Do you watch FOX news?

Over and over and over again? That's a major stretch.

fox news obama forgot god thanksgiving

look at all the articules on fox about that 1 youtube address

also i incuded the link because i just like jon stewarts much ado about stuffing

also thats 2 1 hour shows who ran with it
and 3 others who mentioned it, at least
so thats....5 hours worth of fox news mentioning
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...and the other networks would NEVER do something like that...


They wouldn't manufacture stories, wait... How was it that Rather lost his job again?
...and the other networks would NEVER do something like that...


They wouldn't manufacture stories, wait... How was it that Rather lost his job again?

yes other networks are ridiculous too.
im sorry did i forget to say that?

no wait, i didnt... i DID mention how
msnbc was just as bad
No. Or any of the other ones either.

I like the net where I can pull up only the stories I am interested in reading as well as leaving a "vote" for my choice.
And if so....
Do you hate MSNBC? As much as MSNBC viewers hate Fox?

Just curious...

The left wing nuts love MSNBC and Current TV as they help "them" live in denial.

Personally, I can't watch the news as its way too negative and this political season will be super nasty.

What America needs is open hunting season of political and government leaders (And lawyers like Morgan & Morgan, John Edwards)....This might help fix what's wrong with America. Just a thought, yes a bad thought.

When being in government or an attorney are the leading job category, well that means our ship is sinking.

a great person once said, "Government is never the solution, Government is the problem."
I do not watch any news, I read it.

TV is purely for entertainment and dumbing down your offspring.
No. Or any of the other ones either.

I like the net where I can pull up only the stories I am interested in reading as well as leaving a "vote" for my choice.

That, in itself, is a horribly bad idea that further Balkanizes and censors the information we receive...
That, in itself, is a horribly bad idea that further Balkanizes and censors the information we receive...

I do not think so. If I see material that I consider slop I am free to ignore it and choose material I find interesting or relevant. The media know what's being chosen and rejected and will change their tune accordingly. (in theory anyway)

There is too much information out there. I would like to see a spread that offers content rather than diversions and filler. Web sites and papers would have to be smaller but more agreeable. Just because we see too much vacant filler does not mean we have to choose it, the net is the only medium that lets you get a word in.
I do not think so. If I see material that I consider slop I am free to ignore it and choose material I find interesting or relevant. The media know what's being chosen and rejected and will change their tune accordingly. (in theory anyway)

There is too much information out there. I would like to see a spread that offers content rather than diversions and filler. Web sites and papers would have to be smaller but more agreeable. Just because we see too much vacant filler does not mean we have to choose it, the net is the only medium that lets you get a word in.


They know what's being clicked on. You want to reenforce a point of view...


With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and Playstations -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.
Barack Hussein Obama
I don't have a tv, so I don't watch any of the news networks, unless I'm at a public place - a waiting room at a doctor's office, an elevator, waiting for my car to get an oil change - or a friend's house where it's on.

I usually get a kick out of it, because it's so ridiculous. Fox, MSNBC, CNN, they all suck.

I prefer to get my news from multiple sources on the net. I also listen to NPR a lot.

Every news outlet is biased, they all have a slight to heavy lean which has to be acknowledged and properly navigated.

My fave source for news is The Economist, a right-wing British magazine. It covers world politics much better than any U.S. source I've come across.
I don't watch Fox News because I see no need to be told what to believe about certain issues.
From where I sit none of the networks are trustworthy and adequately informed about whats really going on. I suspect FOX takes its orders from Wall Street and GOP leaders. But the others are equally worthless.
I prefer to get my news online
that way any story that sounds suspect, I can simply google the facts.
i watch Fox news for laughs and to see what script they are working off on any given day.
i watch Fox news for laughs and to see what script they are working off on any given day.

It would be great to poll and see where people are (income wise) and what he/she does for a living (private sector vs government & onion members).

Call it MSNBC vs Fox vs those that have turned the news off