Ghis (closed)

"I wasn't talking about them- they only want you for your looks or for some conquest. I'm talking about people who actually care about you. Qira is your biggest fan, easily."
“He didn’t have to stay and entertain me like a child all day. I’m sure that he had other things to do.” Kate said, knowing that Qira had done a generous deed for her that day while Rissa and Kell has taken care of wayward lords.
"He adores you, and when I told him his job was to look after you above anyone else, he decided he would look after your mental well-being too, at least as well as he could."
"So....I guess in a round about way, I need to be nice to Rissa because of Qira." Kate said, looking up into Kell's amber colored gaze. "You're a wily wolf."
"No, but you ought to be nice and appreciate her because she gives a damn unlike half the council of lords. Whatever she does with Qira is outside their work and none of my business."
"If I owe it to him, then I'll try harder." Kate said, relaxing against her husband. "Even if I don't think I'll ever like her."
"I think you'd love her if you got to know her. But til then, just know that the man responsible for judging people who get near you seems to adore her.
Kate was quiet after that, simply curling against her husband’s side and pondering what he had to say. She’s try to give Rissa a chance but she still didn’t see how things would work out between her new advisor and herself.
In the following days, Kell released the duke, his title and noble status revoked to be placed on another member of his family, ideally a cousin or someone the former duke couldn't so closely influence. The man was escorted home by armed guardsmen, and the castle quieted down finally, getting back to normal business. Qira was a bit more alert about Kate being near potentially volatile council members and nobles, and Kell made it very clear that any future attempt to touch the Queen without her permission, or any attempt to hold or harm her would result in far more dire consequences.
Kate hated the scrutiny that seemed to be placed on her after the upstart lord had been stripped of his titles and sent home. Those that supported her never wavered. Those that wanted to see her replaced began to whisper in secret that she was an unreasonable young girl playing at being royalty. She hated all of the eyes upon her at all times and felt herself cracking under the pressure. She was too stubborn to give up, but she wondered how long she could keep going for her own sanity.

She sought out Warwick one rainy afternoon, pausing in the doorway as she saw Rissa there having a lively conversation with the older man. Kate was instantly jealous with how at ease the other woman was in almost every situation. She wished she had that kind of ease.

Rissa glanced up from their conversation, pausing when she saw Kate. Glancing back over at Warwick, she patted his hand and stood.

"Well, I suppose I should be on my way. There are reports that need writing." Rissa said softly.

"You don't have to leave because of me." Kate said as she stepped into the room.

"I never said I was." Rissa countered, refusing to let Kate intimidate her in any way.
"Good afternoon, dear," Warwick greeted Kate as Rissa set out. "Have a seat." He leaned back comfortably in his own chair. "What can I do for you?"
"I hope you can be honest with me." Kate said softly as she took a seat, resting her still healing arm on the arm rest. "When does all of this get easier? When do I ignore the looks and talk that happens behind my back?"
"I am not the authority on that, my dear," Warwick shook his head. "But I can tell you from experience that Marianne has dealt with it most of her time here. It was at its worst when she first married Brian, but some men never ceased defying her all her reign, and defying Brian for allowing her nearly equal power and free reign, even the ability to overrule him. You face a new set of problems with the added difficulty of a Wolf for a husband who's also in charge of national security. Few men, be they of means or no, want to bow to a woman and a 'beast,' after being raised to believe that men alone are to be the Masters of the realm. Common folk are more open-minded in some ways, but noblemen raised to believe themselves above you excepting only light formalities... Those men will take convincing to bend the knee to you. To answer your question in short... It will never be easy. But it will get easier as you learn how to deal with different personalities. As for the rumors and nonsense, you pay them no heed unless they directly interfere with your rule. Most folk know that the talk is just that: talk. Even those that do not believe in you will know the difference between rumor and fact. It is only when those you trust begin to question you that you should become worried. Should that happen, you must close ranks and get everyone on the same page before you can move forward as a group. That may include myself and your husband, it may include your staff and Royal Guard, or perhaps it will be the common folk which requires an open speech or a decree. When the problems arise we will tackle them together, for any ruler is nothing on their own. You will need all of your allies to maintain order and disprove your detractors. if you feel you're currently having a problem with the rumors, I am happy to do anything in my power to put a stop to them or disprove them."
"I'm too much of a coward to tell Kell that I'm miserable and I'm too stubborn to give up and go home. It only serves to make me even more miserable." Kate said with a long sigh. "And I can't bring myself to trust Rissa, no matter how the rest of you feel about her."
"With a problem like yours, it won't go away even if you do go home," Warwick advised gently. "You are incredibly insecure with yourself, Kate. You care too much how you are percieved and you convince yourself that the naysayers outnumber the supporters, that your husband will tire of you and abandon you, and that even your most loyal will turn away. There are detractors and there will be some that leave you, but you obsess over it til you're certain you will end up alone and hated and outmatched. That will happen to you wherever you are if you keep on this mental path. It is time you cared for your own mental well-being."
"Every single step is noticed, Warwick. Every single moment of weakness and every imperfection. How can I focus on myself when they demand so much of me?" Kate asked him in complete honesty. "I'm well aware of my biological father's mental illness as well and it frightens me that I might go down that path.""
"You only think every step is noticed. People talk, yes, but they forget just as quickly as they say anything. And you must focus on yourself if you want to avoid Arland's fate."
"They'll accuse me of being self centered." Kate tried to argue halfheartedly. "And I suppose there's no way to get around it then."

She thought about his advice for a moment, knowing that he wouldn't suggest someone to be her aide if he didn't believe that the person was the right one for the job. He also wouldn't lead her astray if he could help it. He had seen her grandfather lose his own mind, abusing her sweet Gran, and there was little anyone could do back then to stop it.
"Anyone who speaks against you when you're only doing your best, is someone who will never respect you even if you serve them all their deepest wishes on a silver platter. The goal of a queen is not to please every nay-sayer, it is to do what is best for everyone, and balance the classes so that all may know some comfort and security. And of course, to protect her own should threats arise. Anyone who speaks against you for that is not interested in the common good, and their advice or criticism should be taken with plenty of salt."
"What did Gale see in me besides a stubborn woman?" Kate asked Warwick honestly. "I know he trusted my Da and has always had close ties to my family because of my Gran, but why me?"
"I will not pretend that I know what Gale intended. Even Marianne had no idea he'd choose you. But I believe he saw something that no one else did, the potential to do greater good than what being a Clan Queen would allow."
"Well, I suppose acting like a petulant brat won't do anyone any good then." Kate said, trying to pass off everything as if it didn't hurt her soul and as it she hadn't brought this pain upon herself, even though she had. "It's certainly not behavior befitting a queen."
"It isn't behavior for the kind of Queen these men want. You can be something other than what they want, though. You need to be comfortable in your own skin first, though."
"Easier said than done, but I welcome a challenge." Kate said with a small grin towards Warwick. "It'll be a welcome surprise for Kell, I'm sure."