Face Cord - bits and peices

A tidbit from a long forgotten journal

The wonder
of waking​
beside you.​

More wonder
to know that​
you bear our child.​

I'm stealing that and putting it in a Hallmark post positive pregnancy test card. JK

It was very simple and very human. I'm sure every expecting mother would love it.
I'm stealing that and putting it in a Hallmark post positive pregnancy test card. JK

It was very simple and very human. I'm sure every expecting mother would love it.

Thanks Lazaran - I know there are a lot of Hallmark cards but didn't realized they were that specific. :D
Stand by Boys

Time to reckon
Time to stand
Stand back
Stand by
Bye bye America
America melting
American pie
Pie perfect
Piebald pony
Pony up
Pony Express
Express yourself
Express mail
Mail fraud
Mail-in vote
Vote USA
Vote going viral
Viral virus
Viral pandemic
Pandemic panic
Pandemic vaccination
Vaccination vexation
Vaccination nation
Nation notions
Nation divided
Divided by Party
Divide by color
Color me pink
Color me blind
Blind fate
Blind justice
Justice ACB
Justice supreme
Supreme Court
Supreme moment
Moment has come
Moment to ignite
Ignite the kindling
Ignite by lightning
Lightning strikes once
Lightning can’t strike twice
Twice too much
Twice ain’t right
Right to fright
Right on boys
Boys will be boys
Boys by stand
Stand …
Boys …
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bare limbs reach skyward
against cloud dappled ceiling
as evening quiet descends

its spreading branches
speak of hard scrabble farmers
and their long lost hopes and dreams​
This Time Now​

As we are mortal
and maybe even
if we weren’t, we
travel through
this one way
until we
aren’t anymore.
Although you don’t
have to be Einstein or
traveling at lightspeed
to know time is relative
sometimes going so slowly
other times passing too fast.
But I’d give one of my back
molars (which itself is feeling
the effects of time) for a time out.
Not the stand in the corner kind which
our parents gave us unruly children, but
rather a basketball type of time out where
everything stops and coach can draw up
the buzzer beater that will win the game.
But that’s all fantasy and excuse me if I
get a bit Buddhist, but we all know that
the past is gone and the future yet to come
we live in the now.
My Three Chambered Heart

A reptilian remnant
also found in amphibians.
Birds and mammals have four
but not me, for you ruptured
my intraventricular septum,
so I’m down to three and
now my blood
runs cold.
Poetic License

I don’t think I’ll renew my license next
year, most of the keepers have been kept
and the big ones caught and stuffed to
hang on the walls of forgotten fishing
lodges, although it is rumored that the big
one Bishop caught and released back in
1946 still swims somewhere in the dark
waters tween Nova Scotia and Massachusetts.

These days, Brautigan would have to wade
much further upstream to go trout fishing in
America as bass have taken over the lower
reaches, which have warmed due to climate
change, aided and abetted by Jet Skis and
those monster three hundred horsepower
Bass Boats which roar about in of those
TV Fishing Tournaments, so that I now
have to paddle and haul my canoe three
portages in to find a bit of peace and quiet.

Then too, poetry isn’t what it used to be
with rhyme, rhythm and form relegated
to dusty archives in lonely libraries.
For now, everything is computers and
online with pen and paper abandoned as
Instant Instagram Poets promulgate in
this “new” medium, where they spout
their infantile insights into the mysteries
of life into an existential echo chamber,
leaving us unpublished old poets scribbling
by candlelight and grumbling in our garrets.
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...and the big ones caught and stuffed to
hang on the walls of forgotten fishing...
...leaving us unpublished old poets scribbling
by candlelight and grumbling in our garrets.


Thanks for inspiring this five-minuter


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Apairent Confusion

I must confess that pair and pairing confuse me.
Oh, I get the basic two of a kind thing, which
definitely applies to socks when and shoes yet
when I don a pair of pants, there’s only one of them.

With people it’s even worse for in our mostly
monogamous society, we usually pair
male and female, even though they are different
at least externally and while it has worked extremely
well for propagation of the species, we now number
over eight billion, which may well be too much for our
planet, especially as our impact depends more on
income than numbers, the more we make the
more we degrade, which may also apply to our
society, where looking at those divorce numbers,
it seems that pair bonding isn’t working that well.
Then too, more pairs are deciding to be nulliparous
which makes sense as we don’t want to go to sixteen
billion, although the apparent decrease in fertility
attributed to all those chemicals that were supposed
to better our lives could also be a factor.

All of which leads me to wonder what might
have happened if as Eve pared Adam’s apple,
he’d replied “Thanks, Babe but I’ll have a pear.”
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Nose Hill.jpg

Buffalo Rock

Smooth stone
Thousand years’
Bison stone
Rub stone
Key stone
Stand stone
Alone stone
Atone stone
Life stone
Live stone
Heart stone
Maybe someday
Buffalo roam