Is Binger's militantly harsh tone a mistake?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
While its probably obvious what my feelings on the Rittenhouse persecution and this prosector Binger are, setting that aside, I have to ask if he isn't damaging his own case by his extreme demonization of Kyle and his unbelievably harsh nasty tone toward him?

While its clear he's trying to play on biases of possible liberals on the jury, perhaps to give them arguments in the jury room, by showing nothing but absolute contempt and nastiness in his comments and characterization of Kyle does he not run the risk of alienating those who may be sympathetic at least somewhat to Kyle or even to self-defense rights in general, and possibly either repel them or entrench their support for Kyle?

Look at it this way, if I am literally shaking with rage listening to this guy spew this just vicious lies and nastiness toward poor young Kyle, how about someone who is maybe more moderate but still at least somewhat leaning toward Kyle and has sympathy albeit maybe with some questions. That juror is highly likely to be repelled by Binger's behavior and tone and want to side with Kyle out if disgust with the way Binger is dehumanizing a young teenager. Could Binger's ideological bias, or perhaps simply his nasty and cold hearted personal demeanor drive away part of the jury?

I would suggest to Mr. Binger that a tiny bit of sympathy toward Kyle would be a better idea rather than alienating those who feel some sympathy for him but aten't sure about his actions. You catch more flies with honey, Bingy Boi.
Oops sorry this was meant for the Politics board. Tried to do on my phone.


While its probably obvious what my feelings on the Rittenhouse persecution and this prosector Binger are, setting that aside, I have to ask if he isn't damaging his own case by his extreme demonization of Kyle and his unbelievably harsh nasty tone toward him?

While its clear he's trying to play on biases of possible liberals on the jury, perhaps to give them arguments in the jury room, by showing nothing but absolute contempt and nastiness in his comments and characterization of Kyle does he not run the risk of alienating those who may be sympathetic at least somewhat to Kyle or even to self-defense rights in general, and possibly either repel them or entrench their support for Kyle?

Look at it this way, if I am literally shaking with rage listening to this guy spew this just vicious lies and nastiness toward poor young Kyle, how about someone who is maybe more moderate but still at least somewhat leaning toward Kyle and has sympathy albeit maybe with some questions. That juror is highly likely to be repelled by Binger's behavior and tone and want to side with Kyle out if disgust with the way Binger is dehumanizing a young teenager. Could Binger's ideological bias, or perhaps simply his nasty and cold hearted personal demeanor drive away part of the jury?

I would suggest to Mr. Binger that a tiny bit of sympathy toward Kyle would be a better idea rather than alienating those who feel some sympathy for him but aten't sure about his actions. You catch more flies with honey, Bingy Boi.

Get cancer and die.
While its probably obvious what my feelings on the Rittenhouse persecution and this prosector Binger are, setting that aside, I have to ask if he isn't damaging his own case by his extreme demonization of Kyle and his unbelievably harsh nasty tone toward him?

It's in no way unusual in a criminal prosecution.