I Wish.....

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I wish that my friends would mind their own business and not say shit about me coming here and posting pics.. it's my life NOT theirs!
I wish everyone had a good day
I wish for peace and love for everyone
I wish good healthfor everyone
But most I wish happiness to all:rose:
I wish a very important friend of mine would get through his chemo and radiation with less pain. :rose:
I wish my life was better
I wish some one would care
I wish I wouldn't feel sad so much
I do wish everyone happiness
I wish people would not be in pain
I wish all will have a good night :rose:
I wish that I would be making love to a beautiful woman tonight, or even two beautiful women.

I wish for everyone to have a good day
I wish I was not depressed all the time
I wish I could feel good about my self
I wish happiness for everyone
I wish everyone a good night sleep:rose:
I wish the Olympics would end so we could get back to regular programming :D
I wish Joey would find some more tan line pics to post to the tan line thread...
I wish I could change one part of my reality ~ ok maybe two or three. ;)
I wish my baby would hurry and get home from work

I wish that the elections were over and the GOOD guys win for once..

I wish my grandson wouldnt wipe his cheesy chip-dip hands all over my clean sheets on my bed,LOL
I wish I wasn't in so much pain

I wish I wasn't so alone

I wish tomorrow to be a wonderful day
done_got_old said:
I wish you would tell us that you're not badly hurt.

It is not a problem. And thank you for your concern.

I pulled my groin (minor pull) and strained an abdomen muscle in a soccer game today. Nothing major at all. Just painful and will take a while to heal.

My biggest concern is that I heal well enough to play next weekend.
dcraz said:
It is not a problem. And thank you for your concern.

I pulled my groin (minor pull) and strained an abdomen muscle in a soccer game today. Nothing major at all. Just painful and will take a while to heal.

My biggest concern is that I heal well enough to play next weekend.

I wish I didn't find that last sentence so typical of youth. (in a good way)
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