Editor or beta reader wanted for first submission to Literotica

Mar 23, 2021
[edit] My first story has been published! I want to thank Alohadave for editing assistance.
When I get my next story close to ready, I'll post a request again for an editor or Beta Reader/

I’m hoping to find an editor or beta reader for my first submission to Literotica. Ive been a fan of the site for years and have been considering writing some stories based on personal experiences.
I know all writers need editors, and I have been a VE here for a while, and have edited a few stories. I don’t expect major rewrites, just second set of eyes for spelling, grammar, and flow of story.

I’m not in a big rush - I’ve been considering submitting something for a while and have only now developed the nerve to do so. I have several stories in draft form, and this is the first that has gotten to a point where I’m willing to allow someone else to read it.

I write in Pages on a Mac and can provide copy in Word doc, or RTF, and txt or most other formats, Mac or Windows. I do believe I have my profile set to accept messages.

This current story is around 3,000 words, in the genre of Mature or even Loving Wives - I’ve not yet decided. Two main characters, a late 70’s male and early 50’s female. This story is intended to be one chapter of a longer story and I envision the next chapter to actually be the prequel to this one.

It is a story based on personal experience, of a middle aged wife from New Mexico and a much older retired photographer in Florida. A tale of two souls drawn together by karma to help each other safely navigate some potentially dangerous waters as they each struggle to come to grips with advancing age. They are both wondering if their decades long monogamous marriages have caused them to miss out on extra marital experiences that others have enjoyed.
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