I had a story rejected after four months


May 27, 2013
Someone reported it for underage sexuality.

I was given the following reason for the rejection:
Report ID: 33038 Title: Violating submission guidelines (please list below): Details: When Ashlynne had been thirteen, she realized one night that I was checking out her then-small titties. Quote from page two. It is one comment, but I thought age was a factor in submitting stories. Submission: My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date [edit] Submission Author: 8letters [edit]

The offending paragraph:
When Ashlynne had been thirteen, she realized one night that I was checking out her then-small titties. She had freaked out and had been furious at me. Since then, she would never let me see her in a nightshirt if she could help it. It had been one of those things that we had fought constantly about. Once she was in a nightshirt, I couldn’t come into her room. If I had to talk to her, she’d crack open the door a tiny bit and hide behind it so I’d couldn’t see any of her as we talked. If our parents wanted her to come out of her room while she was in a nightshirt, I had to stay in my room. If we traveled, she’d tell me every night to not be a perv and check her out. If Mom and Dad left the room and/or looked away, I’d check out her body. She did have a hot body and it royally pissed her off.

I replaced that paragraph with the following and got it republished:
One night when Ashlynne was thirteen, she decided that she didn’t want me to see her in her nightshirt anymore. Whatever. I hadn’t been checking her out – she was my sister. But her decision that I was such a perv that I had to be checking her out pissed me off. And she had always treated me like a perv. Once she was in a nightshirt, I couldn’t come into her room. If I had to talk to her, she’d crack open the door a tiny bit and hide behind it so I’d couldn’t see any of her as we talked. If our parents wanted her to come out of her room while she was in a nightshirt, I had to stay in my room. Every time she treated me like a perv, it pissed me off and I did something later to get back at her.

I'm not whining. I'm just sharing an example of a story getting bounced for underage sexuality and how I resolved it.

Note: I probably got the tense wrong multiple times. Oh well.

Edit: Added rejection reason
Last edited:
Sorry that happened to you 8letters. I'm sure you must have been shocked when you received notice of the rejection after it being posted for so long. But, the flip side of this is that someone read your story pretty closely after 4 months to report it.

It must have been buried in the story for it to have been missed during the screening phase. Bless Laurel. Can you imagine how hard it is to screen all the stories word for word? She probably walks around with her eyes crossed at the end of the day!

Just try to chalk it up to experience and move on is my best advice. (A question as an afterthought...when you wrote the paragraph, did you not see the connection between a 13 year old and the thrill (sexual) connection?) I'm just curious, not trying to be snotty. I'm curious about how wise it is to edit our own stories which I always do.

I hope your day gets better from this point forward!
I don't see a functional difference between the two.

Also, did you receive any sort of notification that it had been rejected or did you just have to stumble on to the fact that it had?
I don't see a functional difference between the two.
It was my hope that the revised version advanced the story the same amount while avoiding any sexual reference to Ashlynne when she was under 18.

Also, did you receive any sort of notification that it had been rejected or did you just have to stumble on to the fact that it had?
No notice. I was looking at my list of submitted stories and noticed that one had a "Rejected" status.
Someone reported it for underage sexuality.

The offending paragraph:

I replaced that paragraph with the following and got it republished:

I'm not whining. I'm just sharing an example of a story getting bounced for underage sexuality and how I resolved it.

Note: I probably got the tense wrong multiple times. Oh well.

Dude - what part of underage has escaped you? I'm sorry, that was harsh. Let me put it this way - what part of underage has escaped you?
Sorry that happened to you 8letters.
It was no big deal. A small revision and then it was back on line three days later.

I'm sure you must have been shocked when you received notice of the rejection after it being posted for so long. But, the flip side of this is that someone read your story pretty closely after 4 months to report it.
I guess I'm shocked that this story got rejected for that paragraph. It seems trivial to me, but fortunately it was easy to re-write it so that it passed muster.

Bless Laurel. Can you imagine how hard it is to screen all the stories word for word? She probably walks around with her eyes crossed at the end of the day!
I'd think all she could do is a quick skim. Under 18 sex doesn't offend me, so I don't care if she catches every little instance of not.

A question as an afterthought...when you wrote the paragraph, did you not see the connection between a 13 year old and the thrill (sexual) connection?
I didn't see it as sexual. He didn't see her tits. He didn't touch her. He looked at her and noticed that she had tits just like every other 13 year old girl. The paragraph is about them sparing over him seeing her in a nightshirt, not about him getting excited about seeing her in a nightshirt.
It was my hope that the revised version advanced the story the same amount while avoiding any sexual reference to Ashlynne when she was under 18.

Referencing tits on a thirteen-year-old is an underage sexual reference right there. And still is in your rewrite, so I don't really see the functional difference. I wouldn't get out the knives about it myself, but I put it in the "who do you think you're fooling?" underage card category.

No notice. I was looking at my list of submitted stories and noticed that one had a "Rejected" status.

That was the answer I assumed it would be--and not a good Web site practice. Some of us have hundreds of stories here. We aren't going to catch that a story has been pulled by management. If they pull it, they should notify the author they have--and why.
If I had to guess it was probably this bit, but I could be wrong.

If Mom and Dad left the room and/or looked away, I’d check out her body. She did have a hot body and it royally pissed her off.

But yeah, functionally they're the same to me. Bit weird that you wouldn't get a notice though. Seems like something important enough for an email. But then again, I didn't get one when one of my stories was moved to another category. Is that standard here, to not be notified of these things?
One night when Ashlynne was thirteen, she decided that she didn’t want me to see her in her nightshirt anymore. Whatever. I hadn’t been checking her out – she was my sister. But her decision that I was such a perv that I had to be checking her out pissed me off. And she had always treated me like a perv. Once she was in a nightshirt, I couldn’t come into her room. If I had to talk to her, she’d crack open the door a tiny bit and hide behind it so I’d couldn’t see any of her as we talked. If our parents wanted her to come out of her room while she was in a nightshirt, I had to stay in my room. Every time she treated me like a perv, it pissed me off and I did something later to get back at her.

Here is the problem as I see it: you have never been a 13 year old girl coming into maturity. There is a real embarrassment that can take place when being watched. You did not address any that. Your narrative places all the attention on her breasts and your involvement with her breasts. That is sexual because she is 13 years old.
Rewrite it to indicate her shyness in a way that does not describe body parts or change it to when she was 18 then you do anything you story calls for with her breasts.
If I had to guess it was probably this bit, but I could be wrong.
>> If Mom and Dad left the room and/or looked away, I’d check out her body. She did have a hot body and it royally pissed her off. <<

Nope. I was given the following reason for the rejection:
Report ID: 33038 Title: Violating submission guidelines (please list below): Details: When Ashlynne had been thirteen, she realized one night that I was checking out her then-small titties. Quote from page two. It is one comment, but I thought age was a factor in submitting stories. Submission: My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date [edit] Submission Author: 8letters [edit]
Ah, okay. I didn't even react when I read that bit the first time. I suppose it does make sense though. Oh well. Glad you got it resolved.
I read the story (a while ago) and didn't even notice it.

I'm about to post a story in which an 18-year-old sees her twin with her father, and then realizes that "the abuse" (as I call it) had been going on since the sister was 12. That's all it says ... I hope it doesn't get rejected for that!
I read the story (a while ago) and didn't even notice it.

I'm about to post a story in which an 18-year-old sees her twin with her father, and then realizes that "the abuse" (as I call it) had been going on since the sister was 12. That's all it says ... I hope it doesn't get rejected for that!

It would be nice if the non-consensual abuse story you are submitting deals with the aftermath rather than the details of the sexual relationship.
It would be nice if the non-consensual abuse story you are submitting deals with the aftermath rather than the details of the sexual relationship.

I wouldn't read it on an erotica fantasy story site. The underage wouldn't appeal to me, but I wouldn't read a preachy story on the aftermath of it on an erotica fantasy story site either. I wouldn't find that a bit arousing, and therefore isn't why I come to Literotica.
I wouldn't read it on an erotica fantasy story site. The underage wouldn't appeal to me, but I wouldn't read a preachy story on the aftermath of it on an erotica fantasy story site either. I wouldn't find that a bit arousing, and therefore isn't why I come to Literotica.

That is one of the reasons one should pass on a non-consensual abuse with underage stories. Nothing wrong with a incest story about a 18 yo twin deciding she likes daddy, but not the history on sexual encounters.
This is disturbing to hear...

because I am currently writing a story in which an underage girl is being molested. Before even starting it, I contacted Laurel. She gave me some guide lines to follow so it wouldn't be rejected. I am following them religiously because I'm putting a lot of work into the story.

Why this thread is so disturbing to me is that, according to what you wrote, you would also fall with-in the guide lines. After all the effort, I sure hope she doesn't backtrack on me.
because I am currently writing a story in which an underage girl is being molested. Before even starting it, I contacted Laurel. She gave me some guide lines to follow so it wouldn't be rejected. I am following them religiously because I'm putting a lot of work into the story.
What guidelines did she give you?
Here is what she wrote...

What guidelines did she give you?

So long as the abuse is not described in detail, it should be fine.

For example:
"We were alone, and he forced himself on me. And it wasn't the first time." Tears ran down her face, as she looked away.
His friendly smile grew wider, predatory, as his hands gripped her too tightly.

Hours later, she sat in the bathtub, eyes shut tightly, trying to forget what had happened.
would be fine.
He'd reach under her top and play with her pert breasts before pulling off her panties...
"He started by just grabbing my ass," she mumbled, eyes downcast. "And then he started pulling off my panties and forcing himself inside me."
would NOT be okay.

A matter of fact statement is fine. Detailed description of what happened is not.

If there are specific passages of which you are unsure, feel free to run them by me.

Thanks always, and have a great weekend!

So long as the abuse is not described in detail, it should be fine.

For example:
"We were alone, and he forced himself on me. And it wasn't the first time." Tears ran down her face, as she looked away.
His friendly smile grew wider, predatory, as his hands gripped her too tightly.

Hours later, she sat in the bathtub, eyes shut tightly, trying to forget what had happened.
would be fine.
He'd reach under her top and play with her pert breasts before pulling off her panties...
"He started by just grabbing my ass," she mumbled, eyes downcast. "And then he started pulling off my panties and forcing himself inside me."
would NOT be okay.

A matter of fact statement is fine. Detailed description of what happened is not.

If there are specific passages of which you are unsure, feel free to run them by me.

Thanks always, and have a great weekend!

Those guidelines match what I'd expect. That it's okay to state that sex happened before someone was 18. So
She lost her virginity when she was 14.
My mom got pregnant with me when she was 14.
I've been fucking my girlfriend since we were both 14.
Are all fine.

It's not okay to describe someone being in a sexual situation before they turn 18.

I'd think the under-18 sex happening during the story would make it much more likely to get bounced.

I have a partially done story where a 16-year-old guard suspects her 18-year-old sister is having sex with her boyfriend in her bedroom with the door closed. She tells her dad and the dad asks her to set up a spy cam to record her sister having sex. The 16-year-old never watches the videos from the spy cam. I haven't completed the story as I'm afraid that it will run afoul of the under-18-in-a-sexual-situation rule.

I discussed it briefly with Laurel and she said to send it to her.
Laurel said:
Put it into a submission form titled "Laurel - Just Check This", then PM me to let me know it's there. I'll take a look as soon as I'm able and let you know if it's rule-ish.

So I'd definitely run your story by Laurel before submitting it. My guess is that if someone complains about under-18, Laurel is biased to bounce the story. However, if you've had the story pre-approved, you should be safe.
So long as the abuse is not described in detail, it should be fine.

For example:
"We were alone, and he forced himself on me. And it wasn't the first time." Tears ran down her face, as she looked away.
His friendly smile grew wider, predatory, as his hands gripped her too tightly.

Hours later, she sat in the bathtub, eyes shut tightly, trying to forget what had happened.
would be fine.
He'd reach under her top and play with her pert breasts before pulling off her panties...
"He started by just grabbing my ass," she mumbled, eyes downcast. "And then he started pulling off my panties and forcing himself inside me."
would NOT be okay.

A matter of fact statement is fine. Detailed description of what happened is not.

If there are specific passages of which you are unsure, feel free to run them by me.

Thanks always, and have a great weekend!


He'd reach under her top and play with her pert breasts before pulling off her panties...

How is that different from When Ashlynne had been thirteen, she realized one night that I was checking out her then-small titties. because he wrote 13?
It would be nice if the non-consensual abuse story you are submitting deals with the aftermath rather than the details of the sexual relationship.

Don't make invalid assumptions.

It is NOT a non-consensual abuse story, and I never even hinted that it was.

It's a story about grown forty-something women (twin sisters). There's a description of one sister discovering, with shock, while she was 18, that the other sister (also 18) had had sex with her dad ... at age 18. She then figures out that it had in fact started at a younger age (and that's all it says - half a sentence, no more) ... and the story continues with their present-age activities, exploring the psychological impact of those activities on the sisters' current-day lives.

So long as the abuse is not described in detail, it should be fine.
Thanks always, and have a great weekend!


Thanks for those details from Laurel. Based on that, I'm well within the guidelines. My story does not glorify, or even describe, the under-age activities.

However, I might contact her before the submission anyway.
Read what she said more closely...

He'd reach under her top and play with her pert breasts before pulling off her panties...

How is that different from When Ashlynne had been thirteen, she realized one night that I was checking out her then-small titties. because he wrote 13?

She said that would NOT be acceptable.
Here is the problem as I see it: you have never been a 13 year old girl coming into maturity. There is a real embarrassment that can take place when being watched. You did not address any that. Your narrative places all the attention on her breasts and your involvement with her breasts. That is sexual because she is 13 years old.
Rewrite it to indicate her shyness in a way that does not describe body parts or change it to when she was 18 then you do anything you story calls for with her breasts.

I'm guessing the male character is 15 years old. (I hope he's not a lot older or this is edging towards pedo space, let alone a Lit rules issue). At 15 no guy cares about a girl's embarrassment - girls are things to look at and ideally touch. Assuming the male was about 15, the original paragraph got exactly the right flavor of what guys are like at that age, though not generally towards sisters. The girl was pissed at the unwanted attention, so I think he got that right, too.

It also makes total sense that it doesn't belong on Lit.

The revised paragraph lacks the punchy honesty of the original but still retains a little of the creepy "this doesn't belong here" feel. But Laurel accepted it, so move on.

If I were writing this, which I wouldn't, the paragraph would be gone, and if references were needed to these events I'd weave them into current day dialog.

"Don't give me that! You've been checking me out since I was 13, you stupid perv!"

It pretty much says everything that has to be said, and since the goal is (presumably) to make the male character unlikable, I don't think you need more.
If I were writing this, which I wouldn't, the paragraph would be gone, and if references were needed to these events I'd weave them into current day dialog.

"Don't give me that! You've been checking me out since I was 13, you stupid perv!"

It pretty much says everything that has to be said, and since the goal is (presumably) to make the male character unlikable, I don't think you need more.

I would say you would need a little more to get across everything written in the original paragraph. It serves as a good reference point, yes, but just having that sentence alone tells nothing of the brother's side of things, which is important since it's from his pov. Without more the reader is just told that the sister feels like he's been perving on her, which he may or may not have. I'm not sure how much you could add before inadvertently entering creepy town though.

Something like this maybe,

"Don't give me that! You've been checking me out since I was 13, you stupid perv!"

It was true. I had been checking her out back then, but not in the way she though. Well, at least not initially. At first it had just been something I did to annoy her, because that's what siblings do. It hadn't been until she was fifteen that I actually started realizing how attractive she was becoming. Of course, with me being seventeen at the time it wasn't that strange, right? I mean sure, she was my sister but that wasn't my fault, was it?

That way it shows that he's been 'into' her since teenhood without going into sexually explicit details. I don't know if that's any less 'rule breaking' than the original paragraph though. Definitely not less creepy, which might be the intention.

But yeah, overall it seems easier to just stay away from this subject when intending to submit here.
My rejections were the use of under age characters. The stories were submitted a long time back and I have since returned to writing and have edited the rejected works altering the ages to 18. The edited versions are either marked "Not Submitted" or don't appear.