
Loves Spam
Oct 7, 2016
Created as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to conduct foreign intelligence activities during World War II, the Central Intelligence Agency has today become a rogue outfit whose leadership is infamously loyal to whichever President happens to be in Office and which casually operates today in every sphere of domestic America; i.e., the CIA has become as partisanly politically corrupt as virtually every other apparatus in the federal government, an as equally intent on pursuing a grossly anti-individual liberty agenda.

The essence of intelligence, of information, is its truth, and the further you slide from truth, the less the intelligence is effective. When information is gathered, collated, and then presented in any partisan way, it no longer is information - it is simply propaganda. Ron Paul is not only admired for calling to End the Fed, an equally corrupt, politically partisan outfit, Paul also proposed to End the CIA because of what is has pollutedly become.

I don't hold much hope for Trump's pick to head the CIA - Republican, U.S. Representative from Kansas, Mike Pompeo - to do anything to change the CIA's leadership environment of partisanship to the President, and Pompeo's draconian stances on issues like torture and Edward Snowden are practical abominations to the production of the truth itself, while being very conducive to simply more partisan propaganda.

If I was President, I would propose the complete demolition of the CIA, with a new agency charged with ONLY foreign intelligence operating ability to be created under the umbrella of the Department of Defense. Overall civilian intelligence responsibility is just fine now as headed by the Office of National Intelligence, with domestic investigation and enforcement handled just as competently by the FBI. Put America's foreign intelligence operating agency under military authority and accountability.

Short that now, I am hopeful President-elect Trump's grand trio of mighty military intelligence will serve to be not only great checks on CIA Director-nominee Pompeo's obvious partisanship, but will also be stout leaders in steering America's foreign intelligence operations back much, much closer to the side of truthful intelligence instead of partisan propaganda: Secretary of Defense-nominee Mattis and Secretary of DHS-nominee Kelly are perhaps the unarguable best choices for those critical positions with are served greatest by objectiveness.

Maybe the best shot in the arm for inoculation against the despicably corrupt partisanship which infects so much of the federal government today is Trump's choice of retired Lt. Gen. Flynn as his National Security Advisor, a man of integrity who was fired by Obama simply because he refused to support Obama's propaganda agenda. And how does Mr. Flynn view the CIA? Well, if you dare believe The New York Times, read for yourself:

Michael Flynn Is Harsh Judge of C.I.A.’s Role


While surfing, I came across this exchange @ https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-...ting-within-the-borders-of-the-United-States:

What are the rules on the CIA operating within the borders of the United States?
I thought that when the CIA was formed, it was to work exclusively outside the U.S. (like British MI6) and that protection within the US was the province of the FBI (like MI5) This week I watched the season finale of Covert Affairs, the first three episodes of Homeland season 1 (didn't care for it), and two episodes of Burn Notice. In each of these, the CIA functions as a federal super law enforcement agency. Granted that these are TV shows (and fairy tales), has the legal situation of the CIA changed, or have the TV producers gotten it wrong, or just don't care?

Drachir, Former Analyst at U.S. Department of Defense
Written 15 Nov

That's none of your business honestly. For your own peace of mind have faith in the most clandestine agency in the world and don't go digging too deep because you'll wind up with malware on your transmission/reception device. There's a lot of click bait and social engineering attacks geared towards people researching the agency.

Sorry you clicked on this thread, yet? :D
You do know it wasn't just the CIA that said the Russians intervened for Trump, right? Is Flynn going to abolish the other sixteen agencies too?
Quit whining and except the results! It was a fair and viable Russian election. Get OVER it!!

Pretty sure Putin knows what he's doing.


Dumbest post ever. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Created as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to conduct foreign intelligence activities during World War II, the Central Intelligence Agency has today become a rogue outfit whose leadership is infamously loyal to whichever President happens to be in Office

Non sequitur much? Do you know what "rogue" means? The exact OPPOSITE of a rogue organization would be one that switches partisan loyalty to whoever is the next political hack boss. A true rogue organization would be one that was loyal only to its own agenda and to hell with anyone and everyone else. It would be out of the control of ANY President.

and which casually operates today in every sphere of domestic America;

No kidding?!?!?!!!???!!! You mean they operate fast food restaurants, beauty salons and auto supply stores??? Insurance agencies, hospitals and public utilities?? Gee, who knew? And they do this casually, you say. It's a wonder they find time to spy on anybody.

i.e., the CIA has become as partisanly politically corrupt as virtually every other apparatus in the federal government, an as equally intent on pursuing a grossly anti-individual liberty agenda.

You mean like the partisanly politically corrupt FAA, National Weather Service, Coast Guard, NASA, or National Park Service? I know what you mean. It really pisses me off that only liberal democrats are getting Medicare and Social Security benefits.

The essence of intelligence, of information, is its truth, and the further you slide from truth, the less the intelligence is effective. When information is gathered, collated, and then presented in any partisan way, it no longer is information - it is simply propaganda. Ron Paul is not only admired for calling to End the Fed, an equally corrupt, politically partisan outfit, Paul also proposed to End the CIA because of what is has pollutedly become.

You don't know jack shit about how the CIA gathers and analyzes information, and Ron Paul is as big an idiot as you are.

If I was President, I would propose the complete demolition of the CIA, with a new agency charged with ONLY foreign intelligence operating ability to be created under the umbrella of the Department of Defense.

LOL!! So you'd demolish the CIA, fire everybody in it, and create a completely new intelligence agency with 100% new hires and give it the SAME OPERATIONAL CHARTER of FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION which the current CIA operates under. Only you would place it under the authority of that bulwark of bipartisan, politically-squeaky-clean-anti-corrupt-scandal-free agency known as the Department of Defense. I wonder what spy agency cloak and daggers will end up costing once we start sending them out for bids to defense contractors?

Overall civilian intelligence responsibility is just fine now as headed by the Office of National Intelligence, with domestic investigation and enforcement handled just as competently by the FBI. Put America's foreign intelligence operating agency under military authority and accountability.

Wait a minute. A few paragraphs ago you said virtually every aspect of the federal government was "partisanly politically corrupt," and now you're saying that, with the lone exception of the CIA, civilian direction of the other 16 agencies of the American intelligence community are operating just fine under the coordination of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. So NSA, DEA, Homeland Security, DoE, State Department, and the military intelligence agencies are NOT politically tainted and don't need fixing?!?!?! Wow, what a relief!!! I'm so glad to hear that.

Uhhhh, exactly how did that happen in the midst of all that partisan corruption, anyway?

Maybe the best shot in the arm for inoculation against the despicably corrupt partisanship which infects so much of the federal government today is Trump's choice of retired Lt. Gen. Flynn as his National Security Advisor, a man of integrity who was fired by Obama simply because he refused to support Obama's propaganda agenda. And how does Mr. Flynn view the CIA? Well, if you dare believe The New York Times, read for yourself:

Michael Flynn Is Harsh Judge of C.I.A.’s Role

I missed the part where Flynn advocates replacing the CIA with a new agency under Defense Department control. Wait. Let me go back and read it again.

Nope. Still not there.

Sorry you clicked on this thread, yet? :D

Oh, yeah. But probably not for the reason you'd think. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: