How big is your porn collection?


Really Experienced
Jul 18, 2022
I feel like the answers to this will range from "boxes of old VHS tapes and magazines," to "nothing because I just watch tube sites," but I'm curious how many people collect and how much.

My porn collection is exclusively digital. I started collecting back in the early days of digital porn because I didn't have my own internet at home in college, so had to load floppy disks with hot images at school and take them home to enjoy on my own computer. Got into the habit of collecting what excited me the most so I could always find it again. I don't add to it as much as I used to in the video tube age, but often keep a copy of what I really like. I currently have more than I'll ever go back to and watch, but it's nice to scroll through at times and watch old favorites, and there are of course some I enjoy regularly. I think there's some I downloaded in batches from other collections that I've probably never even fully gone through.

We also keep a homemade collection of the pics, video (and resulting compilations and mash ups) that my wife and I have made in the last 20 years.

Porn collection: 706 GB, 33,883 files as of today, sorted into 1,250 folders.
That includes a very broad range of photos, videos, pdf stories of varying age and quality.
I tend to organize them by genre, pro vs amateur, and by girl in the case of favorite models/people.

Wife and I's Homemade porn collection: 361 GB, 7,797 files in 207 folders.
These are organized roughly by year, then encounter (like a trip, or a notable blowjob night), as well as compilations and mash-ups. I tend to include my mash up videos of my wife and other women that I've made with the porn collection too, so there are some duplicates.

How big is yours?
I one day was cleaning house and got rid of everything. Toys and movies. Now I just do streaming and two anal toys. Even got rid of my Fleshlights. Hand and hand cream is so much better and easier to clean.
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I used to have tons of DVDs. Maybe 100 or so. Over my lifetime ive had 100s of mags through the years. Every so often id purge a few. Some I wish i still had. All kinds too. I even had some VhS. Wife found stash and made me destroy the whole lot. I miss my collection. On a good note though ive created my own porn scenes after I discovered the joys of crossdressing and playing with men.
i have several encrypted external hardrives for my collection, covering a wide variety of videos and pix
19,000 files - 20GB. Not nearly all porn. Several thousand of the files are pretty lady wallpapers I've been collecting off the 'Net for 20+ years.
We use to have a fairly large collection of VHS tapes years ago, then moved over to DVD's. We have none of the VHS any longer but still a collection of DVD's from the 90's into the the 2000's. I would estimate we have around 25 or so. For the most part we to to various porn sites when in the mood to add visuals to the bedroom, either together or flying solo.
It could easily become several TB if I download everything in the highest available resolution. I usually pick a middle option. I don't want a 2 GB file for one video.
Without looking, thousands of pictures and videos on the computer, and a drawer full of DVD’s.
Same as many others.

First I had magazines. Next I used to rent VHS tapes. Next I duplicated my favorite scenes onto blank tapes. Next came renting dvds and buying them. Next came Napster and unlimited free porn. That eventually evolved into all these streaming porn aggregator sites. So, I don't think I have any physical porn any more.
It's big enough that I will have one drive just for porn. I started moving a TB of other videos to another drive.
I don't save anything. When the internet was new I had boxes of 3.5" floppy disks with pics on them that I downloaded, but as technology improved and access increased it became less and less necessary to save anything. The wife and I used to have thousands of pics of her we made, but they were stored on an old computer that has since been retired.
(Correction - I have one flash drive with some pics a former flame sent me, but that's it.)
I have quite the collection of my own. Me solo, me with lovers/partners. 1000s of pieces, if I had to guess. I'd much rather watch myself, but the internet is vast and wide, so I dabble there as well for genres lacking in my own collection.
I agree. I prefer real people. Not porn stars. I think it’s more believable and sexy as.
I have quite the collection of my own. Me solo, me with lovers/partners. 1000s of pieces, if I had to guess. I'd much rather watch myself, but the internet is vast and wide, so I dabble there as well for genres lacking in my own collection.
I'd love to watch us....over and over again :)