Isolated Blurt Thread

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The isolated blurts in this thread aren't nearly isolated enough. I also think the blurts should be a whole lot blurtier.

Armida is today's Saturday afternoon opera from the Metropolitan Opera. Not only have I never seen it before; I'd never heard of the opera at all 'til now. Gioachino Rossini ( we all know Guillaume Tell ) was the author.


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After letting my cat out this morning I had the strangest dream that my younger brother and sister were in bed together in my room...
I wonder what it's like to have someone protective of you, maybe even to be jealous, possessive. To be so loved that that's even a possibility . . . . I know, weird thought. :rolleyes:
....dogs woke me up early.. I had planned to sleep in.
Trying to write... I think my muse has taken a vow of chastity, or some other such nonsense. :eek:
I'm going to go eat a bowl of cereal! That oughta help. :p
I submitted two stories yesterday...
They're both still pending, but they each have 38 views...? :confused:
I've never seen that pre-approved view number be so high, lol.


I don't wanna go to work today. What a crock of shit. *pouts*
multi grain tortilla chips are just wrong, on many, many levels.

the person who thought these were a good idea needs a kick in the ass. :mad:

My left hand has been getting very beaten up over the last week, with cuts scrapes and bruises from all over the place...

Lessee, here— now that you bring it up: Weill, Grubman, Boesky, Milken, Madoff, Icahn, Posner, Maxwell, Gutfrend, Greenberg, Cornfeld ...

Dayum, that's without any research at all— purely off the top of my head.

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Family History ***!!!

I have been tracing my maternal family history.

Many people have found one of my 18th Century ancestors - Lettice Pryke.

But few have found her 17th Century father - John Prick. Presumably Lettice felt that Pryke sounded better. I know that's how she spelled it because I have seen her signature.

Another line has reached a dead end in the 17th century with a John Smith in a village that seemed to have been peopled solely with the surname Smith.

My paternal history is much clearer with a line back to the 14th Century and then a few lacunae on the way to 54BC.

I suck at writing movie dialogue...

I suck at writing screenplays in general. Maybe I should just write it as a story and then have someone else look at over and screenplay it?
I can't fathom what it must be like to see the nuclear plume rising on the horizon, knowing it is blowing toward you and your children.
I can't fathom what it must be like to see the nuclear plume rising on the horizon, knowing it is blowing toward you and your children.

I can. During the Cuban Missile Crisis I was a junior manager in a Defence establishment. My role, in the event of a nuclear war which was then considered imminent, was to stay in place and feed information to my senior managers based in a deep bunker. As a single man and very inexperienced, I was expendable. Even the military security staff were better protected than I would have been. I had access to radiation-sickness tablets but the accepted opinion was that I wouldn't need them. I'd be vapourised and the tablets were probably useless, having been in stock since 1948.

My family lost their home to a bomb dropped by a Zeppelin during World War 1, and parts of the family lost their homes during the Blitz of World War Two and to a V2 that arrived without warning. It took a decade to recover from what they had lost. Although they had some insurance, it didn't cover the totality of their losses and didn't pay out for years.

Yet we were lucky. We didn't lose any family members in either war. Some were injured and partially disabled but none died. My eldest aunt was engaged twice during World War 1. Her first fiancé was killed in the first months of the war. Her second was a pilot over the Western Front, shot down in 1917. Neither of their bodies was ever found.

And you are wrong. The Japanese won't see a nuclear plume on the horizon. What they might experience is what most of Northern Europe experienced after Chernobyl - an invisible threat that can only be measured with sophisticated equipment and government announcements - and we all trust our governments to tell us the unvarnished truth, don't we?

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