Frat Boy Gets a Slap on the Wrist in Rape Case


Apr 29, 2015
Anderson will not be registered as a sex offender. Though there is DNA and medical evidence of rape according to court records, the charge Anderson has plead guilty to is not a rape charge and he will serve no jail time.

She told the courtroom she was drugged, choked, restrained, repeatedly raped, then left face-down in the dirt.

He most likely will rape again and no one will know he is a sex offender, emboldened by his power over women and his ability to go free.

Jacob Walter Anderson. It must be horrible to be you," she said. "To know what you did to me. To know you are a rapist. To know that you almost killed me. To know that you ruined my life, stole my virginity and stole many other things from me. He had taken what he wanted, had proven his power over my body. He then walked home and went to bed without a second thought to the ravaged, half-dead woman he had left behind.
He said in reaching his decision, he had the benefit of an extensive background report compiled by the probation department, as well as briefs filed by attorneys of the victim and the defendant.

thats another way of saying

The charges against him came at a time when Baylor was roiled by a crisis over its handling of sexual assault complaints, a crisis that caused the shakeup of top university leadership.
.....this means if there really was evidence, he woulda FRIED.....given the MOOD.....just shows there was NON!

In a packed courtroom, 19th State District Judge Ralph Strother accepted a deal prosecutors offered to Jacob Walter Anderson in October,
Dont offer DEALS unless they have NUTHIN
Though there is DNA and medical evidence of rape according to court records


If it was HIS

He wouldnt have been given a PLEA deal

So it couldnt have been HIS DNA!
According to the Star-Telegram, the woman said she drank some punch at the party and immediately felt woozy. She said Anderson led her behind a tent and assaulted her, the Star-Telegram reported.
She was the fuck does she know WHO did what? SHE DOESNT!

“Conflicting evidence and statements exist in this case making the original allegation difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. As a prosecutor, my goal is no more victims. I believe that is best accomplished when there is a consequence rather than an acquittal,” the statement read, according to the Star-Telegram.
In other words....IT WAS HE SAID SHE SAID

Oh look. Another man is getting away with rape.

I wonder why more women don't report it. Just can't imagine...

Maybe it has something to do with this POS judge and people like Brock Turner. Or all the destroyed rape kits.

It appears our society cares very little for rape victims and more for rapists.
Oh look. Another man is getting away with rape.

I wonder why more women don't report it. Just can't imagine...

Maybe it has something to do with this POS judge and people like Brock Turner. Or all the destroyed rape kits.

It appears our society cares very little for rape victims and more for rapists.

Damn the facts, right

Its about FEELINGS!
First let me say I'm not defending the guy, he probably did rape her. That being said according to the DA who tired the case...well I'll let you read her words:

RE: Jacob W Anderson, 2016-768-C1

As I did when this plea agreement was offered, I believe today’s sentencing by Judge Strother was the best outcome given the facts of this case. Conflicting evidence and statements exist in this case making the original allegation difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. As a prosecutor, my goal is no more victims. I believe that is best accomplished when there is a consequence rather than an acquittal. This offender is now on felony probation and will receive sex offender treatment, a result which was not guaranteed, nor likely, had we gone to trial. I would also urge those upset about this agreement to consider their source of information. Any lawyer can issue a statement, but taking a statement and proving the truth of its contents beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury, when a complaining witness is subject to cross examination, is a different task entirely. Given the claims made publicly, I understand why people are upset. However, all of the facts must be considered and there are many facts that the public does not have. In approving this agreement, Judge Strother had access to all the statements that have ever been made by all people involved and agreed that the plea agreement offered was appropriate in this case. -

Hilary LaBorde, Assistant District Attorney

It appears there is much information in this case that's being withheld from the public. I'd really like to know everything presented in this case.

Oh look. Another man is getting away with rape......No evidence of RAPE

I wonder why more women don't report it. Just can't imagine...

Maybe it has something to do with this POS judge and people like Brock connection to this case Or all the destroyed rape kits...........Urban Legend

It appears our society cares very little for rape victims and more for rapists.


Shove your fucking FEELINGS
First let me say I'm not defending the guy, he probably did rape her. That being said according to the DA who tired the case...well I'll let you read her words:

It appears there is much information in this case that's being withheld from the public. I'd really like to know everything presented in this case.

That CUNT SHAW is a nice way of saying

Yeah the triggered reprobate defending a rapist.

But then you defend Trump.

So who have you tried to rape BB? You seem awfully defensive of rapists.

Seems to be your thing.
Who did you rape BB?

You have some irrationally - even for you - strong feelings about this. Ironically enough

So who was it?
Frat Boy pled Nolo to 3rd degree "Unlawful Restraint" after nutting in her mouth twice and pussy at least once. All by force after they roofied her.

I'm sure our usual cadre of GB rape enablers (HisArpy, Trysail, Que and RightGuide) will be along shortly to cheer this verdict as a triumph of justice.
From what information I've found on the case, reading between the lines and and throwing in some pure speculation on my part, I'd say the guy got a bunch of his frat boy buds to swear it was consensual sex. When you put a bunch of entitled young shits together it isn't a surprise.

From what information I've found on the case, reading between the lines and and throwing in some pure speculation on my part, I'd say the guy got a bunch of his frat boy buds to swear it was consensual sex. When you put a bunch of entitled young shits together it isn't a surprise.


the OH PEE said there was DNA evidence....if there was, there would have been NO PLEA

so there WASNT (HIS)DNA evidence
I hate that my response to this is "not again" but... I mean, it's awful but I'm not shocked in any way.

Super wish I was. Like I wish this happened infrequently enough that I was like, aghast that our society let that happen.
I hate that my response to this is "not again" but... I mean, it's awful but I'm not shocked in any way.

Super wish I was. Like I wish this happened infrequently enough that I was like, aghast that our society let that happen.

are you aghast when WOMEN lie about rape?
I hate that my response to this is "not again" but... I mean, it's awful but I'm not shocked in any way.

Super wish I was. Like I wish this happened infrequently enough that I was like, aghast that our society let that happen.

who lets WHAT happen????????????????????
12 of 20.


So, BB would you like to explain your irrationally strong feelings - ones that you find contemptible in others but are so willing and able to engage in yourself?

I mean we know you're completely batshit crazy off your rocker, but this is a whole new level even for you. Over half the posts in one thread.

Who did you rape?
I hate that my response to this is "not again" but... I mean, it's awful but I'm not shocked in any way.

Super wish I was. Like I wish this happened infrequently enough that I was like, aghast that our society let that happen.

I am very glad neither of my sisters nor my daughter ever faced such a thing, for several reasons. Someone close to me was gang raped when she was young and I've watched the repercussions of it affect her through out her life. The guys who did it are lucky I didn't find out about it until the trail was so cold I couldn't find them. I wouldn't have killed them, but I was raised on a farm. I was taught at an early age how to make a young boar into a shoat and a bull calf into a steer with a pocket knife. The mechanics are all the same for any animal, including humans.
