gop in panic-mode over who they can put up against the dem in northwestern Ohio


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
the guy they got to replace the guy who lied about his military valour now has a tape surfaced where he calls trump arrogant, and screenshots from 2 years back where he calls him an idiot. trump has seen them.

The GOP is eager to block J.R. Majewski from winning its nomination to challenge veteran Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur. Majewski lost his previous bid for Congress last year, after a news report on his military records indicated he lied about combat duty in Afghanistan.
Republicans turned to former state legislator Craig Riedel to beat Majewski in this cycle's primary. But last week, an audio tape surfaced of Riedel calling Donald Trump "arrogant" and vowing not to endorse the former president. Now the primary looks poised to become a referendum on which is worse in today's GOP: criticizing Trump, or allegedly lying about one’s military valor.
maybe they can magic up a third....

but if trump endorses the military liar, that will offend those old-style reps who served themselves, maybe lost limbs or sons/daughters in action

decisions, decisions. only the best people!
It’s so surprising that the Conspiracy Nut Party has cretins and lunatics running for office.

Who could have predicted such a thing?