Donald Trump Is Drowning In Criminal Investigations And Legally Screwed

No he didn't. When people were angry at the establishment, he said he was the outsider and would go to DC and be a disrupter. That's what a lot of people wanted.

The establishment is headquartered in Wall Street, not DC.
No he didn't. When people were angry at the establishment, he said he was the outsider and would go to DC and be a disrupter. That's what a lot of people wanted.

They wanted an economy in which poorly educated, low IQ white men like themselves could get reasonably well paying jobs, like they could during the 1950's. Those jobs are being replaced by computers and industrial robots, but Trump's low end cult followers do not know that.
Once again The CUbaNTripod gives a moronic response to a completely true post.




You and the other pathetic losers in the LibFuck party keep hoping for the “gotcha” moment with Trump! Trump wlll run and will win in 2024! DEAL WITH IT!
The_Trouvere;94703901[B said:
]They wanted an economy in which poorly educated, low IQ white men like themselves could get reasonably well paying jobs,[/B] like they could during the 1950's. Those jobs are being replaced by computers and industrial robots, but Trump's low end cult followers do not know that.

What's your problem with "poorly educated, low IQ white men" having "reasonably well paying jobs"?

For much of his adult life, Donald Trump was known for going after his enemies with frivolous lawsuits, so much so that by the time he ran for president in 2016, he and his businesses had been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions.

According to a 2016 report, Trump had no qualms about responding to “even small disputes with overwhelming legal force” and didn’t “hesitate to deploy his wealth and legal firepower against adversaries with limited resources,” sometimes refusing “to pay real estate brokers, lawyers, and other vendors.” In other words, he was a consummate bully who used his money and power to screw over little people, and never worried about the tables being turned, as he would simply countersue, like his family business did in the 1970s when the Justice Department accused it of discriminatory housing practices.

But as the old saying goes, “karma is a bitch and she relishes the idea of a litigious a-hole living out his last days in prison."

On top of the well-publicized investigations into Trump out of New York—one from Attorney General Letitia James and the other from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.—the ex-president is facing no fewer than THREE PROBES concerning his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

What a douchebag! Yup, he’s really screwed alright!
What's your problem with "poorly educated, low IQ white men" having "reasonably well paying jobs"?

It's simply not feasible in today's global economy. American low-wage factory jobs cannot compete on a wage basis with a third world shithole that pays workers $10 a day.

"Reasonably well paying jobs" have gone the way of tailfins on cars.
It's simply not feasible in today's global economy. American low-wage factory jobs cannot compete on a wage basis with a third world shithole that pays workers $10 a day.

"Reasonably well paying jobs" have gone the way of tailfins on cars.

The only way to compete is via value added products and services that can only be gotten the US
The only way to compete is via value added products and services that can only be gotten the US

or items with prohibitive transfer and storage costs (size and/or weight), which means bulk carpet and mattresses amongst other things.
I doubt that many people want Trump dead. I want him to live long enough to be ruined financially, along with his crime family, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, along with them.

l myself want to see him and his kids in prison to rot in jail...Mop and lipstick in with the general population. :D
clintons are not exactly squeaky clean.....;)

Considering all the investigations they survived, we can be reasonably certain that they are squeaky clean. Starr only went for the blowjob because he could find nothing else, and the Benghazi hearings could find nothing at all.
Trump isn't gonna spend a second in jail. Don't matter if he deserves to or not, it just ain't happening.

You are correct but it's not that he won't be tried and found guilty, it's because like the loser he is, he will bail out to Russia.
I love how triggered the haters are. :D

Say that face to face to all the people who lost money when Trump filed bankruptcy five times and they lost their business because of it. That smile could cost you a trip to the dentist.
Say that face to face to all the people who lost money when Trump filed bankruptcy five times and they lost their business because of it.

No problem. Line them up, I'll call them fuckin' idiots too.

That smile could cost you a trip to the dentist.

As a fighter I'd gladly take an almost certainly weak cheap shot to watch some leftist who can't control themselves get dragged off to prison. :D
The eventual Deep State goal for Donald Trump is to either destroy him financially, or kill him outright.

If that were true, the thing to do would be to just get out of the way and let him go on living the way he always has. The man has probably lost more money than any other American ever, and he reportedly lives on fast food. What more could we do to speed the process along?
Meanwhile, word is, Donny could be facing a five year felony for the papers thing.
On Monday, Trump said that he doesn't know anything about the Trump Organization's finances.

On Tuesday, he claimed that the Trump Organization's finances are fucking amazing with awesome real estate assets, very little debt and they always pay their bills on time.

Wonder what John Barron or John Miller or David Dennison has to say about that.

On top of the well-publicized investigations into Trump out of New York—one from Attorney General Letitia James and the other from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.—the ex-president is facing no fewer than THREE PROBES concerning his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.
If only Cyrus Vance would have pursued Jeffrey Epstein for child molestation as hard, a lot fewer young girls would have been raped.

...but I know... you have to keep your powder dry for the serious crimes, eh?
If only Cyrus Vance would have pursued Jeffrey Epstein for child molestation as hard, a lot fewer young girls would have been raped.

...but I know... you have to keep your powder dry for the serious crimes, eh?

It's truly remarkable how often you Trumpers lead with the chin. It was Trump's one-time Labor secretary, Alex Acosta, who let Epstein off the hook when he could have been shut down. And Acosta got called out for it and axed.
It's truly remarkable how often you Trumpers lead with the chin. It was Trump's one-time Labor secretary, Alex Acosta, who let Epstein off the hook when he could have been shut down. And Acosta got called out for it and axed.

In a way it's remarkable, in another way it's utterly predictable. The folks behind the right wing shit machine are evil, but they're not stupid. The best way to neutralize a threat like what Acosta did is to convince your followers that it was really the other side who were responsible. It's no accident that LittleDixie believed as much; "she" undoubtedly read it in some right-wing rag.