Gavin Newsom Dismantles Republican Governors In Less Than 1 Minute

Good morning!
Kinda like the Bible, if one scours the innernettes long enough they can always find sumfin to back up their way of thinking. But before you get yourself all wound up, lemme tell ya that I’ve not posted this to laugh at you and your flight to redurbia musings, or mock how you daily can cite some rando from the Epoch Times or whatever (ok, maybe I am doing that here just a lil), nor am I saying anything critical on Desantis, or wishing ill to the folks in Florida or their economy. No, this is about climate change, global warming, the climate crisis (have it at attacking the semantics, I don’t care).
My point is that the shit is real and is to the detriment of us all whether you and your side chooses to believe or not. Our military and insurance companies certainly believe.
And you wanna know who is showing real leadership on this? The state of California and Gavin Newsom. a July letter to,the final plan incorporate new
You know damn well I am talking about the traitor Fascist you worship.
Lol. Yes I know who you were talking about. That’s nuts. Any governor or potus in the US who wants to be a dictator is out of luck. They don’t get to dictate here. Legislature and judiciary branches don’t allow it.
Lol. Yes I know who you were talking about. That’s nuts. Any governor or potus in the US who wants to be a dictator is out of luck. They don’t get to dictate here. Legislature and judiciary branches don’t allow it.
Ya got ta give Joe an A+ for trying. How many times have he attempted to skirt the constitution. Rent and student loans comes to mind! 😜
No that’s not what you thought, he tried to skirt congress on fiscal responsibility, he went outside his purview eliminating debt.
He made an executive order for political points and the courts ruled it was outside his ability.

Reducing the financial burden of Americans should be celebrated. You act as though you're going to pay more won't.
No, she did not. You should write a strongly worded letter to her manager.

That's also the kind of weak deflection we've come to expect from you simpletons.
The simpletons are blue, dude. Deflection? get real that is all that little Pierre and Psaki do, oh yes DO they cover up for the democrat mafia in the White House
He made an executive order for political points and the courts ruled it was outside his ability.

Reducing the financial burden of Americans should be celebrated. You act as though you're going to pay more won't.
While adding additional burden on others is OK. Pay your own fucking bills.
While adding additional burden on others is OK. Pay your own fucking bills.
Tell it to the numerous members of Congress who had their PPP loans forgiven, all of them for a lot more than $10K.
While adding additional burden on others is OK. Pay your own fucking bills.
There's no additional burden, dipsbit. Your taxes have gone down.

You aren't paying more to accommodate anything.
Just remember 32 trillion
I know the debt we have. I also know the GDP and the lack of the top 5% contributing to that debt.

And you still won't pay more in taxes to accommodate.
I know the debt we have. I also know the GDP and the lack of the top 5% contributing to that debt.

And you still won't pay more in taxes to accommodate.
Typical progressive, 400 billion means nothing to you. Someone has to pay, money doesn’t grow on trees.