From the Witchfinder's Files, Tale I: Snake in Chains

"Don't dare to let me wait." added Phyliss. She looked at the house; it was large and complex, just perfect. She kept her cool face, although she was trembling inside to see the man she had just heard - and feeled.
After long hesitation, the fat man showed himself at the door - only the red had suddenly taken flight from his face, and he barely got out a word - just enough to assure the enraged woman that he would of course do as she had ordered. Medardus had to suppress a smirk at the man's sudden transformation. Somehow, it felt good to see her take her revenge on those who had wronged her. Then he cringed when he suddenly remembered again who fit that description more than anyone else. What did she have in store for him?
"I see you recognize me. You will have heard by now why I was sent to this village - and by whom. And you know very well what you did."
She waited some moments to raise tension.
"I will stay some time to see if there is any hope for the sinners in this village. You will give me - and my servant - room to stay. And I don't want to be disturbed by anyone at any time, be it staff or citizien."
He had never seen the fat man that fearful in his life, and in no time, he had moved himself to the guest room, leaving to them his own room! A comfortable dwelling, it was dark and warm, with a large bed in the middle of it and heavy furniture. Also, to his horror, he noticed the only windows were in the walls towards the back garden. It was a place where it would be easy for her to hide whatever she was about to do to him. He was afraid and excited about her plans for him. Why excited? He knew that she could and, in all fairness, should, hurt him terribly for what he had done to her. Yet, the thought excited him. Why?
Phyliss examined the room. It wasn't bad at all; but she kept calm and collected, not telling her feelings away. She turned to Medardus.
"That should do. Will you go and get all the things that will be needed? meanwhile..."
She turned back to the fat man.
"I will sit with our host and have a talk with him."
Her revenge had been postponed again. Playing along as the obedient servant, he nodded and went to do as she had ordered. Now what would she have to discuss with the man? By the pounding he had given her, probably nothing too happy. If she was going to kill everyone who had raped her during that fateful week, people would start to notice. Not to mention that this number would include himself...
Phyliss sat down, while Metardus went off to get her clothes. She adressed the fat man.
"You see, even my worst tormentor, who did so much wrong to me, is no obedient, also his punishment isn't over yet."
She paused a moment, before she went on.
"You know very well what you did yourself. Your only chance to escape a horrible fate is to fully cooperate with me. You will never talk about anything I tell you, or what you hear or see in this house. You will have to prove your loyalty to be forgiven. Do you understand?"
She slipped back into the role of the dominating, haughty lady so quickly! To think that she had been whimpering for mercy not so long ago... There was still an inexplicable excitement, mixed with morbid curiosity, inside him about what she had planned as revenge. He decided to follow this curiosity and play along (was he still "playing along", though? He was feeling control slip from him. The crafty little thing had actually managed a complete role reversal!).

In his new role as a obedient servant, he merely nodded quickly and replied with a firm "yes."
Phyliss waited until Metardus left, to get her things. She leaned forward, and stared at the owner of the house. Her face was stern, and she took care that her pose wasn't seductive, but displayed her female qualities as if accidental.
"So, will you cooperate with me? I guessed you prefered me when I had my rear in your direction and was locked up safely?"
"As opposed to furious and ready to take cruel revenge? Absolutely! But yes, I will do what you say. I would be foolish not to..." His flippant remark hid growing fear. What was she planning. Was this still the same begging, whimpering girl? What had he gotten himself into? All this confusion and fear made him almost ready to faint, but he steeled himself. "I will not deny you your revenge. It is my only way to apologize for what I have done to you..."
"Very well. You will never speak a word of anything that happens inside here, and you will never speak to anyone about me. I have all freedom here, and you will never complain or question whatever I do. The same goes for your servants, as you are responsible for them. You might find redemption or maybe even a reward, if you follow the rules, and a fate worse then anything you can even imagine if you break them or oppose against me. So, do we understand each other?"
He tried to suppress a grin - somehow, the sudden switch seemed funny to him. Yet he knew that grinning at her would be a mistake - a deadly one, maybe. Just a role, just a role, he reassured his nagging thoughts. Yes, just like she was playing the role of the begging prisoner, his thoughts answered back. Was this the beginning of a great adventure, or merely the path to a gruesome end? He was willing to try. A simple, firm "yes" and a nod took him one step further into the unknown.
"Very well. You will go to the church with all your servants and you will poray for forgiveness. You will do this for at least three hours, so not just a superficial gesture."
Phyliss stood up, and went to her room. So she would have several hours to be alone with Metardus, as soon as he would return, while the fat guy and his servants would be praying in the church.
His face was expressionless as he looked at his new mistress. Not because he had no emotions at the moment - far from it. Just too many to process them all. Fear, love, excitement, curiosity and guilt all fought for control of him. For the moment, he decided to remain as calm and possible and just see. "What are your orders now?", he asked calmly.
After the fat guy and his servants had left, she was finally alone with Metardus who had just returned. He looked motionless at her, standing in front of her new room. Ste stood before the bed, answering him, as she saw nobody was around.
"First of all, come in, over to me, and lock the door behind you."
He locked the door. Now he was trapped. No escape. Whatever this woman was planning for him, there was no running away. His heart pounded, and yet he did not take this last chance to run away. She deserved this chance to take her revenge. She had suffered enough for it...
Phyliss climbed onto the bed, staning there on her hand and knees, and stretched her head out, closing her eyes, and formed her mouth for a kiss, while her snakes squirmed wild and free around her.
A kiss? She would not get him away so lightly, that was for sure... but he would love to kiss her again. His feelings for her were genuine, and her face as she got ready for the kiss reminded him of that one, passionate night they had spent on that hill. Oh, if only she returned his feelings!

Without hesitation, he climbed onto the bed and pressed his lips against hers, losing himself in the glory of the moment, and the memories of their night together.
She gave him a deep kiss and dipped her tongue several times in his mouth.
"We are alone... strip me!" she hissed before she went on kissing him.
Strip her? He would not have needed any order for that! Finishing his kissing with a long, passionate embrace, he eagerly started pulling the cloth off her body - more eagerly than sensually. He could not wait to see her naked again. And to enjoy the pleasure of being with her again.
He was a bit rough as he stared to strip her - just as she liked it. Her dress came off, she wore a vest below, and beneath it her lingerie, a black bra and matching panties, although some black silk stockings. She enjoyed this; very strange, and she wondered if she was somehow twisted herself.
Layer after layer, her clothing was stripped away, revealing the naked, vulnerable woman beneath. And yet, she still seemed very regal, very dignified. He took a step back and looked at her, the sight making something rise up under his own clothes. "What now?", he asked breathlessly.
"Just keep standing where you are." she said and sat down on the bed, before him, putting her nude feet on the floor. She lost no time and opened his pants, almost grabbing his tool and putting it into her mouth, sucking and nibbling on it, while she closed her eyes.
This was good... much better than he had expected. He closed his eyes and just took in the gentle nibbling, feeling her breath against the tip of his shivering penis, the pulsing of her lips as they rhytmically excited him. A low, contented purr was the only sound he made as he concentrated on the sensation.
Phyliss kept sucking, feeling him grow. She had other plans for him... but she wanted him to get really hard for that, so she kept pleasing him with her mouth.