In Memory of My Friend.


Big Blue Guy
Aug 8, 2005
Today is a difficult day. That's because it was on this day five years ago that I lost one of the best friends I made on here. Her screenname was SpicySouthernBelle or I just call her Spicy for short. Fifteen years ago, we met on here and became good friends. Like me, she suffered from Bell's Palsy. Also like me, she had a son with the same disability as mine does. She was probably the closest friend I made on here back then. Over the years, we remained friends through all her moves (Her husband was military.) and all her and my struggles. When my dad passed, she was one of the first calls I made when I found out.
It was also about five years ago when I first had the chance to hug her for the first time. I went to where her family was living at up here near me at the time and we spent the morning together. We all laughed a bunch and talked about stuff before I drove back to where I was living at the time. I was able to see her again when her family was driving back from vacation and she had a flat tire. I drove to where she was and helped before having another hug and they drove home.
I don't want to type here how she left us. What I will say though is that I miss her more than I can express. Losing her was arguably one of the hardest things I faced. I remember when I was getting ready to go to her memorial service. It was so hard driving down there. I called our mutual Kat a few times before and after.
The lessons I learned from her were many. But the biggest one was that we cannot take out time on this planet for granted. With all the bullshit that happens on here with all the drama and back stabbing and such, we need to remember that each screenname is a person and that person has emotions and feelings. We may not agree with every person on here, but we should still respect them as a person.
I also learned to never neglect to be open for someone who needs to talk. The thought crosses my mind on a constant basis of what I could have done differently with Spicy so she would still be here. I am always told there was nothing I could do, but trust me it still happens. Don't be afraid to reach out if you need to talk to someone.

This thread I am posting is in memory of her. Some on here were her friends also and we lost others on the board who were near and dear to us as well. I ask out of respect that this thread not become a troll site. If you want to talk about a friend on here that we lost, please do so. Thank you for letting me vent about my friend.
I am sad for you, it sounds like you had a beautiful friendship. :rose:

She was pretty awesome.
In June of that year, she told me I should go to a karaoke bar and let loose. She knew that I liked to perform and a friend of mine here was meeting some buddies there that night. She told me to go have fun, then to call her when I got home safe.
She was pretty awesome.
In June of that year, she told me I should go to a karaoke bar and let loose. She knew that I liked to perform and a friend of mine here was meeting some buddies there that night. She told me to go have fun, then to call her when I got home safe.

A loving, caring soul, and clearly she knew how to pick good friends.
I'm so very sorry. She sounds incredibly special and sweet. I wish I could have known her.
I didn't know her, but it sounds like today it's MY turn to give YOU a hug.
Oh, Papa Dragon…
Thanks y'all.
She is a special person. Five years....the thing is there are others we lost on Lit as well who we remember. Many speak of Mrs H. I also miss Poppy who started a thread where she let me role play as a dragon. I miss them also. I just hope folks find those kind of friendships on here.

It's one reason why I remind folks to be careful so they don't get hurt before they find real friends. There are really good people on here. Sometimes we lose the chance to find them because they leave due to the actions of others.

This thread isn't about that though. This is to remember the ones we lost.
Thanks y'all.
She is a special person. Five years....the thing is there are others we lost on Lit as well who we remember. Many speak of Mrs H. I also miss Poppy who started a thread where she let me role play as a dragon. I miss them also. I just hope folks find those kind of friendships on here.

It's one reason why I remind folks to be careful so they don't get hurt before they find real friends. There are really good people on here. Sometimes we lose the chance to find them because they leave due to the actions of others.

This thread isn't about that though. This is to remember the ones we lost.

Mrs. H was a sweetheart.
Sending so many hugs, sweet blue dragon. You both were very fortunate to find such a beautiful friendship. :heart:
I remember Spicy and she was indeed a lovely friendly woman! We had the opportunity to chat over the time she was here. I’m so sorry to hear of her passing and of your own personal loss!
Life is short

The loss of loved ones serves as a reminder of how short life really is. Make the most of what is left of yours. Very sorry for the pain.
Paul Simon sang, "Losing love is like a window in your heart." That's all kinds of love including friends that we love. I believe if you look into that window, you see the cherished memories of the person and those memories are always with you, and you carry them in your heart wherever you go. Requiescat in pace.
Hugs my friend.

Spicy was my girl. She spent two amazing weeks with my family 9 years ago. We had fallen out due to some changes in her life and had just started talking again when she chose to leave us.

I was talking to my hubby about her yesterday. Funny thing is, if we would have met today, I don't think we would have become friends. I have changed way too much over the past years.

When I see butterflies, I think of her. When I watch fireworks, I think of her. When I go to the beach, I think of her. She will always be with me.
Thanks for sharing your Dragon tears.

I feel it. I've had three big loses in 2020-2021. At first it's like when a tree falls in a forest - it leaves a big hole in your canopy, but life moves on. The sun still shines and memories can inspire. Use that love and cultivate something that will grow to fill the space.

l didn't know her, but l do recall the name...Sounds like a once in a lifetime connection.
l believe she is watching over you Azuldrgon...Thanks for sharing such a touching story.
Life is precious, l know that for sure.
Today is a difficult day. That's because it was on this day five years ago that I lost one of the best friends I made on here. Her screenname was SpicySouthernBelle or I just call her Spicy for short. Fifteen years ago, we met on here and became good friends. Like me, she suffered from Bell's Palsy. Also like me, she had a son with the same disability as mine does. She was probably the closest friend I made on here back then. Over the years, we remained friends through all her moves (Her husband was military.) and all her and my struggles. When my dad passed, she was one of the first calls I made when I found out.
It was also about five years ago when I first had the chance to hug her for the first time. I went to where her family was living at up here near me at the time and we spent the morning together. We all laughed a bunch and talked about stuff before I drove back to where I was living at the time. I was able to see her again when her family was driving back from vacation and she had a flat tire. I drove to where she was and helped before having another hug and they drove home.
I don't want to type here how she left us. What I will say though is that I miss her more than I can express. Losing her was arguably one of the hardest things I faced. I remember when I was getting ready to go to her memorial service. It was so hard driving down there. I called our mutual Kat a few times before and after.
The lessons I learned from her were many. But the biggest one was that we cannot take out time on this planet for granted. With all the bullshit that happens on here with all the drama and back stabbing and such, we need to remember that each screenname is a person and that person has emotions and feelings. We may not agree with every person on here, but we should still respect them as a person.
I also learned to never neglect to be open for someone who needs to talk. The thought crosses my mind on a constant basis of what I could have done differently with Spicy so she would still be here. I am always told there was nothing I could do, but trust me it still happens. Don't be afraid to reach out if you need to talk to someone.

This thread I am posting is in memory of her. Some on here were her friends also and we lost others on the board who were near and dear to us as well. I ask out of respect that this thread not become a troll site. If you want to talk about a friend on here that we lost, please do so. Thank you for letting me vent about my friend.

I'm so sorry, Azul :rose: Spicy was an incredible and beautiful human being, and her memory burns bright :rose:

As you said, we always need to remember that there is a living human being behind the screen

And remember, Azul, you are never alone, my friend :rose:
I have experienced a lot of changes in the past two years in my life. One thing that is very apparent to me now, is that life should not be taken for granted. I encourage all of you to make time for there for a friend to them...and don't be afraid to give some of yourself to others. It will come back to you...many times over. That's done now.
I have experienced a lot of changes in the past two years in my life. One thing that is very apparent to me now, is that life should not be taken for granted. I encourage all of you to make time for there for a friend to them...and don't be afraid to give some of yourself to others. It will come back to you...many times over. That's done now.

Well said, sir.