Karmic Enslavement (closed for ERedBoyd)

"Don't move... Captain!"

She was dirty and hungry and in a filthy mood. While one part of her mind acknowledged it would be a waste to injure or even kill such a good looking man, the humiliation he had already put her through, made her press the muzzle of the musket slightly more forcefully against his temple.

“As much as I would hate to kill you, whether you believe me or not, I will do so and you know I mean it. After all, I’m a pirate. I would think nothing of killing someone, would I Captain?”

Her free hand reached under his tunic, running it over his bare buttocks and chuckled.

“Bathing were you, Captain Trevors? Something I would love to do. Do not try to move too quickly. I have a nervous trigger finger. Now, move slowly over to the bed, will you?”

She kept the musket to his temple as they moved slowly toward the bed. She was mindful to keep her own body out of quick and easy reach of his hands.

“Your hands in front of your body, Captain Trevors. Now, where would I find a bit of rope, hm?”

She couldn’t move too far away from him or it would put her in jeopardy.

“Step back just a bit, will you? That’s it. Right there. Stop.”

She was now close enough to toe open the chest at the foot of his cot.

“Let’s see if you have any rope in here.”

No. Nothing. Now what was she going to do? Her free hand worked at the rope that she had been using as a belt to hold up her pants with. She fumbled with the knot and then yanked it free. She tossed it over his shoulder.

“Tie this around one of your wrists, Captain then let it dangle from there.”

She wasn’t stupid. He could easily use it to choke her with if she wasn’t careful. In the meantime, she let her pants fall and carefully stepped clear of them, kicking them aside.
Danny couldn't figure out what she was about to do though he suspected in all honesty, neither did she? He did nothing as she fondled him and commanded him to tie himself up. Yeah... right... the hell he would do that.

What threw him most was the fact she took the rope from her own waist and disposed of her own pants right there. He took the rope though and as he was about to take action, one of his men, a runner he didn't know the name if, raced into the tent yelling, "Cap'n! We found her hidey.... hol..."

The moment the younger man burst in, it caused his pirate queen to shift her eyes towards the runner giving Danny what he needed to regain some limited control! He slapped the hand holding the musket causing her to lose her grip on it! The runner burst at her shoulder first to plant himself into her gut when something caused him to yell and fall flat onto his gut blowing bloody bubbles... Danny noticed a small knife in her hands and he leapt towards his little cot, shoving his hand underneath it and pulling a second musket!

By the time he had it, cocked it and aimed it at her, she had done the same aiming the original gun back at him! The disturbance brought his crew racing back to the camp getting louder and louder! he said, "Let's play out what is going to happen in a few minutes. You shoot me, you might get my musket back and maybe shoot one of my men, then the rest attack and capture you and you become fuck meat for them till you are brutally killed. On the other hand, you shoot me and run, my crew capture you and you become fuck meat and then brutally killed. On the other other hand, you put your gun down now, you surrender to me and ask for my protection, and I will protect you. I think got about 20 seconds to decide before they have this tent surrounded. What is it going be?"
"Cap'n! We found her hidey.... hol..."

The voice interrupted them and the next thing she knew, she felt the wind ripped from her lungs and the musket slapped from her hand. Hells bells and damnation.


Still. She managed to draw her small knife and shove it in his gut. Just as he fell to the ground, the Captain dove toward his bed and she knew this couldn’t be a good thing but before she could dive after him, he came up with a second musket, making her swear all over again. Her eyes frantically moved around his tent and finally lit on the musket he had knocked from her hand. Fallon dove for it and came up, clicking back the hammer and aiming right at him. He had done the same.

"Let's play out what is going to happen in a few minutes. You shoot me, you might get my musket back and maybe shoot one of my men, then the rest attack and capture you and you become fuck meat for them till you are brutally killed. On the other hand, you shoot me and run, my crew capture you and you become fuck meat and then brutally killed. On the other hand, you put your gun down now, you surrender to me and ask for my protection, and I will protect you. I think got about 20 seconds to decide before they have this tent surrounded. What is it going be?"

She tsked, holding the gun steadily in front of her.

“You are always threatening me about becoming fuckmeat, Captain. I’m getting a little tired of that. I could easily shoot you, take your other musket and escape out the backside of this tent and disappear into the jungle once more. You might find me, you might not. In the meantime, you’ll more than likely die from the injury to your gut.”

A small smile formed on her lips as she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Do you really think I would ask for your protection, Captain? Especially after the night I spent in your cabin? I’d rather turn this musket on myself. I’m not afraid to die, Captain. Are you? Now, let’s calmly come up with something we both can live with, hm?”

She cocked her head slightly toward the opening of the tent.

“And something tells me, we better hurry or we both may be facing death sooner than we would like.”