I, Vampire (a love story)


I blew a monkey once.
Dec 30, 2004

I was only eighteen years old, when I died. I still remember it like it was yesterday, even though it happened almost 800 years ago. The year was 1238 A.D., a year not very remarkable in the history books. I was living in Florence, Italy at the time, about to be married to a wealthy nobleman's son. My father Arturo had essentially sold me off to the noble in return for a bigger plot of land for himself, my mother and my seven younger siblings. The son Demetri Aganti was not a bad guy from what I could tell. He had insisted that we spend time together before the marriage, which in those days was unheard of and earned him a lot of brownie points from me.

Though he seemed like a genuine enough man, it was clear that he very much wanted me in the way that a little girl wants a new doll. I would be his posession and little would change that fact. A well treated and well dressed doll was still a doll. Still I would bear it, if not for myself but for my family who lived in a shack smaller than most modern garages nowadays. They deserved to have a better home, and to grow up better than I did. So I would marry Demetri and give my family a better life.

"Annalisa you look beautiful." My mother said behind me, before coughing uncontrollably for a moment. I would die tonight, and my mother would die only two weeks later. She had been falling sick often over the last few months and this final sickness plus the depression of my demise would end up doing her in. I often miss my mother.

I spun before the mirror, letting the white wedding dress billow around me. I very much looked like one of those porcilan dolls I'd always wanted as a little girl. I would buy some for my sisters when I could convince Demtri to let me shop. My curly brown hair fell down over my shoulders and framed my soft face. My eyes were a emerald green, which matched the gems in the butterfly that pinned my bangs back. The dress clung to my petite yet shapely body in frills of very white lace. I smiled in the mirror despite myself. I had never thought of myself as beautiful before, working the fields with papa, but I had to admit I looked pretty good now.

"Thank you mama." I said softly.

Outside a carage pulled up and I knew it was time to go. We were staying in a guest room a mile from the nobleman's house to prevent Demetri and I from fooling around before we were allowed. The carage had arrived to take me to the chruch in which we would be wed at sunset.

My mother stood and we hugged, tears welled up in her eyes. "I know that you do not love this man Anna, but your family thanks you and loves you for your sacrifice. In time you will find your happiness. I promise."

I want to cry. Though I do not mind Demetri, I do not love him. I will endure this wedding, but I doubt I will ever love Demetri. There is something in his dark brown eyes that scare me.

We go outside as the sun dips below the horizon. It will be dark before we get to the church. Demetri will be upset that be tardy. The carage driver is a loathsome looking round man with a thick beard. Though he is dressed in a suit that barely fits him, at least he was trying. I get into the carage and blow my mother a kiss as we pull away.

With a sigh I slump back in my seat and close my eyes. Maybe it wont be as I fear. Demetri might just need more time to warm up. Maybe I could fall in love with him, have his children and live a nice semi-noble life. I could think of worse ways to go through life. Besides I had to remind myself that this was the way of things. I am a woman and as a woman I am a bartering tool, a commodety to trade and use.

I snap my eyes open when I feel the carage take an unfamiliar turn. I glance out the window and see we are off the main street and sliping into an alley. In a panic I knock on the roof of the carage. "Excuse me sir! The Church is that way. I'm already late, please sir turn around."

The man laughs and I feel my heart race. In a panic I fumble to open the door, because jumping out of a moving carage in a wedding dress seemed like a really good idea. The door, to my horror, will not open. The driver had rigged it so that it would only open on the outside. I cry out, tears running down my face. Demetri will be furious if I don't show up, my family will not get their land and this would have been for nothing. Not that I could worry about that as I was going to die in a minute anyway.

Finally the carage stops and we are deep in a dark alley far from the main street. Surrounding us is tall brick and stone buildings with no windows. The drive has chosen a good spot to do his evil as there would be no one to help me or even to hear my screams. I watch him climb from the carage in horror, shaking my head and pleading with him not to do this.

The door opens and his bulk blocked my escape completely. "Hello beautiful. Thought we might have a bit of fun before you go running off." He drools from his excitement and he reaches for me. I slink back and kick at him, but hitting him in the gut does nothing. He grins wider and moves over me. "Come now, don't play so rough."

I scream in terror and he grabs for me. Suddenly the carage shakes and I feel the man's weight lift violently off of me and slam into the front of the carage space. There is a thud on my lap and my legs become covered in a wet warmth. It takes me a moment to realize that it is the carage driver's head. I scream and shove the head off me quickly, bringing my gaze out the door where a tall shape stands looking in at me.

"Don't...." I plead, tears streaming down my face. "Please don't hurt me."

The voice speaks in an accent I don't recognize and it makes him hard to understand. "One so beautiful as you should not be so afraid." His voice is as deep as the ocean, a rumble in my chest more than a sound for my ears. "You are lovely enough to have power through the ages. I have use for a companion like yourself." As he speaks his shape grows larger in the doorframe.

Then he is leaned over me and I see into his bloodred eyes. He is beautiful, the most beautiful man I have ever dreamt of, but with hauntingly disturbing eyes. He smiles and his hand brushes over my cheek. I am too scared to move. "Oh yes, you will make a fine immortal." Violently he grabs my chin, I struggle but he is as strong as stone. HE forces my head to one side and he buries his face in my neck.

He bites into my flesh and there is pain at first. I cry out with it. Then there is pleasure, like a thousand fingers pleasing every part of my body. It is here as I die that I think I had my first orgasm. As he feeds from me, I grow cold, feint, then numb. His throat works hard as he swallows me down. I struggle to stay awake, to keep my eyes open as I know that if I close them I'll never open them again.

It is then that he pulls away from me. I am dead now, I only need to close my eyes and everything will be over. I shiver and gasp for breath I cannot draw. I see him tear his wrist open, and feel myself fade away as he presses his bleeding wrist to my mouth.

Then my eyes close and I die.

* * *

My funeral was two days later. The ceremony takes place in the garden of what would have been my home after my marriage to Demetri. It is a beautiful set-up and part of me hurts as I know that a lot of the decorations are simply reused from what would have been in the wedding. It is some sorrow I feel when I see that Demetri had put in effort into the marriage. Too late for regrets now, though. Not that I could have changed much even if I wanted too.

My killer was Carlo Demonte, a man who had once been one of the original Spaniards before he became a vampire. It had been thousands of years ago and he told me that he changed me over because he was tired of being alone. As we watched my funeral and my human life fade away he explained to me that it was my beauty that gave him the idea. My beauty that made him realize how much he missed his wife, I remind him of her in a lot of ways.

Then he explained to me what it meant to be a vampire and the gift I now possessed thanks to him. I was an immortal being of great power, my senses were a hundred times more powerful than before. I could move faster than any man could follow with his eyes, I was strong enough to throw horses around like pebbles. It was a rush, I must admit in those first decades in which it seemed I discovered a new ability every time I turned around.

The drawback of course, was that I had to feed off the blood of people. Carlo taught me how to hunt and kill and feed and enjoy every moment of it. He had been trained to fight Roman armies, and hunt people was nothing new to him even while he had still be human. Together we made our way around Europe, Asia, and Russia. I enjoyed traveling and learning, in an age in which woman could not be educated I found it empowering to easily learn every language on the planet. There was no country I could go and not understand people. Being a woman also made it easy for me to trick helpless men into a dark alley where I could drink them dry without being bothered.

Carlo told me that I was the most ruthless woman he had ever met. It made me smile. Looking back I realize that I was nothing more than an angry teenager. In this day and age kids cut themselves, or bully other people, maybe steal here and there. But I was an angry vampire and had the power to kill anyone at anytime. I don’t really know for sure why I was so angry, maybe it was the loss of my family, or maybe anger at them for selling me off to a noble only to die instead. Hell maybe I was angry with Carlo for what he did to me. Whatever the case, I took my rage out on my victims I was the thing of nightmares.

After a few decades I mellowed and realized that life with Carlo was not everything it was promised to be. Though we were vampires, he still treated me like property. He was older than me and far stronger than me and I couldn’t fight him if I wanted too. So I was trapped with Carlo as he paraded me around like a trophy. We visited a few covens of vampires throughout Europe and everytime I was shown around like some kind of prize. I hated it.

It was this way with Carlo for 200 years. Nothing can hold your interest forever though, and eventually Carlo’s interest in me wanned. He began to go off on his own and for a while I stuck around afraid to have him chase me down later. Though it started to become apparent that he no longer cared what I did or where I went. Sometimes he would leave where ever we happened to be stayed at that time for a while and when he came back he would give me a surprised look, as if he didn’t expect me to still be around.

In 1442, I took the hint and I left off on my own for the first time in my long life. I was like a kid away from mom and dad finally, and I found myself scared. Me, a two hundred year old vampire, scared to be alone. That fear did not last long as I explored my freedom. I became liberated, calmer, I learned to hone my senses, and I stopped killing people when I fed from them. All that rage and teenage-like anger I had been a part of for two centuries was gone.

But after six hundred years I began to feel the solitude start to dig at me.

There are few places more depressing than a Denny’s in the middle of the night. The staff always looks like zombies, and the customers are rarely anything other than homeless people who barely managed to scrape together enough change to buy a small meal and some coffee to keep starvation at bay. It is at a Denny’s in Ventura, California that I sit and nurse a cup of coffee. Yes, I can drink coffee too. I learned not long after leaving Carlo that by eating regular meals, I could go far longer without needing blood. When I did drink blood I did not need to take any more than what might cause a morning hangover to my “victim”.

Out there on my own I discovered a lot about what I could do. For a long time I just did whatever Carlo told me and never really looked for things on my own. Although believed to be an unholy creature that would be repelled by holy items, I actually am not unholy. Evil maybe, in the same way that a rapist is evil, but unholy I am not. I have gone to church many times over the last eight hundred years, though I don’t go anymore because I find that religion is silly. It makes people feel better about the bad things they do, and about dying. I suppose dying is easier to take if you don’t think it is the end. Dying has lost its meaning to me long ago.

The waiter comes by with a pot of blackness and fills my cup. I smile up at him and he nods before walking off. He is too tired to take notice of me too much. Over the years I have learned to use my looks when I need to, but also downplay myself to keep from notice. I look like a super model these days. Long black hair that falls over my shoulders and partway down my back. Haunting green eyes, that I can burn into people’s minds if I try hard enough at it. Perfect skin, hourglass body, and a pair of breasts that make men’s mouths water. I’m dangerously hot.

I smirk, being dangerously hot is also dangerous for me as well as the people I feed from. These days people look at you when you look good. Sex is a secret open thought. Men will look at me and instantly want to try to sleep with me. It makes people notice me in places I simply want to pass through. In an age where human technology has developed ways to track me if I make a mistake and possibly hurt me with weapons beyond my speed to dodge. I must be careful on the mark I make as I travel around.

So I do things like keep my hair pulled up in a ponytail, dress modestly in clothing that doesn’t reveal much of anything. Men tend to ignore me better when I show no cleavage. Amazing how that works out. Tonight I wear tight black jeans and a black turtleneck. It is February and even on the California coast it is cold at night.

I sit in the very back corner of the restaurant, watching the people that come and go. I have nowhere to go tonight, the house I bought in Santa Barbra a few miles up the coast is not yet furnished and I have no reason to be there. As a vampire I don’t sleep, ever, so the home is simply a place to be when I want to do nothing. Also it helps keep the human illusion to have a box to live in. Before I would wander the night never calling a place home, but since the invention of television I find hours of entertainment to eat up time. Time is something I feel like I have too much of lately. Being immortal has downsides, I’ve come to learn this as I spent time learn random shit for the sake of having something to do. It is especially bad when you don’t ever sleep. I miss sleep, if for nothing else then the ability to shut myself down for a while.

Outside I hear a group of boys talking about my car. My hearing is exceptional. I can hear the waves crashing on the beach from a mile away. The boys are impressed with the car which I also just bought for fun. It is a black Porche-GT, a modest 185,000 dollar bit of fun. I love to drive fast whenever I can. Sadly I never really get to let lose and enjoy the speed in America. I have a home in Europe where I can drive my truly exotic cars on the Autobahn without a care in the world. My vampire reflexes can correct the course of a car in a hundredth of a second, faster than you can blink your eyes, so I never worry about crashing no matter how fast I’m driving. If only I could explain that to the police in America, maybe I could get a bummer sticker or something that grants me whatever speed limit I desire.

The boys move from my car and come inside the restaurant. I look up and take notice of them. They are maybe seventeen, eighteen years old and are all what most people would call nerds. There are four in total, three of which are wearing glasses, the other one is wearing contacts, I can see them hovering over his pupils from across the dining room. They make a be-line straight for the back where I sit. They are regulars here, I hear the waiter great them as if he is used to them being here. Together they hesitate when they see me, I am clearly in their usual spot. After a moment of hesitation they simply pack into the booth next to mine and began setting out boxes.

As the fourth one moves by me I take a breath and feel my brain explode. I close my eyes tightly as a shock my system has never felt before washes over me. The aura over the last boy, something about it resonates something in me and I am instantly curious of him. The ages of solitude come crashing on top of me and I have to struggle to not make any noticeable noise. My heart feels like it wants to rip itself out of me and die of loneliness. My eyes pop open as I think of Carlo, after he had turned me into a vampire he told me of a feeling that washed over him when he first saw me. Perhaps it is the same thing here. I am in a panic, I know I should get up and leave, flee from this before I am near this young man any longer. But I glance at the group and focus on the one that has crushed my aura effortlessly.

He is a fair skinned young man, a little bit on the pale side from not getting enough sun. He wears wire framed glasses that fit well on his face. He doesn’t hold himself with confidence, which is a shame because he is not a bad looking guy, I figure he is probably shy and can smell the virginity coming from the group like a bad cologne. After a few minutes of casual listening in I can tell they are probably made fun of for this card game they play. It seems to be a game of summoning dragons, orcs, goblins, and conjour fireballs. As a result I know that the young man who has my senses in a tiff is innocent as hell and I should stay very far away from him. My heart feels terrible for him as I know I cannot simply get up and walk away.

I shift in my seat and inch myself closer to their table, craning my neck with obvious interest. The boys see me and I sense their tension. For one thing I am goregous, and they are not used to girls like me paying any attention to them. On top of that, they are playing a game that usually gets them made fun of, and it makes them nervous. I smile at my new interest and ask in the sweetest voice I can muster, "What are you playing?"
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I had always been a geek for as long as I could remember. I was a big disappointment to my dad who already had 3 boys who were following in his footsteps and becoming sports stars. Me I preferred to stay at home and read books and piece together models. I always had to know how things worked.

As I grew up things only got worse for me at home. My father did not get me and all but disowned me. It did not matter that I was a straight A student, or that I won science fairs and spelling bees, all that concerned him was that I did not play sports and I was not interested in his idea of manly pursuits.

By the time I graduated from high school a couple of years early I was firmly entrenched in the role of the black sheep of the family. My brothers did not treat me badly but like my dad they just did not understand me. However unlike my father they let me be myself and never tried to change me or put me down.

I was just glad to get out of my fathers house and off to college. I had gotten a full ride from Stanford and was to study in their computer sciences building. The years of reading fantasy, Sci/Fi, Supernatural and Horror books were about to pay off for me. I chose to also take lessons in ancient and modern history for an idea I had.

For the next two years I studied hard and began to develop game programs. I studied all I could about drawing and computer graphics and soon had produced a small game. It sold over a 100,000 copies online in it's first month, probably because I only charged five dollars, but I also got a lot of positive feedback about it.

At the same time I met a few friends at local games days, playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh and other similar things. A couple of us formed a group even though we were from different universities and colleges in the area and met every Friday at Ventura as it was central to all of us. As it is February we all arrived at night within a couple of minutes of each other.

I was the first there as usual and parked in my usual spot. Late on a Friday night it was always easy to get the same park. Hardly anyone was here at Denny's this late at night, which was one of the reasons we had chosen this place. The other was that it actually made good coffee and had good food.

As I waited for the others I spotted a Porsche sitting out the front. I wondered what the hell someone who could afford a sweet ride like that was doing in a Denny's on a Friday night. As the others arrived I greeted them and we began to make our way inside but I just couldn't walk past the car without admiring it. I might have hated my father but he had taught me one thing, an appreciation and recognition of good cars and this was definitely one.

We spent a good couple of minutes admiring the car before walking inside heading directly towards our regular booth while catching up on what we had all been up to. As I got closer to our booth I notice a stunningly beautiful woman sitting in it and I stumble to a halt as I feel her eyes brush over our group. The rest also stop and we look at each other before sliding into the booth in front of her and each of us takes out our decks.

It is not my turn to play first this time and I signal for Barney to bring over a round of coffees and some nachos,our usual order. As Jerry and Larry start to play I notice that the lady has taken an interest in us and I am surprised. No one takes an interest in us. We are four nerds. Skinny, Pale, dressed in out of fashion clothes and wearing glasses that are more functional than stylish. All except Pete who has bowed to pressure and is trying out contacts.

Suddenly she is smiling at me and asking me a question. "What are you playing?" Her voice is like music to my ears and I look up and stare into her eyes even though I usually avoid looking at girls."Ahh it is called M..M..Magic the gathering," I manage to stutter out. "It is a card based fantasy game. Most people think it is for little kids but if you play it right it can get very challenging."

I wonder why I am being so bold. Those few words are probably the most I have spoken to a girl who was not a professor in all the time I have been at college. Well at least in person anyway. What was it about her that made me feel so...different.
As I watched the boys get settled into their spots, I could almost feel how awkward they felt at not being in their normal spot. It was rather amusing how badly humans hated to break their routines. Even though it was minor I could tell that not being in their normal spot had very slightly increased their blood pressure, as if they felt somehow exposed not being in the VERY back of the restaurant. My eyes roamed over the cards they pulled out of little boxes designed to hold a specific number of the cards.

The boy that had pulled my attention, looked over at me and named the game as Magic the Gathering with a cute little stutter. I wondered what he thought of me. Was I attractive to him? I hoped so, which gave me pause. Why did I hope this boy thought me attractive? What was it that had pulled him to my attentions in the first place. He wasn't bad looking, but there was nothing exceptional about him that would have pulled my interest in such a way. Perhaps I was just lonely and he was available. No, that couldn't be it. There was a pull about him that I could feel, like a thread connecting us that I could almost flick with my finger. Whatever the case might be, he had my attention now and through conversation I should be able to find out why.

He went over a brief explanation of the mystical setting. Two of his friends set out their stacks of cards and begin to start a game together, which left the boy (I knew he was older than a boy, but as someone who's hundreds of years old it was hard not to call him such) sitting in his seat merely shuffling.

I had no interest in the game beyond basic curiosity, but something had caught my attention about this....young man. So I couldn't just sit back and let them go about their night while I merely left them there. Something had pulled me to him and I wanted to know why.

I gestured to the two who had started the game without the boy I was talking too. "You're not playing?" I inquired. Then I motioned to the seat across from me, "Do you have extra cards? I would like to learn how to play, if you would you do not mind teaching?" I asked raised my eyebrows and giving him a small smile. I instantly regretting the nature in which I had asked, sometimes I forget to change my manner of speaking into a modern day form. Too proper, from centuries of having to play the danty little girl.

It left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I made a mental note to talk more like a teenage girl from 2015. Curse more, and make more dick references. Right?

I leaned back in my booth and gesture to the seat across from me. "I promise not to bite." I smile at my own joke. Despite the hidden meaning, I will not be feeding from this boy tonight. I have fed already this week and would not need blood for another day or two, so there was no vampire danger tonight.
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I could not believe it. This vision of beauty was asking me to teach her and in a very poetic way as well. I sat there stunned for a few seconds before Pete elbowed me in the ribs and none to subtly whispered, "Go on man. When are you ever going to get another chance like this?"

He was right of course. These sorts of things just didn't happen to guys like us, so for it to actually happen I had to assume that something had spiraled out of control in the nexus of the universe and before the Doctor could set it right I better take advantage of it.

"Sure I have a spare deck here, but I better use a starter deck as well. You would have no chance against this one with that one."

I reached into my bag and pulled out the decks I used to train new people that came along to game nights. "Okay it's a pretty simple game to pick up but like all games it takes awhile to master it. I will just teach you the basics for now."

I spent the better part of a half an hour going over the rules with her, showing her how the game was played. The more I got into it the less I thought about her as a beautiful woman and more as a person just wanting to know about the game. It became easier to talk to her and soon I was explaining things easily without even stuttering. I had even forgotten that my friends were sitting in the other booth.

We played a game where both of us put our drawn cards face up on the table and I explained to her step by step what each card was and how it was played. She was a fast learner and by the end of the game she seemed to have the basics down.

"Wow you pick things up very fast. With a bit of practice I think you could be pretty good at this." I smile at her as I pack my cards up automatically shuffling them before placing them beside me. "However I think the lady wast but amusing herself ere she retired for the night." I had picked up on her old time language when she had invited me to sit down and I decided to play along with it.

I looked over at my friends and found them totally engrossed in their game. I knew the feeling. When you had a great opponent you forgot everything around you and even as a spectator you could be riveted to every move.

I turned back to the girl and smiled. "It was rather pleasant for me to be able to talk to someone as beautiful as you without stumbling over my words and feeling like a fish out of water. Thank you for that. I guess you are now going to vanish into the night never to be seen again."
I was glad to see him relax as he got more and more into teaching me this Magic game. It really was a simple game, layers of strategy like the skin of an onion. I quickly grasped one concept only to be faced with another. Then another and another. I asked questions where I felt they were needed, though I grasped the uses of each card the first time he explained it. However I did not want to seem overwhelm ly smart and as such I feigned ignorance.

We played a few beginner games over the next couple of hours and felt him getting sleepy. There were a few times in which I could have easily beaten him even with what he called a weaker deck. But again I purposefully made "miss" plays in order to give him the advantage and an excuse to explain why what I did was the wrong move.

He made a joking comment about how I picked things up quick and even tried to mockingly speak in 15th century English. I smirked, he was smarter than I gave him credit for as he had in fact picked up on the cadance of my speaking. I would have to be more careful.

I smiled and leaned back as he thanked the beautiful woman for giving him some of his time. "I won't turn to dust if I get caught in the sun." I said, Vampire joke. Unlike common belief I do not suffer any adverse effects in sunlight. I do not enjoy the sunlight as my hyperactive eyesight can get overwhelmed during the day, but I do not explode into flames nor do I fucking sparkle in the sun.

Which reminds me, I wanted to pay a certain author a visit and show her what a real vampire could be like. Beautiful though I may be, I feel dirty thinking that some would believe me to sparkle in direct light. Bitch.

"You on the other hand, look like you are ready to pass out for the night." I looked back at his friends. "Will you get home okay? I could live with my beauty if I made you stay up so late that you passed out behind the wheel."

With a smile I reached into my purse, a small handbag made of shimmering black leather, and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. I wrote my number on the paper along with my name, Anna, and slide it toward him. "I would like to play more of this game. Can you refer me to the place you go to get your cards so that I may have my own collection?" I winced inwardly as my speech paternity reverted to the old cadence.

"What is your name anyway. We went through all this and we never introduced ourselves. I am Anna Synclare." The first name was real, the last name was made up. I always went by Anna, but each generation forced me to change my last name. This time I was Synclare.
I was stunned. This beauty actually wanted to learn more about the game and get her own deck. Well who was I to pass up this opportunity. "Why sure I can but it might be a little bit out of your way. You see I go to Stanford which is out near San Jose. We only meet here because it is central to where the others go."

I pulled out a piece of paper himself and wrote down an address and a number then flipped it over and wrote down another name and number. " Okay I have written the name of the place I go to, their address and their phone number. On the other side is my name and number. When you go in or call just mention my name and you can get a 10% discount. I refer a lot of people their way and spend a lot of money there myself," I blushed self consciously.

I handed her the piece of paper and then realized I still hadn't told her my name. "Oh I am Jason by the way. Jason Ryder. I am studying Computer sciences at Stanford. You might have guessed it would be something like that," I chuckled as I looked down at myself. "I don't exactly scream out jock now do I."

For some reason I found it easier and easier to talk to Anna. Maybe it was because she seemed to be a bit of an outsider to or perhaps it was her strange way of talking. Some people may have found it awkward or funny. Me I found it pleasant and alluring. There was just something about her.

"Oh and don't worry about me driving like this. Another cup of Barney's coffee for the ride home and I will be fine believe me. I am so used to feeling this way it is like second nature to me. I am up most nights to the wee hours of the morning writing code or doing graphics and then going to class. At the moment this is probably wide awake for me," I chuckled.

I decided to take a chance. "Look if you are really interested in learning about the game you can contact me any time. Here," I said scribbling down my Skype address as well. "That's my Skype address. Anytime after 7 just give me a call and we can chat as long as you don't mind me doing some other work while we do. If you want we can also meet here next week. We are always here and you would be more than welcome."

I was pretty sure I would never hear from Anna again but you had to take the chance didn't you. That's what my brothers kept telling me and for once I was going to follow their advice.
I didn't like the idea of this Jason driving this sleepy. But I could taste the truth in his words as he assured me that he did it all the time. I smiled as he seemed real eager to suddenly tell me things about himself. His school, his hobbies, his study habits. A handful of little tiny details about himself. I smiled, it was cute. I was the beautiful girl he was trying to impress and he didn't know how to go about it.

I took the paper with his information on it and stared at the screen name for Sykpe. I was familiar with computers, in this day and age I had to be. But I had never taken the time to sit down and use one for more than I had too. Another thing I would have to do to get closer to Jason.

Closer to this human boy. Why?

As we played the game I tried to figure out what it was about him that called to me. There was a pull to him that I could not shake. As we played I felt that pull getting stronger and stronger. In fact it was so strong now that I legitimately felt distress at the idea of letting him leave my sight.

Was it love?

No that was foolish. I hadn't been in love in hundreds of years and certainly never for anyone still human. Not that I was above such things like others of my kind might. But I found myself liking Jason more than I thought I should.

Oh well.

What could it hurt to spend more time with him? I had plenty of time to explore anything I wished. No attachment to any place, no responsibilities, I was the definition of free.

I reached over and cupped my hand over his. "Be careful driving back then. Please. It is a long drive and you are tired." Then I smiled and slide smoothly out of the booth. I made every movement perfect, sensual, almost teasing but not quite enough to melt his mind. I would rather he drive home thinking of my ass than falling asleep behind the wheel.

I walked out to my Porche-GT, jet black it almost shimmered in the street light. Sliding behind the wheel I reed the engine and made sure it rumbled the windows. The boys had ogled my car on the way in, and now I would really give them a show.

In a perfect motion, I made a 90 degree pull out and then floored the pedal to zip out of the lot in a blaze of engine revving fury.

In the morning I had a shopping list. I would need a powerfull computer,a hefty supply of Magic cards, and a new apartment near Stanford campus. As I drove away from the Dennys and put distance between me and Jason, I felt a hole in my chest. A longing for a young man. What the fuck was happening to me? Who was he?
We played another game and I was beginning to suspect that Anna had already learned a lot more than she was showing me. Several times she made moves towards cards that would have been the right ones only to play a different one that although okay did not have the same type of effect. In fact I was pretty sure if she had played it correctly she could have beaten me.

She was amazing. To have picked up the game so easily and quickly was astounding. No one I knew had been able to do that. Of course this was just a starter deck and when building your own there were a lot of components to consider and the games between opponents with two of those decks were a lot different.

Still as we played I became more fascinated with this woman. I could not keep calling her a girl even though she looked no older than me. There was just something about her that screamed that she had seen more of the world than I could dream of. I didn't know what it was but it was like she had an old soul in a young body and it called out to me. I had never wanted a girl before (well I had lusted after a few) but she called out to me and I started to think about us together.

Of course that would never happen but at least I could dream about it. Then the totally unexpected happened. She placed her hand over mine and told me to be careful driving home. Then she slipped out of the booth and I could not stop my eyes from looking at her perfectly shaped ass wiggling it's way out the door.

The spell was finally broken as the door closed and I watched as her car started with a loud roar then backed out, sped out onto the main road, then took off in a burst of speed. I had to pinch myself to make sure that the night had actually happened.

Of course the guys crowded around me wanting to know what had gone on, but when I told them that I had just taught her to play the game they wouldn't believe me. We all ordered coffee to go and on our way out Barney gave me a knowing wink. In the parking lot I said goodbye to the guys with promises of seeing them next week then started the long drive back to Stanford.

The whole way back visions of Anna kept popping up in my mind, but it was not the view of her ass that I was expecting. Instead it was her beautiful face and her bewitching smile, but most of all her vivid green eyes. I sighed as I concentrated on the road again. It was a pity I would probably never see her again. She had been so easy to talk to and not for the first time that night I had to wonder why.
The following morning was very busy for me. I spent the early parts of the day looking for an apartment that would be suitable for my needs. I didn't need a big place, but I needed a walk-in closet for my coffin...just kidding. It took a little bit of looking around, but I was able to find a decent one bedroom apartment. A quick phone call to a private agency I used (at great expense) set in motion furnishings while I went to handle other errands.

Once the apartment was set in motion, I found a local computer store. I played the ignorant girl and found myself walking out of the store with the most powerful gaming laptop that they had in stock. I smiled to myself as I pictured Jason's eyes when he saw my computer. I got the sense that he was not only interested in computers but also those video games. As old as I am, it is hard not to be impressed by the sudden rapid growth of computer technology humans have achieved. Looking at some of the games I can tell they've come a long way since the one time I played Pac-Man in a bar.

My final stop was the comic and card shop that Jason had given me the address. The look on the cleric's face when I mentioned Jason's name, as if I couldn't possibly be rare, let alone there based on Jason's recommendation. That would be an interesting story for Jason to have to explain. The clerk's jaw then dropped as I bought every booster pack of Magic cards available, something like 4 boxes full, or 156 packs. I would have to see if Jason would build be a deck with whatever lay within them.

That evening I sat in my new apartment, thanks to my little private company it was furnished already, the laptop on the desk in front of me. I started by downloading this Skype program which I found through a Google search. My fingers deftly moved across the keyboard. As I mentioned, while I do not typically use computers I did not let myself become naive about technological advancement. I can use a computer just fine, I just don't much care about them.

Skype now set up, I added Jason's user name as a friend and sent him a message: Hello Jason. This is Anna, I have a new computer and about a hundred new packs of Magic Cards. I think I broke the clerk at your local comic book store. :)
The day had gone by in a bit of a haze for me. I had gotten home okay and stumbled into my ground floor apartment. I was very lucky to have gotten this place and it was only because of my high academic achievement that I had.

It was a basic 1 room place, with a kitchen and a dining/living area. My bedroom had a double bed in it that almost took up all the space and a built in robe that contained all my clothes and my vast collection of comics, books, cards, roleplaying gear and other items.

The living area was dominated by a three seater couch that had seen better days and an old coffee table. The kitchen had a ten year old fridge in it and the basic cooking utensils. Well at least I did know how to cook.

The only thing that was brand new in the place was the big screen television, the surround sound system, the games machines hooked up to it and the computer also running through it. Anyone walking through my door could instantly tell I was a complete computer and Gaming nerd.

However last night I was just glad I didn't have any steps to climb as I shut the door on my car, locking it and heading to my door. I hit the lock button on my house keys and my front door opened and the alarm turned off. It had been remarkably simple to rewire an old car remote to open the door and shut off my apartments alarm. It had only taken me half a day of tinkering and an hour of rewiring and it was done. Tonight I was so glad I did.

Stumbling inside I locked the door behind me and barely made it to my bed before passing out. I woke up to the annoying sound of my fathers voice telling me to get out of bed. I had programmed that because I always woke up at the sound of his voice no matter how deep asleep I was. Sighing I hit the shower and twenty minutes later I was ready for a new day.

Gaming theory and practical design were fun, as was the time I got to spend in the VR lab. I had a project going on in there that I was hoping to wow everyone with. Sure I had sort of swiped the idea, but no one had actually done it in real life yet so I was pretty sure I was cool.

Most other days I would be off to History then ancient myths and legends. This being Saturday however I had the rest of the day off. As I walked back towards my apartment I thought about my Myths and legends class.This was normally called a bird class and a lot of Jocks and slackers took it. However this year a new teacher had taken over and she had changed everything around. I had actually chuckled the first time she had entered the class to see so many football jersey's and black leather tops and wild hairstyles. She had looked around, smiled, written her name on the blackboard and then drawn a bird in a cage.

It had taken almost two minutes for most of them to get it. By the end of the week the class had shrunk in size from 50 students to 12. That was when the fun had really started. It seemed strange but Miss Holister sure made those creatures come alive and seem so real. Her class was really helping me with my computer project as well.

I got back to my room and just crashed for another couple of hours before hunger forced me out of bed and I made myself some dinner before opening my laptop to see what had happened in my other life today.

I had several dozen emails and updates to various games I needed to do, but one thing caught my eye. I had a Skype message. Most of my friends never messaged on a Saturday, they knew this was my catch up day and the only time I got to spend in the VR lab. I opened it up and read the message and almost sprayed the food in my mouth across the room. She had bought how many packets of cards!!! Broke him, she would have given him a damn heart attack. Or maybe excited him so much he had done something else I chuckled as I thought about the scene.

I quickly saved her user name and profile to my friends list and then typed back.
Hi Anna. I am glad you contacted me and I bet that clerk is still trying to recover from seeing a beautiful woman in his store, let alone one who bought so many cards :D
I will be on my computer for awhile if you wish to chat but you will have to excuse the mess. I haven't cleaned up yet.

I looked around after I sent the message and realized how true that was. I quickly grabbed some old clothes and threw them in the washing basket and then dishes from the bench and put them in the sink. The space behind me looked cleaner now so if she did call at least I wouldn't look like a total slob.
I smiled as the little icon on screen showed that he was typing back to me almost immediately. His response confused me, as he apologized for the mess. I couldn't see his room but I then noticed a button that said I could get him on a video call. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to him through a little screen. Too much of my vampire senses required in person meeting, his smell, his emotions and thoughts, all things I would not be able to see if we spoke through the computer.

My fingers brushed over the keys a few times as I thought about my response. I didn't want to seem too eager but I did want to see him again. Now that I had met him, he seemed to never leave my mind. Even sitting here in front of the computer I felt antsy and needy to see him.

Finally I typed a reply: I dont wanna open these packs by myself. I am nearby, can I come over? Just wanna make sure that I know whether my cards are good or what not.

I stood up and moved to the bathroom for a moment. There I did something I haven't done for a guy in centuries, I checked myself in the mirror. I do have a reflection. I might not be a natural creature but most laws of physics still work on me. Like the reflection of light as a perfect example.

Anyway satisfied that he would find me attractive, I went back to the computer to see his response.
I had opened up my latest project and put it on my television screen. I was drawing a Vampire girl in 3D on my computer but was having a lot of trouble with it. Oh the body was looking right, that was never a problem, it was the face. The problem was I wanted to show her both beautiful and seductive, but also the darker side that lurked within.

I was either just getting the beauty or the monster, not both. Oh there were many pictures on the internet that had shots like this but none of them felt right. I wanted mine to be just right. It had been the same with the other creatures I had drawn which was why I was in danger of falling behind and why I was always up most nights to early in the morning.

I had just put in the basic wire frame when the message icon flashed. It was Anna and my heart skipped a beat. Wow she had actually responded. My hand flew over of it's own volition without needing my brain to tell it what to do and I was soon reading her response. Come over...Here!!! I shut down for a few seconds and froze. What was I supposed to do? No woman had ever asked that before, in fact I was certain that no female had even stepped foot in this apartment while I had been living here.

Gulping I hesitantingly typed. "Sure why not. Perhaps we could make a deck that will suit your mood. It will be fun. I have snacks and things here so come on over." Then I typed in my address and put in a little map how to get to my place from the front gates.

I sat there for a full minute after hitting 'enter' before turning my head this way and that and then panicking. Ahh the place was a mess. Just how close was she. I stood up and began to madly clean. That was the problem about pulling all nighters constantly, you never really cleaned the place. I just hoped she wasn't too close and I had enough time to get the place looking respectable at least.
I smiled as Jason's address splattered itself across the screen, complete with a nifty little map. I memorized the doodle to make things easier on myself before I pushed away from the desk. I was amused by my apartment choice, I was hardly a mile away from where he lived. It would take me some effort not to simply dart over to his apartment in the blink of an eye.

Instead of running off to meet him with my two boxes of cards in my hands, I allowed myself to be a human for a moment. A human woman to be more specific. Basically I stood in front of a mirror and tried to figure out what I should wear. A small selection of clothing had been brought in, with the agency that had furnished this apartment. Luckily my measurements having changed in hundreds of years and would never change again. You would not believe the amount of shopping time I save knowing exactly what will fit properly without having to try shit on.

I narrowed my outfit choices between two items. A black dress, modest yet thin and designed to cling to my body in all kinds of delightful ways. Or a black tank top with black jeans and have I mentioned that I like black. It makes me feel all vampirey. Simple, and much less exciting than the dress, yet it suited going over to Jason's with the intention of playing a card game. He would be so disappointed if he knew the possible outfit choice I could have made.

I threw on a pair of sneakers and stuff the cards into a large bag, then I was out the door and standing in front of Jason's door within seconds. My speed is blinding, and at a full run I can beat most of the fastest cars on the road. If I push myself I could beat a jet fighter over a very short distance. Yet even I have limits and do suffer from fatigue even if it is only when pushing my limits. I don't do it very often.

I knocked softly on his door, wondering if he would still find me as attractive as he had last night. I also wondered why I cared. What the hell was wrong with me, that I was suddenly so invested in a human I had known for mere hours. Again there was that thread between us that made it hard to understand why any of this was happened, but also lacked the caring to run away from it. I wanted to know this man, wanted to know what secrets he held that called to me.
It had taken me a few minutes to make my place look livable and I still hadn't heard the door so that was good. It now didn't look like a bomb had hit it and the table was clean enough that we would be able to sit at it and so was the couch.

Then I looked down at myself. Gods I was a mess as well. Did I have time to change, I had to have I couldn't meet her looking like this. I rushed into the bathroom and ripped off my clothes and threw them into the now crowded basket and quickly sprayed myself with deodorant. Then washed my face and hands and brushed my teeth and flew into my bedroom. What did I have left that was clean? Ah great a pair of jeans and an old white shirt. Not exactly the outfit of a champion but it was clean.

I hurriedly dressed and was just coming back out into the living area when I heard the door. My heart hit my throat then bounced into my shoes. Okay Jason calm down It is only a girl. The sexiest woman you have ever met and who is going to walk into your apartment but just don't panic.

I walked over to the door and opened it and just stared at her. God she was stunning. Why was she here instead of out partying with some Hollywood A list celebrity. I shook my head and then smiled. "Hi Anna come on in, Welcome to my humble abode, and when I say humble I do mean just that," I say chuckling.

Stepping to the side I invite her in.
I didn't want him to know but when he answered the door my breath caught in my throat. He was dressed simply and unimpressive, yet it suited him and was wonderful. I found myself delighted that he wasn't trying to impress me by being something he wasn't. He was a a modern day geek and my god if it didn't excite me in ways I didn't know possible. Still I didn't understand what the hell was wrong with me. What was it about him that pulled my body so.

Of course I showed him nothing but a smile as he invited me into his home. Another myth was that a vampire needed to be invited into a home to enter. Not true, I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. Some of the "rules" about vampires seemed to have come from left field and I didn't understand how people came up with half of them.

Jason's apartment was simply furnished, cheap simple item set up the apartment. Perfect for a college student. In fact it seemed that the nicest stuff he owned was his television, computer and a fancy looking chair at the computer desk. He clearly spent most of his time at the computer and needed a fancy chair for long sessions.

"This is nice." I said sweetly, "It suits you." I made my way to a recently cleared table, I could see the marks that indicated he had swept stuff from the table quickly and recently. How cute, he tried to clean up before I arrived. I turned toward him and opened my bag.

"Check this out," I said pulling two booster boxes of card out of the bag. "I should be able to make a deck out of this right? The guy at the store also gave me a pack of lands." I fished around in the bag, pretending that I couldn't find the clear packed stack of lands. The fumbling made me seem more human, I thought.

As I pulled the pack from the bag, my eyes passed over the computer where I saw a character on his computer screen. A woman, dressed in all black much like I was now. For a moment I swore it was a 3D picture of me on a computer, but as I looked closer it seemed the face was incomplete, missing things somehow. But her body style, shape, and features seemed identical to mine.

I smiled and pointed, "Is that me?" I asked with a giggle.
My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as I saw the two new boxes full of booster cards. I had only ever seen so many sitting behind the shelf before, never in real life. She had enough here to make almost forty decks but depending on the cards she got we could probably make ten really strong decks. After all with this many boosters she was going to get some top notch rare cards and maybe a few dozen mythics at least.

"Oh I think you will have enough to make a really good deck most certainly," I told her trying to keep my voice calm. "Our only problem will be deciding what type of deck to make."

I turned as she noticed my drawing and compared it to herself. I looked closely and noticed that she was right. It did look a lot like her and I chuckled. "Well it sure looks like you doesn't it, but I guess when you are trying to draw physical perfection that is bound to happen."

I realized what I had just said and I could literally feel my face starting to turn red. I meant it. I felt the blush starting at my neck and working it's way up my face until it disappeared into my hair. I didn't believe what had just come out of my mouth. What was she going to think? Would she think I was hitting on her? Would she walk out? Ahh quick say something.

"Ahh it is supposed to be a vampire but I just can't get the face right. I don't want it to be like all those other pictures you see. You know they are either ones of a gorgeous woman or a really horrible looking one. I think a true vampire is somewhere in between you know. Oh I don't mean all the time of course I just mean at the time of the hunt or the moment of the strike or whatever you would call it," I struggled to explain myself. " I believe then she would still look beautiful but at the same time have the look of a hunter about her. I just cannot get that look though," I shook my head. "I have to keep trying though, I need it for my game and to graduate. I am going to blow everyone's socks off with my project," I said grinning like a little kid.

Then I remembered my manners. "Oh I'm sorry, you came over so we could build you a deck, not so you could hear me ramble about my work. Would you like something to eat or drink before we get started," I asked her gesturing to the table.
I listened to Jason carefully. A slow smile spread across my lips as he compared me to physical perfection. It was funny about my body, which I knew was now the perfect body for male fantasy of this era in history, but back when I was human I would have been considered unhealthy. My family was poor as I had mentioned and my body was fit from hard work, but I was too skinny back then. It suggested that I was undernourished and weak.

My how times have changed. Since I became a vampire my body had tightened up as my muscles became far more powerful than you could imagine. My thin stomach became flat and firm, my breasts had tightened up and no longer had any droop in them, my ass had firmed up as if I had done a million lunges.

Everything about my body was reflected in Jason's little piece of art. My ears perked when he said the woman on screen was meant to be a vampire. I turned toward him quickly as he explained what he was looking for in the face. Again he described me perfectly, as if he had seen me in the hunt.

His words made me begin to understand what the pull between us was. Like we knew each other without ever having met.

I stood up and posed mockingly for him. "You think I am physical perfection?" I teased. I laughed and gave him a look that let just a hint of my vampire gaze into it. "Keep working on it. I'm sure you'll make a great character."

I gestured to the boxes. "Should we start to tear into these packs?" I asked moving around yo sit on the couch. I sank into the seat as the frame under the cushions was cracked and made the couch softer than intended. Though it was rather comfortable. I bounced a little and smirked. I could see myself having sex here.


Wow, I had not thought about sex in a long time. At least not sex for the sake of sex. I often used my looks to add a sexual hint in my gaze to bring my food somewhere provate. But sex for the sake of having sex was hardly a thought in my mind these days.

I looked at Jason. Yeah, I could fuck him. It might be nice.

But I couldn't tonight. It had been too long since I had fed, and my core was too cold to me pleasurable for him. On the surface I would be a passable human temperature. But if he stuck his cock into my womb he would find a bag of ice at the end of my vaginal tunnel.

Not pleasant. And I would want him to enjoy my body, not give him frostbite.

There would be other nights though.

I tore open the plastic on a box and toss him a booster pack. "Come on buddy we don't have all night. I wouldn't want to keep you from making your sex vampire." I teased.
As she posed for me I started to laugh but just for an instant I saw the image of what I wanted. Was it my imagination or was it inspiration. I didn't know but I filed that image away in my memory banks. I would definitely be using it later.

I sat down on the couch beside her and for once i was at ease sitting next to a girl. There was just something about her that made it so natural for me to be around her. It was almost like I was supposed to be there right beside her. As she opened up the box and tossed me a booster pack I laughed. "Sex vampire huh. Oh then I am definitely going to base it on you."

These words just kept tumbling out of my mouth but I found myself no longer embarrassed by them. If she was going to tease me I was going to tease her back. I would just treat her like she was like one of the guys. Although she sure didn't look like one.

"Okay as we open these things let's sort them out into different piles. Color piles, land pile and the rare pile and mythic pile. You can tell the color simply by looking at the card," I said showing them to her as I had three reds, a blue, four blacks, a land card, two whites and three greens. "The rare and mythic cards will look like this," I said showing her the card I held which was foiled. "It shouldn't take us more than an hour or two to do all these," I joked although I suspected it might take that long.
We sat opening packs for the next little while. I had to fight not to sort at lightning speeds, my eyes able to read the cards faster than human thought. It was troublesome as Jason had me so relaxed it was hard not to let myself slip. A big part of me wanted too, I wanted to show him what I was. At least a taste of what i was, just to see if he would accept it or run screaming.

After a little over an hour we had the cards sorted and Jason seemed really impressed with what I had pulled. He began sorting out cards that would work well together in a deck and soon I had the choice of a forest themed elf murder deck or a blood sucking vampire deck.

Bet you can't guess which one I choose.

"Vampires obviously." I said giving him a smile. "Time to suck some blood and fuck some faces." I said. "Or well maybe not that second part."

I heard his stomach growl and I raised an eyebrow. With my hearing somethings I can't be sure that other people hear as well. But he had to have felt it. So I pretended to stand and strech, letting my raised arms pull my top up enough to let him see my tummy.

"You hungry? I'm hungry." I asked. I was hungry but it was nothing that food was going to help with. Still I should probably feed him. "Tell you what. Since you built a deck for me, the least I can do is buy you a taco bell or something. What would you like?"
What would I like? For the first time in my life the answer to that question was standing right in front of me. I wish I had the nerve to answer, "You", but I just didn't have that sort of courage. I had never wanted anyone like this before. Oh sure I had secretly looked at a few girls before and had surfed the net for porn sites. Hell I was a male, but this was more than that, I actually wanted to be with Anna and make her happy and be made happy by her. Oh well file that away in the old fantasy draw and mark it something that was never going to happen.

"Sure I could eat and Taco bell sounds fine with me. So do you want to take my car or yours?"

I secretly hoped she said hers. I had never been in a sports car before and the way she drove I just knew she could handle it like a race car driver. I would love to go driving with her.
I could hear the hint of hope in his voice when he asked what car we wanted to take. Having heard him and his buddies oogling on my car last night, I knew he was in love with my car. I looked him up and down and wiggled my eyebrows, "You like my car don't you?" I asked him.

I shifted my weight onto a single foot and pretended to ponder things. "Well, if we take my car....we have to go somewhere nicer than a fucking Taco Bell. I don't want Taco stink in my leather seats. Do you know a good steak house around here?" I asked.

Normally I don't eat human food, not that I can't, but it does nothing for me. That doesn't mean I don't have my little preferences when I do have to eat, either for pretense like tonight, or in the protection of another which would be another story for another time. Thus I suggested a steak house so that I could get a rare piece of bloody meat, in order to get a little bloody joy with a fake meal.

"And don't worry about cost. It'll be my treat, as a thank you for teaching me your game and making a deck for me." I told him with a smile, almost sensing the tension he felt about taking such a pocket hit. Taco Bell, he could afford. A real meal, maybe not if the stink of TV dinners coming from the kitchen and an uncleaned microwave. Perhaps he could use a maid to come in and give this apartment a good once over. Though he would probably like the tornado hit his place soon after someone cleaned it.

Paying so much attention to Jason, I completely forgot that I hadn't driven here and I had run. I frowned and looked around, "Oh before we go, may I use the little girl's room? Do you have a little girl's room?" I teased with another smile.
Wow a steak. I hadn't had a good steak in...Well I actually couldn't remember the last time I had eaten a really good steak. I wasn't even going to argue with her about her paying if she was willing to do that. I was already thinking about the sweet taste of the meat.

As a student most of my money went on rent and books. Sure I was fortunate that I didn't have to pay tuition, but my workload also didn't allow me the time to go out and get myself a part time job either. Whatever money I had left had been sunk into my computer system and research materials, (or games as everyone else called them).

As a result my diet mainly consisted of cheap microwave dinners, two minute noodles, with the occasional home made meal. Those meals were made with the cheapest cuts of meat I could find though. Still that was the life of a college student wasn't it? All of the gang were in the same boat so I just assumed everyone on campus was the same.

I smiled at her reference to a little girls room. Luckily that was one room I kept immaculate. "Well it has never been a little girls room before and you are going to have to put the seat down, but it is through that door. Turn right and it is the door on your left."

I couldn't believe that she thought that teaching her a game and helping her make a deck was worth not only a ride in her car but a steak dinner. Hell I would have been over the moon if she had just kissed my cheek. I sat on the couch and waited for her to come back.
I darted off to his bathroom, hesitating only a moment at the bathroom doorway. Part of me wanted to explore the rest of his apartment, discovering what secrets about him I might be able to find. Perhaps in so doing I could find a reason as to why I was so drawn towards him. I could have swept through the apartment to my heart's desire in mere moments and he would never know, but I held myself back. My curiosity did not want to ruin his trust in me.

So I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Moving very quickly I opened the window and jumped outside. I ran back to my home and got the Porche that Jason liked so much. I sped out of my garage and zipped back towards Jason apartment. As I got to his parking lot I killed the engine and coasted the car into a parking spot so he would not hear me arrive.

Glancing at the clock I smirked, Jason would think I was taking a shit as I have been in the "Bathroom" for a little over ten minutes. I parked the car and zipped around to sneak back into the bathroom. I flushed the toliet and washed my hands and stepped back out where Jason was sitting worried. IT looked like he thought I may have bailed on him, sneaking out of his window to ruin away.

I kinda did. But I wouldn't bail on him.

"Sorry about that. Lady business." I explained with a smile. "Are you ready to eat?" I asked twirling my car key ring around my finger fast enough to make it whistle through the air.

We went out together and I waited as Jason locked his door, then we walked out to the car. "Is this what you wanted to ride in?" I asked with a teasing smirk. The locks clicked open so he could climb in. I slid behind the wheel and fired up the engine. I smiled at him as I revved the engine loud, rumbling the street beneath us.

"Hold on!" I warned, slapping the car into gear and speeding toward our destination. I easily hit triple digits as I raced through the streets. To be honest, I really wanted to see how scared I could make him. The sound of his heartbeat growing rapid excited me and my smile grew wider and wider.
The longer Anna stayed in my bathroom the more worried I got. Did women really take this long in the toilet? Oh sure I knew guys did, hell I had, but girls? Didn't they just pop in and out unless they had to fix up their makeup or something.

I glanced at the clock and got even more worried. Perhaps she had finally come to her senses and had crawled out the window or something. I knew it might be a bit of a squeeze but for someone of her body shape it would be easy. I was just about to check when I heard the toilet flush and I breathed a sigh of relief.

She came out twirling her keys around her fingers, teasing me with their presence but I couldn't help but smile. I had already grabbed my wallet and keys and I opened the door for her and let her out. She waited for me to lock my door and then walked me over to her car.

It even looked fast just sitting there. Of course she had to tease me again but I just nodded at her. "I have always dreamed of riding in one of these but have never had any friends that owned one or the guts to get in one. However I trust you. I know you can drive this without any problems."

I smiled at her as I got in and put my seat belt on. I might trust her but it was still safety first. I gave her directions to a great steak place I had always wanted to try and then she fired up the car. I felt the rumble in my bones and at her insistence to Hold On, I grabbed the hand hold above the door and did just that.

She blasted her way out of the campus and onto the main road and flew down it. I didn't know what speed we were doing but I knew it was well over the speed limit yet I didn't care. I was frightened a little but I was also exhilarated.I was in a sports car with a beautiful woman, speeding along and I was having the time of my life. Now if I could only stop my heart from trying to escape from out of my mouth it would be perfect.