

"...a great bottle, some good bud
and her,
a real good time had by all--,
maybe even a friend.
The Shostakovich String Quartet no. 15
in E-flat minor, Op. 144

is a dirge,
quite literally a lament,
I think, for his own

death in the next year.
Back when I cared
about what music might be played

at my funeral,
I wanted this unrelentingly mournful
piece to be

what those who cared about me heard.
I would now rather
if anyone thought to gather,

that you all listen to something happy,
poppy, something that might get you dancing.
Especially on my grave.

For I will simply be elsewhere,
hanging out with Jesus or not there at all.
Not anywhere, actually.

I'll just be gone.
When the snow squeaks

When the snow squeaks under my boots
i know it’s cold maybe even frigid
kinda like the look you give me when
i respectfully request you to unlock my cage
so we can fuck like we used to.
Something Like Criticism
After Prufrock

My voice is too high and too soft
to be sexy. I can't
sound that low growl
to signal receptive females
that my semen engenders sons
who will lead our clan
all the way to the new Eden.

I had to wait for those few women
who had read Eliot
and who wanted to talk
about sedation as an image
of the settling night sky.

Her voice always sounded very proper—
the Oxbridge accent
of an educated woman

whose sotto voce murmurings
suggested we might find ecstasy
in the stacks at Dewey 613.96

at three o'clock on Sunday.
It's a quiet time in autumn,
she said,

The Evangelicals are still at church,
and everyone else watches football.

And so I bent

her over some random desk,
her trousers pulled down over her hips.

Afterwards, I was left wondering
if we could talk about novels we liked,
or if she would flag my car for parking

without the proper sticker
in the Staff Only space.

An atrocity loose
Across state of Ukraine
Annexation Russian
Arms raised in defiance
Against staggering odds
An iron curtain drops
Agamemnon awaits

Her voice always sounded very proper—
the Oxbridge accent
of an educated woman

whose sotto voce murmurings
suggested we might find ecstasy
in the stacks at Dewey 613.96

I had to look tup Dewey 613.96 and it was as I suspected. Live and learn.
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I was a chameleon,
blushing a new hue
according to the situation
and company.

In my new and more
class free society,
lacking the snobbery
and prejudice I grew up
surrounded by,
allows my comfy colours
to remain after a youth
of required camouflage
in hostile territory.

I learned to live in
harmony on both sides
of the tracks, fulfilling
the expectations of
the blue-bloods then
slipping into the
salt-of-the-earth side
of this family forged by
misfits and inflated egos.

Now I am free,
free of the acquisitiveness,
the one-up-man-ship,
the acid-green eyes of envy
and the terrible loftiness
of adults
who should know better.

It was the tone of voice
that registered
not the words
while I just tried to stay upright
in my rush to grab the phone

As the initial shock
of the call
gave way to what you'd said
the spinning in my head
became a strange underlying metaphor
for the topsy-turvy world
you're now living in

So, I put on my padded suit
your soft place to fall
but I've started to notice
it's got some wear and tear
from the unrelenting cycle of chaos and crisis
of these last few years

There's been little time for repairs
muddling through things I don't share
because you can't make space
for me
maybe someday we'll speak
about the unbalance

For now, I'll do my best
to keep standing
on often unsteady feet