isn't it time for a change? to do something differently?

How is puking in a bowl not different from puking in the toilet?
okay, i'm not splitting hairs. Bowls, toilets, barf bags, wastepaper baskets (for some) is doing things how they've been done a long time. Of course bowls and bags can be handy...i have certainly used my fair share and held them for sick children, though most people would probably opt to puke down a toilet bowl for ease of flushing and not having to handle bowls swimming in goo. I'm not saying everyone will agree with the innovation, just that it would be something i'd far rather do when being sick.
I have an inner ear disorder, which results in episodes of vertigo, which leads to vomitting, dry heaves, hot sweats, chills and diarrhea in succession, besides not being able to remain upright. I just throw off my clothes and get on the shower floor, easier to clean myself and everything else up.
I have done the just strip and jump into the shower thing...
I have done the just strip and jump into the shower thing...
It's the practical approach. When visiting relatives in Germany last century I noticed that their bathroom had a tile floor and a drain, so that more of it was a shower area, much like a handicap bathroom. Or a public restroom. Better use of space and easier clean-up.
It's the practical approach. When visiting relatives in Germany last century I noticed that their bathroom had a tile floor and a drain, so that more of it was a shower area, much like a handicap bathroom. Or a public restroom. Better use of space and easier clean-up.
I love shower rooms like that too.
Oh! They also had a toilet with a flush pedal. Made a lot of sense, because here people normally touch the chrome handle and flush before washing their hands. Reduces that transmission vector.
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okay, let me start the ball rolling with this: Isn't it time we had something better for puking into than a toilet? for aeons people would throw their 'night soils' out into the streets and open sewers. Then we got indoor plumbing.

no matter how clean your toilet or bathroom is, can't we do better than stuffing our heads into the porcelain, hanging onto the bowl or kneeling on the floor as we puke? it's really just all kinds of gross. We've been doing it so long, perhaps not too many question the process... and the flush action is effective in disappearing the goo. But everyone throws up from time to time: pregnancy, alcohol, food poisoning, fever, whatever... i'd really prefer a more hygienic, designed-for-purpose solution than barfing in the bog. Perhaps something with a seat, and a flushing bowl set at a higher level?
Buckets work
okay, so here's another one: a dryer-closet: instead of a tumble dryer, why not a closet/contraption with a hanging bar to place wet clothes from the washing machine on hangers as air blows up from below? It can be vented to the outside, the clothes dry without getting all wrapped and tangled around eachother, and they're already on hangers when it comes to placing them in your closet.
sounds good in theory, but then the dried garment would have the hanger space left as a crease and be hard to get out. Tyy it sometime by just hanging something up to dry on a hanger overnight.
sounds good in theory, but then the dried garment would have the hanger space left as a crease and be hard to get out. Tyy it sometime by just hanging something up to dry on a hanger overnight.
not so much with those wider, thicker plastic hangers. the wire ones wouldn't be good in the wet anyway
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okay, let me start the ball rolling with this: Isn't it time we had something better for puking into than a toilet? for aeons people would throw their 'night soils' out into the streets and open sewers. Then we got indoor plumbing.

no matter how clean your toilet or bathroom is, can't we do better than stuffing our heads into the porcelain, hanging onto the bowl or kneeling on the floor as we puke? it's really just all kinds of gross. We've been doing it so long, perhaps not too many question the process... and the flush action is effective in disappearing the goo. But everyone throws up from time to time: pregnancy, alcohol, food poisoning, fever, whatever... i'd really prefer a more hygienic, designed-for-purpose solution than barfing in the bog. Perhaps something with a seat, and a flushing bowl set at a higher level?
Large zip lock bags work well. Easily transported and sealable.