First Person vs Third Person: Which is more popular in Erotica?

That is the plan. First chapter is near 4500 words and establishes setting, characters, and the relationship. I'll put a name at the top of the chapters so readers understand the pov switch. I'm hoping for a switch each chapter for four chapters which will be posted as one story.
You don't really need to signpost so blatantly. Context within the first paragraph should declare whose head you're in. Readers are generally clever enough to figure it out ;).
I have no preference between 1st and 3rd when reading. I do however hate the style of:

You get out of the car and walk up the steps. She's waiting at the top. You wrap her in your arms.

No idea what that style is called but I simply won't read stories written like that.
I have no preference between 1st and 3rd when reading. I do however hate the style of:

You get out of the car and walk up the steps. She's waiting at the top. You wrap her in your arms.

No idea what that style is called but I simply won't read stories written like that.
Second person. It's not common, nor is it popular.
It's difficult to write second person you/you/you without it feeling suffocating.
Even first person addressing the reader ("I watch as you ...") can be difficult to get into.

Changing POV styles between chapters is fairly common. I've done it deliberately and accidentally - I'm so much more at ease writing first person that I sometimes switch into it without thinking. I've had chapters where it goes into present tense instead of perfect, or vice versa.

Changing within a chapter works provided the pattern is established early on. It's can be confusing to get 60% into a chapter and suddenly shift POV - although you can get away with it if the context clearly demands it and it works for the story without being confusing to the reader.

I have one chapter with three POVs for three different characters, i.e., first person past, first person present, and third person past, and I indicate the character at scene breaks.
There was a letter waiting for me when I got home. A letter from my Uncle Nick, who'd been ashes for over a month. ...
I don't know what is worse: being raped in the blink of an eye by someone with the power to stop time; or willingly embracing that same degradation? ...
As Amy tidied her stuff away after possibly the dullest lecture yet - not the content so much as the delivery - she became aware of the itchiness of her tights, which only worsened as she stood and made her way to the exit. ...