quickly jumped into a stall and started washing down.
He kept running and she kept watching jus relaxing on the couch. He then got off and went to the shower.
"Okay, i'll probably make some breakfast."
She watched him walk off and thought about him in the shower washing the sweat off his body and she snapped back into her head and thought back to her man, and how much she loved him.

She then walked to the kitchen and started to make eggs and bacon. Making enough for both of them and a little more for him figuring that he probably ate a bit more than she did. Cooking, she could hear the water running in the shower and just kept cooking. She kept the food warm and then set the table and poured herself a glass of water and waited for him to come back out.
He quickly got out of the shower and tried off, before getting some clothes on. He walked out and saw she had prepared breakfast, and he smiled. "Nice. Thank you, Sloan," he said before joining her at the cozy little table.

She was a decent cook. "Your cooking is fantastic. You're an asset on this trip. Your fiance is a lucky man," he said, while he looked down at the food and shoveled more if it into his mouth.
He cam back out and joined her at the table.
"you're quite welcome, i enjoy cooking so if you tell me what you like i dont mind making it. But you gotta help with the dishes. And i like to think Scott is lucky because of my cooking but i'm sure your fiance is a gret cook as well."
She giggled slightly and kept eating with him and when they both finnished she smiled.

She took the dishes and put them in the sink telling herself she'd do them later. Sloan then leaned up against the counter and put the pan in the sink and looked over at him.
"i'm gonna go check on our course, make sure things are going well."

She then walked to the cockpit and sat down checking things.
Brad sighed and watched her head up the staircase to the cockpit. He waited a few moments, before walking to the staircase himself, instead, he headed downward, to the engineering deck. It was much more crowded, dark and dirty down here. He let himself into the telescope room.

The telescope room housed the massive telescope, along with a small viewing station and a small computer terminal for logging spotted stars and other space objects. He sat down at the view station, and zeroed the telescope, looking straight forward. He then moved to the terminal, and using the star charts, got the location of a star he should be able to find.

He fumbled with the controls at the viewing station for several minutes, unable to find this star.
Everythting looked good at the cockpit and she typed a few things in and then got up and went to look for Brad to tell him. But she couldnt find him. Then she decided to check below deck, figuring he must be there. She walked down the stairs and looked around and then went into the telescope room.

She put her hand on his shoulder.
" everything looks good so far, just had to make some minor adjustments but besides that it's all good."
She paused and then looked around the small room.
"So what are you looking at? See anything good?"
"Nah. Nothing good." Brad said. "I'm trying to find Signus Alpha. One of the scout ships is going there. According to this star log, we should be able to easily spot it from here. I can't tell if its my bad sight seeing or if the star log is off," he said, standing up from the viewing station.

"Wanna try your luck?"
he said, offering her the viewing station.
She thought it was odd that he couldnt find it and when he offered her a try she nodded her head and sat down. She looked at the charts and then into the telescope moving it and adjusting things in very small incriments and finally finding it.

"And that is why I'm the Navigator...i found it, take a look."
She then moved out of the way for him to be able to sit down and smiled.
Brad smiled and playfully punched Sloan on the arm. "Gee, thanks," he said, before sitting down at the viewing station. He looked, and sure enough, there was the star.

"Well, I'll do the flying, you do the spotting," Brad suggested, turning back to her. He found it hard for him not to be smiling around her. She put him at ease. The perfect person to have on the trip.


Eight Months Later


Brad woke up from his quarters and strutted out wearing his t-shirt and shorts. Sloan must still be in her quarters. He decided to start the coffee, so quickly prepared a pot and yawned. He headed up the cold steel steps to the cockpit, and has usual, all was well.

Brad's.... attraction to Sloan hadn't decreased any. He still felt himself drawn her and her body, yet, he managed to convince himself of Melissa. Unlike her, he didn't have any pictures of his loved one, and with each passing day, he found it harder and harder to remember her face or body. Yet, Sloan was there in the flesh. His to see and smell.

Suddenly, something on the pilot's console flashed in the cockpit. It was a notice from the computer. He quickly brought it up, his heart racing. It was the only change in his routine in months. Mission Highlight: First Sighting of Proxima Centauri via telescope.

Following the message was a goofy list of telescope coordinates that made no sense to him. He headed to the top of the staircase and called out for Sloan, hoping he wasn't waking her. "Sloan, come here, quick!" he said. "The computer says we should be able to see Proxima Centarui with our telescope now," he said, excitedly.
Sloan kept sleeping and eventually woke up to the sound of Brad calling her. She yawned and pulled on a shirt, forgetting a bra, and a pair of shorts and quickly ran up to the cockpit. She yawned and looked at him, with her hair all messed up and she then saw the co ordinates and sat down grabbing her clip board and scribbling them down fast.

"We will be able to see it, but it will look like a tiny speck from here. but lemme just draw out the star cluster it's by and then we can go to the telescope room and we can find it."
She smiled at him and pulled out a chart sheet and got out the compas and start drawing the co-ordinates out and making things look accurate and perfect.

"Okay, lets go..."
And she headed towards the telescope room as he followed her.
Brad noticed right away she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples seemed to taunt him while they lightly pressed against the fabric of her shirt. Her messy, unkept hair was an attractive look for her, a change from her usual appearance. He followed her very closely down to the telescope room.

Once they were both there, he let her sit down at the viewing station. He watched over her shoulder while she lightly handled the controls. He brought his body a little closer to hers. "So, you must be excited. We're getting close to the target. You'll get back to Mr. Scott soon," he suggested lightly while she worked.
They got to the room and she sat down looking at her charts and co-ordinates and messing with the telescope for awhile and then finally found it and she looked back up at him..found it.
"And yeah...I'm pretty excited and i cant wait to see him. But i'm sure you're just as excited to see your Melissa."

She then stood up and smiled at him patting him on the back.
"take a look."
She then stood behind him and leaned over him and grabbed her papers and then stood back up. Yes, she was excited to see Scott, but she felt a connection with Brad...they had a nice fun friendship but her mind always wandered to a 'dirtier' place if she saw him without his shirt or if he was in the shower.

But did he think the same thing? She then looked at her left hand and remembered the man she truely loved.
"You see it?"
She asked.
Brad smiled at her and sat down and looked into the telescope. He saw a black star field. Nothing at all. "You're kidding me, right?" he started. Then, barely, just barely, he saw a small blue spot in the perfect center of the viewfinder.

"Well, I'll be damned," he said, sitting back from the station. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her in a close hug. "Good shooting, partner," he said, and let his body linger against hers for a moment longer than just friends would, and slowly let her go. Her skin was soft and smooth, and send good tender feelings through his body.

"Well, uh, I've got to finish the status check," Brad said, awkwardly, before heading back up to the cockpit.
She laughed when he couldnt see it at first and new he'd evetually see it if he looked close enough and he eventually did. She smiled and then laughed but as he hugged her, her arms went around him as well and he held her for a little bit longer than planned. But she didnt pull back, but she did enjoy it. He had that strong embrace that she had missed so much but then she came back to reality and back up as he let go of her.

She nodded her head when he said he had to go check things.
"okay...i'm gonna go put some real clothes on and then i'll meet you in the cockpit."
She followed him out and then walked to her room and shut the door pulling on a pair of cargos and a t-shirt, her usual look. She then combed out her hair with her fingers now that it was getting longer and she headed back to the cockpit.

"how are things looking?"
She then sat down next to him and looked at all her things and then flipped back through the new co-ordinates and typed a few things in and pushed a few buttons and then looked back over at Brad.
Brad reached the cockpit, but sat in silenced for several long moments. He tried to deny it, but he was starting to feel something for Sloan. He tried to push it out of his mind, but, he couldn't anymore. He had to face reality.

He debated if he should say anything to her. She always talked about Scott. She seemed so dedicated. More dedicated than he was to Melissa. He sighed, when suddenly, he heard Sloan's soft voice from behind him.

"Uh yeah," he said. He started flipping switches and pretending he had been busy along. "Everything looks good on my side." he said, smiling at her. She had put some clothes on, which disappointed and relieved Brad at the same time.

He stood up from his seat and smiled. "Well, I think, tonight, we should try out that bathtub in the bathroom. Its been eight months and we haven't even talked about it," Brad suggested.
He looked nervous as she walked in and sat down but things seemed alright. She sat there and looked at a few more screens when he made his suggestion about the bathtub and she shrugged.
"Sure, we can each have a turn in it, it'll be nice and relaxing."
She smiled at him and then stood up as well after making sure things were fine.

"I think i'm gonna go get something to eat and then figure out what to do today..."
She chuckled slightly and then put her hand on his cheek and let her fingers glide off of his cheek slowly as she walked away. She went down to the kitchen and looked through their food and made herself a sandwich and poured a glass of orange juice and walked into the rec room and turned on whatever movie was already in and started to watch it while she ate relaxing an trying not to think of Brad in *that* way.

She was blaming all those feelings on her lack of sexual actions in the past 8 months. There was lots of sexual tension and frustration but she needed to contain herself and not do anything she would later regret.
After she left, Brad waited in the cockpit a few moments before he got up and slowly walked down to the crew deck. Sloan was in the rec room, watching a movie and eating something. He carefully spied on her from the doorway before heading to the kitchen himself. He grabbed some bottled water and slowly drank it, before heading to the bathroom.

He slowly approached the large, stainless steal bathtub and sat down next to it. "Sure, we can each have a turn in it, it'll be nice and relaxing," Sloan's voice repeated in his head.

"Or, we can take one together, which'll be nicer and more satisfying," Brad said aloud to himself. He slowly slide down to the floor and covered his eyes with his hands in frustration. He was brimming with sexual energy and desire for Sloan. He needed a release. He knew just the way.

He stood up and slowly turned on the bathtub. The water began running, and he plugged up the bottom, and it slowly stared filling. Knowing Sloan would avoid the room since she assumed he was naked, he slowly dropped his pants and leaned up against the bathtub, and began stroking his long manhood. He let out a soft moan and felt tingly feelings pass through his body.
Sloan sat and watched the movie and felt a slight chill and decided to grab her jacket and put her plate in the kitchen before she did. She walked back up and heard the bathroom water running and she thought nothing of it until she heard a moan. The walls were thin and she just thought she was hearing things and put her plate into the sink.

She walked past the bathroom to her room and heard another and put her ear against the door and figured out what he was doing. He was doing what she had wanted to for awhile. She then pulled away from the door and went into her room, turned on by the fact that he was in the bathroom jerking his cock.

She pulled her pants off and panties and laid down on her bed and started to massage her pussy imaging Brad but then her mind drifted to Scott and it went back and forth as she played with her clit and fingered herself. Letting tiny moans escape her lips as she tryed to be quiet.
Brad jerked his thick cock faster and faster. Images of Sloan danced through his head. He brought himself close to climax. Warm water washed over the top of the bathtub and ran down over his muscular body to the floor.

"Damnit," he shouted. He stood up and swung his fist at the handle for the bathtub, quickly shutting it off. His hard cock swung wildly while he did so. Suddenly, from the direction of Sloan's bedroom, he heard several muffled moans. She sounded like she was getting off too.

The thought that she was pleasuring herself was enough to make Brad cum. He blew his load, shooting his white seed all over the bathroom floor where it mixed with the overflow water from the bathtub.

He swore loudly, and started trying to slowly push the water towards the shower stalls where it slowly traveled down the drain.

After he had cleaned up the bathroom the best he could, he went to put his clothes back on, but realized he had gotten them soaked. He grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist before leaving the bathroom.

Sloan was in her quarters. He hoped to pretend nothing was wrong. He approached her door and quietly knocked. "Sloan, I'm done with the bath. It's pretty nice," he said, somewhat modestly.
She pushed her fingers deeper inside of her tight cunt and tryed to hold back her moans but it was rather hard. She heard him from the bathroom cursing and she wondered if that was from him pleasuring himself or from something happening. She ignored it and kept playing with her pussy. Mssaging her clit furiously and she arched her back as she came and she heard a knock at her door and tryed to quickly catch her breath and then spoke.

"Oh Good...i'll be out in a minute..."
She removed her figners and licked them clean and layed there for a minute and tryed to collect herself. She then pulled her panties and pants back on she walked out pretending like nothing had happened and she hadnt heard him. She forgot her jacket and didnt even care as she returned back to the rec room and continued with the movie she had left.

She ran her fingers through her hair and tryed to relax. She wanted to jump on Brad and just go at it. But images of scott lingered in her head. She then just tryed to focus on the movie and not sex.