Did I Submit ... or Not?


Really Experienced
Aug 31, 2013
I submitted a new story late Monday night (West Cost time) in Erotic Couplings. But so far, I have no stories showing as Drafts, Pending, or Sent Back. I recall seeing a msg to the effect of ‘Your story has been successfully submitted,’ but I didn’t make a screen cap, so I’m not sure what it said exactly.
I am a very much a non-prolific writer - my last story was over 4 years ago, so my familiarity with the process was rusty, and things may have changed with how the site handles submissions.
The story was large (30K words), but I pasted directly into the submission box using the text format with HTML tags (for italics, etc) already embedded. Everything looked perfect in the preview mode before I submitted. What should I do now? I’m concerned the submission has fallen into a black hole since my Published Stories counters seem to reflect that.
If in doubt, resubmit it, exactly as you did before. The worst it can do is delay publishing a couple of days.

You should see it as "Pending". Sounds like a glitch to me.
If you use the same title and it's in the queue, it should also prevent you from making the repeat submission. You're not allowed to use the same title twice on any single account.

If you're not seeing anything in the draft or pending folder, try holding down Shift and then pressing the browser refresh button while on the page and see if it changes.