Isolated Blurt Thread

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Yes... WE! :cool:

I can deal with the guilt. Give! :devil:

Jam you hand down in your panties and rub. If that doesn't work you need to send me two neked pictures and call me in the morning! :p

Betsy, I'm going to run out of nakedness if I send you nakey pics every time you ask for them. :p
I can definitely picture going through life side by side with this man, sharing the highs and lows. *happy sigh*
I dreamed last night that I was going to a party with a $5 cover charge. Oh well, whatever. I part on a side street and walk up to the house from the back and notice there isn't any fencing, and I can get into the party for free. When inside the house mingling, the person at the door (who I don't recognize) hands me $55 to go out for a case of beer and some pizza. So I left with the money.
Once upon a time my ignore list was populated only by spammers, white supremacists and a couple of visually influenced decisions.

That's not true anymore. *sigh* I find that a large portion of the list is now occupied by either true trolls who are just looking for a fight or people who handle their ideological disputes in a manner that I am no longer capable of glossing over.

This saddens me. I don't like putting people on ignore.
Does it make me naive that I completely ignore the topics that have all of these hatred brewing arguments in them?
Once upon a time my ignore list was populated only by spammers, white supremacists and a couple of visually influenced decisions.

That's not true anymore. *sigh* I find that a large portion of the list is now occupied by either true trolls who are just looking for a fight or people who handle their ideological disputes in a manner that I am no longer capable of glossing over.

This saddens me. I don't like putting people on ignore.

I am sick of the limitations of my life. I am tired of knowing that the choices I'm making would not be the same if I were living wholly. I'm tired of permitting myself to be treated in ways that make me feel like I'm anything less than, as the man who loved me most used to say, 'the whole package.'

the heart wants what it wants and will not be denied.

I sometimes hate that phrase. I hate the truth of it tonight.
Must eat. (now to figure out what to eat) Only so many choices at the moment. Muffins with eggs, cereal, hamburger, mac and cheese or hot dogs. --leaning toward hot dogs, haven't had any for about 2 months.

I hope my landlord will FINALLY replace the fridge. Milk goes bad in one night. I've tried everything I can think of to get the door to stay latched tightly and still it won't. (I have a bungee cord, but can't reach the back of the fridge to hook it onto something and then hook it to the door handle, if it will stay on the kind of door handle I's an old fridge) It is the reason I have very few food choices at the moment. That and only one pan to cook in. It's working at the moment. I'll go back to goodwill probably on Wed to see if they have more cookware. Or maybe when it cools down a little I can find some yard sales with some. (who knows)
I ignore them too.

It's starting again in that anti-writer comment about morals and our obligation to society as writers. Once two trolls get to arguing with each other in a topic like that there is no outside force that can stop it, and I am betting this one will fly out of control any time now, and yet there is nothing I know to do to stop it except to ask everyone to leave it alone, which they won't :(

Must eat. (now to figure out what to eat) Only so many choices at the moment. Muffins with eggs, cereal, hamburger, mac and cheese or hot dogs. --leaning toward hot dogs, haven't had any for about 2 months.

I hope my landlord will FINALLY replace the fridge. Milk goes bad in one night. I've tried everything I can think of to get the door to stay latched tightly and still it won't. (I have a bungee cord, but can't reach the back of the fridge to hook it onto something and then hook it to the door handle, if it will stay on the kind of door handle I's an old fridge) It is the reason I have very few food choices at the moment. That and only one pan to cook in. It's working at the moment. I'll go back to goodwill probably on Wed to see if they have more cookware. Or maybe when it cools down a little I can find some yard sales with some. (who knows)

Poke a hole in the drywall and latch the bungie onto a stud? Hehehe, kidding, maybe ;)
The fridge is so old, I would just like to have it replaced. Doesn't even have to be a new fridge, just one that actually keeps frozen food frozen and cold food cold, not warm. It's an idea though if they keep dragging their feet. I think Monday I'll try talking to him again. *roll of eyes*
Once upon a time my ignore list was populated only by spammers, white supremacists and a couple of visually influenced decisions.

That's not true anymore. *sigh* I find that a large portion of the list is now occupied by either true trolls who are just looking for a fight or people who handle their ideological disputes in a manner that I am no longer capable of glossing over.

This saddens me. I don't like putting people on ignore.

Me either. :(
I am sick of the limitations of my life. I am tired of knowing that the choices I'm making would not be the same if I were living wholly. I'm tired of permitting myself to be treated in ways that make me feel like I'm anything less than, as the man who loved me most used to say, 'the whole package.'

the heart wants what it wants and will not be denied.

I sometimes hate that phrase. I hate the truth of it tonight.

:rose: *hugs*
I must not reply to that thread... I must not reply to that thread...

*crazed, moody, headachy, working on finals woman sits on hands and tries not to let fly*
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