Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"


Feb 27, 2017

Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"​


President Biden is old” is an easy, lazy, familiar, and comfortable narrative for the mainstream news media. It is sensational and gossipy (which means more ad revenue and attention), and maintains false balance, “fairness," bothsidesism and “objectivity” in their coverage. This maneuvering also allows the mainstream news media as an institution, or so its leaders incorrectly believe, some measure of protection against retaliation by Trump and his regime, if he takes power in 2025. In all, a focus on Biden’s mental health and age is but another way of normalizing Donald Trump and the neofascist movement and a continuation of the years of failure(s) by the American news media that helped to birth the vile Trumpocene.

The claim that President Biden is old and therefore so diminished mentally and physically that he is incapable of being an effective leader has taken on a life of its own. In many ways, this narrative is immune to the facts and evidence and may be a deciding factor in the outcome of the 2024 election and the future of the United States.

Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Gartner was a contributor to the 2017 bestseller "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President."

In this conversation, Gartner argues that it is actually Donald Trump and not President Biden who is showing diminished mental acuity and dangerous behavior related to aging. Gartner explains that Donald Trump’s escalating dangerousness is connected to what he believes is a diseased mind that will only get worse. Gartner warns that given Trump’s dangerous personality and emotional state, (Gartner describes this as “hypomanic” behavior) he is almost certainly plotting revenge and how to make his “enemies” suffer as revenge for finally being held accountable by the courts and the rule of law. At the end of this conversation, Gartner explains how even on his worst day as an older person, President Biden is a far superior leader and decision-maker (and human being) than Donald Trump.

I had to speak out now because the 2024 election might turn on this issue of who is cognitively capable: Biden or Trump? It's a major issue that will affect some people's votes. Not enough people are sounding the alarm, that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented. In fact, we are seeing the opposite among too many in the news media, the political leaders and among the public. There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing.

"Phonemic paraphasias" —the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s. Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes “benefishes.” Renovations become “renoversh.” Pivotal became “pivobal." Obama became “obamna.” Missiles became “mishiz.” Christmas became “Crissus.” Bipartisan became “bipars.” This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way.
He's a renowned doctor and professor from John Hopkins.

You can disagree with him but to outright dismiss his analysis of the observable and public behaviors of the two men would be disingenuous. At best.
No, my point is that anybody can say anything. But without actually examining the people it needs absolutely nothing

Yes just like you can say anything. You can dismiss this man's expertise and think that what he says is irrelevant.

In the meantime however the reality is that he has examined their behaviors, speech, patterns and actions. If either or both men want to go for an evaluation we will have more data. But that lack of physical examination does not negate the legitimacy of his expertise, his knowledge or his observations.

(There's a reason you started this discussion with deflection.)
President Biden is old” is an easy, lazy, familiar, and comfortable narrative for the mainstream news media. It is sensational and gossipy (which means more ad revenue and attention), and maintains false balance, “fairness," bothsidesism and “objectivity” in their coverage. This maneuvering also allows the mainstream news media as an institution, or so its leaders incorrectly believe, some measure of protection against retaliation by Trump and his regime, if he takes power in 2025. In all, a focus on Biden’s mental health and age is but another way of normalizing Donald Trump and the neofascist movement and a continuation of the years of failure(s) by the American news media that helped to birth the vile Trumpocene.
There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging.

Here's the thing: it's perfectly within the realm of plausibility for a concerned, well-meaning voter to wonder about the age of Joe Biden as well. See, we can't merely speak down of the lack of critical thinking by trump loyalists while also refusing to use critical thinking ourselves. It's equally dangerous to assume that making obvious observations (ie, Biden is older & makes some mistakes) is an ominous wielding of "bothsideism." The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. I can speak aloud that which my eyes see while still being on the right side of history.
To be clear, if an undecided voter is going to pick trump, there's a lack of many things being understood by said voter, such as how racism, narcissism, xenophobia, human decency, mob mentality, and base level intelligence works (to list just a few things) & their importance relative to an adequate presidential candidate; which is to say, reelecting an aging Joe Biden is the responsible choice.
However, it is never the role of a true journalist to hide or sugar coat actual, objective facts simply because it's an uncomfortable talk that may negatively sway people who clearly don't know who to see the bigger picture for the greater good.
Here's the thing: it's perfectly within the realm of plausibility for a concerned, well-meaning voter to wonder about the age of Joe Biden as well. See, we can't merely speak down of the lack of critical thinking by trump loyalists while also refusing to use critical thinking ourselves. It's equally dangerous to assume that making obvious observations (ie, Biden is older & makes some mistakes) is an ominous wielding of "bothsideism." The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. I can speak aloud that which my eyes see while still being on the right side of history.
To be clear, if an undecided voter is going to pick trump, there's a lack of many things being understood by said voter, such as how racism, narcissism, xenophobia, human decency, mob mentality, and base level intelligence works (to list just a few things) & their importance relative to an adequate presidential candidate; which is to say, reelecting an aging Joe Biden is the responsible choice.
However, it is never the role of a true journalist to hide or sugar coat actual, objective facts simply because it's an uncomfortable talk that may negatively sway people who clearly don't know who to see the bigger picture for the greater good.

Do you believe there is a lack of coverage regarding Biden's age?
I do not. I am merely responding to the article quotes you provided.


I find it interesting that the media is not covering Trump's obvious issues. I can't watch him talking for 60 seconds without him confusing a person, slurring words, misnaming things, making up words etc.

The media has shoved it down our throats that Biden is old, but for some reason is almost completely ignoring Trump's cognitive decline issues. I'm not sure if they are trying to make it into a horse race, but the coverage they are giving for Trump is not particularly accurate.
Incorrect, on an attempt to deflect from Biden. The media is all over Trump and his mistakes


So you believe the media should not report on Trump calling Melania "Mercedes", him slurring words, sweating profusely, making up words and the other commonplace behaviors he has been displaying?
Once again Adrina has provided a cited post that cuts through all the lazy and profit-motivated "both sides-ism" in the media.

Biden is aging but is improving in wisdom and in benefiting from trusted relationships within his administration and abroad.

Trump has no (that's zero) trusting and meaningful relationships either at home or abroad and is literally going mad with revenge and lust for autocratic power.
No, my point is that anybody can say anything. But without actually examining the people it needs absolutely nothing
(Quotes for posterity and stupidity)

Besides that comment being basic word salad, BB also doesn’t seem to understand that trained professionals in various fields can assess an individuals mental condition from faaaaaaaaaar less information than what the demented corrupt orange traitor has provided on a near daily basis for the past decade or so. (And there is plenty of relevant information to go on before that).

BB obviously doesn’t understand how FBI profilers work either.


👉 BB 🤣

The media has shoved it down our throats that Biden is old, but for some reason is almost completely ignoring Trump's cognitive decline issues. I'm not sure if they are trying to make it into a horse race, but the coverage they are giving for Trump is not particularly accurate.
Hmmm, I'm not particularly sure they're ignoring & completely choosing to not cover trump's decline. But hey, you may very well know something I don't, that's not implausible.
I would argue that the media outlets that are genuinely concerned with truth telling do cover this. However, they don't garner the same attention and spark the sensational dialogue that they should. I think there's a difference between wanting the media to report on something vs wanting humans to accept truth that seems obvious to you & I and have the same level of passion speaking on those things as they should.
Certain "news outlets" aren't going to cover trump truthfully at all & we can already anticipate that. But, the ones who do try shouldn't be thought of as not trying just because the topic isn't making as many waves as it should. That's the public's realm after they've been given the facts as they are.
My 2 cents.
I would enthusiastically endorse a thorough mental evaluation of both men from an unbiased, hughly qualified third party that immediately showed the results publically.

BB obviously doesn’t understand how FBI profilers work either.


👉 BB 🤣

He digs into the past and makes a guess

What do FBI agent profilers do?

What does an FBI profiler do? Here are the most common responsibilities of an FBI profiler: Use historical evidence and technical analysis tools to explain and predict serial criminal activity. Utilize research and analytical skills to determine patterns in violent behavior from the individuals who conduct crimes.Mar 10, 2023
He digs into the past and makes a guess

What do FBI agent profilers do?

What does an FBI profiler do? Here are the most common responsibilities of an FBI profiler: Use historical evidence and technical analysis tools to explain and predict serial criminal activity. Utilize research and analytical skills to determine patterns in violent behavior from the individuals who conduct crimes.Mar 10, 2023
And where did you get this information?
Did you think I made it up? Is it wrong or incorrect?


What does an FBI profiler do?​

Here are the most common responsibilities of an FBI profiler:
  • Use historical evidence and technical analysis tools to explain and predict serial criminal activity
  • Utilize research and analytical skills to determine patterns in violent behavior from the individuals who conduct crimes
  • Conduct interviews with suspects, witnesses and other industry professionals
  • Assess human behavior in groups and individuals to identify patterns and indicators
  • Draw conclusions about criminal activities using prior field experience, statistical data and probabilities
  • Write reports on interviews, research and analysis to document findings and share insights with others
  • Work with multiple branches of the FBI and law enforcement and offer insight to help review evidence and apprehend violent offenders

He looks at the past and makes guesses
The point is:

Experts can form damn accurate conclusions without ever even seeing or hearing a particular individual.

The expert in this case, Dr. John Gartner, has had maaaaaaaany opportunities to see and hear BOTH President Biden and the corrupt orange traitor;: and has offered his conclusions about BOTH of them.

"Some" people are super sad about Dr. John Gartner’s conclusions.



Wait? Who’s bringing their ELK into this!!?
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The other big difference between Trump and Biden is that competent and honest people will work for Biden. Many of the crooks and rogues, including his own family, who worked for Trump last time have already made themselves unavailable, many others are serving time behind bars. What is he left with? Not just the trash but the trash at the very bottom of the trash can.
Actually that's the perfect example.

He mis-spoke, corrected himself and then confirmed where he was going to be.

Whereas Trump slurs, makes up words, combine words, goes on tangential nonsensical rants and is paranoid.

(Nevermind the spin from the partisan rag birdcage liner.)