
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
Big "HUG!" for you.
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
I feel for you. Been there myself. It is not a fun place to be.
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
I am truly sorry you are in this situation with your husband as I know how painful that is... 🌹 *HUGGS
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Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
This is so sad, sending you hugs and kisses
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
That's heartbreaking.
In a similar boat myself, but you can't make the other half "need" you...
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
I feel for you as I too am in a basically sexless marriage. I definitely feel your pain.
Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
I understand completely. Been there going on six years. Occasionally she will still wolf whistle me, but that's it. Quick pecks on the cheek or head with a random hug...but nothing that makes me feel wanted or desired. At least she's admitted it might never change, but that's even more depressing, especially with the life we've built and continue to build.

Hopefully you find a way to overcome. Because all of the porn and masturbation in the world is unlikely to do it. Best of luck, sweetie.

Wondering if this loneliness of a sexless marriage ever gets better. I still have so many sexual desires and fantasies I want to explore. I find so many men and women who find me alluring and love my sexual hunger but in my own marriage, I can’t seem to get him to give me a second glance. I’ve tried just about everything. He has zero desire. Wants friends and hobbies instead of me. It’s heartbreaking
Yes it is. And yes from your pics it's crazy...your very alluring. I hope her in lit you find encouragement...bonding...some releasing. 🌷