Cooking with Chaz part 2


Literotica Guru
Oct 9, 2004
Cooking with Chaz part 2: “You’ll love being a snob too”

My Favorite things……


A main staple of everyday life for me but it has to be the good stuff.
Not that sliced crap with sugar in it. Bread shouldn’t have sugar.
I like to get bread from a bakery fresh; a good Italian Crusty hearty bread like Ciabatta or Pugliese.
If I must get it from a supermarket I’ll go to Safeway and get Artisan


Another mainstay. I don’t like to buy the stuff from a supermarket
‘cause it’s mostly crap. Go to an Italian deli or again, a gourmet
supermarket and buy imported! I like D’Abruzzo or Bionaturae.
A decent brand if you can’t find a good deli is Delverde or Trader Joes brand and it’s only 0.69 a pound too.
I actually much prefer making my own from scratch.
I have a wonderful Italian “manual” Pasta Machine that does a great job.


I mainly drink real espresso from a stove top machine called a "Cafetera"
Therefore I buy fresh beans and grind them daily.
The best beans I've ever had are from Italy and Australia
but in the states I'll buy either "Tully's" (I get a special blend I came up with) or I'll buy beans from the 'Metropolitan Market"
If you have to get regular beans from the supermarket try –
1 part "Bed and Breakfast” blend to 1 part "Columbian"
This mixes half dark roast and half med roast.
I also use a regular coffee drip machine and grind my beans for that too.
Never, never will I use something like Folgers.
If you haven't tried grinding your own beans give it a whirl.

Do NOT freeze or refrigerate coffee beans or grounds!


I use cheese daily and I like the good stuff.
My main cheese is Parmigiano or parmesan as they call it in the states. Don’t know why but they do….
Ohhh. Never buy that shit that comes in a green cardboard container.
That stuff by Kraft I think. Don’t know what it is but it ain’t Parmigiano.

Finding freshly grated Parmigiano is tough, it’s only available from
Real authentic Deli’s. When you buy it make sure that it comes out stringy and white, not yellow.
The best available here is Reggiano.

As far as regular cheese goes like cheddar, don’t buy cheese that’s Orange!!!!!!!! What’s up with that!!??
Trader Joes has fabulous Irish, French (even though I don’t buy French)
German, New Zealand and cheeses from the America’s.


There’s so much to know about oil and I won’t bore you with
a lesson on it here but one should use Olive oil for general cooking instead of Vegetable or others unless you’re deep frying because Olive oil has a lower burning point. Olive oil has no cholesterol too!
Only once it’s cooked.
Extra Virgin is the best thing for Salads too.

I never use butter; try Olive oil on toast, yummy!!!!
A bit of salt and pepper… great breakfast.

The best Olive oil from supermarkets, price/quality is probably Bertolli.
I also like Trader Joes brand and it’s only $3.99 for a large bottle.
Half the price of supermarkets.

Favorite Olive oils are-

La Gemina d’or
Frescobaldi Laudemio
Olio Verde Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Miguel and Valentino Unfiltered
Jansal Valley



Here’s my herb mix I make for either flavoring Pork for roasting or for sauces.
Try it, it’s easy and tasy but you must use fresh herbs.

Mix in a small bowl about 2 twigs of Rosemary (just pull the green from the twig)
3 or 4 stems Chopped Italian Parsley
2 Crushed Bay leafs
3 Garlic cloves crushed
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
Pinch of Clove
2 tbsps Olive Oil
Fresh cracked pepper and sea salt to taste.

Mix it all together; make sure it’s fairly finely ground
and you have the best mix for baked red meat.
Stick holes through the pork roast with a knife deeply and stick this mix down into the holes. Pour some Olive oil over the roast too.


Takes a full day or overnight.

Use a large bowl and place your washed chicken legs in it.
Slice a small cut into the legs to allow the marinade to seep in.

Pour all into the bowl-
1 cup of Olive oil (for every 8 legs or so)
4 crushed Garlic cloves
1/3 cup white plain Vinegar
1 squeezed fresh lemon
Salt and Pepper to taste.
A good handful of freshly washed Italian Parsley.
(Pull most leaves off the stems, wash them in cold water and
finely chop)


If you buy Parsley get the Italian flat leaf stuff, not the flowery
plain type, it has no flavor and is only good for decorating.


Don’t buy jar salad dressing. Make yourself.

(For an average sized salad for 4)

Full cup of extra virgin olive oil
Half cup of white Vinegar
Squeezed fresh lemon
Salt and Pepper
Sprinkle Grated Parmigiano on top

PASTA SAUCE- (Plain Tomato based)

There are NO decent sauces that you can buy
In a jar at the supermarket, they’re all crap!
It’s so easy to make your own and I use pretty much
the same sauce for a Pizza base.

Use a large Saucepan-

Slowly fry a chopped onion and 4 crushed garlic cloves
In ½ cup of Olive Oil. Use regular not extra virgin
Once it’s caramelized add-

2 cans peeled tomatoes (with NO sugar or herbs)
Or dozen Roma tomatoes crushed previously
Liberal amount of salt and pepper

Bring to a simmer

Throw in a good handful of Freshly chopped Italian Parsley
1 stem of Rosemary
3-4 of Thyme or a few Basil leaves
1 clove

Slowly cook/stir for about 1 hour or until it thickens
Best to keep lid on (with a small opening) for first ½ hour.

This is a plain light sauce that works best with Spaghetti
Use 1 lb of pasta for this

When you’re pasta is cooked and drained
Throw it in the pot and mix with the sauce.

Serve with a liberal amount of Grated Parmigiano on top

This is a plain traditional Italian sauce but if you like
You can add meat to it for flavor, richness and thickening

When frying the onions/garlic add about 1 ½ pounds
Of either pork chops chopped up or Beef cubed.
Baby back ribs sliced into single strips are fantastic too!
If you make it with meat you’ll need to cook the sauce
An extra ½ hour approx.


Fry up some Garlic and onions until caramelized
Add 1 pint of heavy whipping Cream.
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
2 shots white wine
Salt and Pepper to taste
Handful of parsley chopped
2 handfuls of grated Parmigiano Cheese

It will thicken as it cooks and takes about 25min

If you like you can add chopped Prosciutto, Coppa or Pancetta
( cured Italian Hams) or ham and fry with the onions and garlic
just to add a bit more substance.
I often do if I’m making it for a Pasta Alfredo sauce.


Roasted red peppers with Cream Cheese on Ciabatta

Get 4 red bell peppers, wash them and place them on
a piece of aluminum foil and bake at 400deg
Turn them a couple of times so as not to burn too much
but a bit of black burn is ok as you discard the skin later
Takes about ½ hour or once soft

Remove and let stand and cool

On a chopping board slowly pull off the skin and the end
Bits with that stem, remove the seeds too
Slice them down in thin ½ inch wide strips
Place In a bowl and add
2/3rd cup of olive Oil
4 finely crushed Garlic cloves too. Pound them to release juice
Mix it all together
Refrigerate for an hour

Lightly toast Ciabatta slices or similar hearty bread
and spread cream cheese on top and add the peppers with a bit of the oil

Naturally you can use a regular soft spread able cheese too
This is an awesome snack!!!

Some of my favorite Food Stores-

Metropolitan Market. Tacoma WA
DeLaurenti's Specialty Food and Wine. Seattle WA
Draeger's. San Mateo CA
Pike street markets. Fish shopping. Seattle WA
Larry’s Market. Seattle WA

Favorite Restaurants-

Metropolitan Grill. Seattle WA
Ruth’s Chris Steak House. Seattle WA
Stanley and Seaforts.Tacoma WA
Indochine. Federal Way WA
The Empress Room. Victoria BC
Duarte’s Tavern. Pescadero CA
My Own.

My Favorite Kitchen Items-

Kitchen Aid Mixer
Global knife set
Ruffoni Pots and Pan set
My Espresso Machines

Final thoughts and observations-

In general the best Food and Food culture in the states would be
In New Orleans.

Far and away the best food in the world would be Australia.
It has the best Meat and Seafood too.

The best Lamb dishes come from Greece
(Olive oil, Lemon, Rosemary and garlic)

The best Chickens I’ve had are either in the states
Austria or Indonesia.

The best chicken meal I’ve ever had was in Bali

I never go to Italian restaurants unless I’m forced to.
I’ve NEVER had an Italian meal anywhere near as good as my own and I’ve spent $100 for 1 and complained about it too!!

Bets BBQs are my own. Most people have no clue about Grilling.
It’s actually grilling not BBQing.

Don’t waste your money on local Lobster, Crab or Shrimp in the states.
I’ve NEVER had a decent meal yet.
Get fresh stuff flown in from New Zealand or most quality restaurants
Will serve it. Many gourmet stores have it too.
Never buy anything that’s previously frozen either!

Favorite cake style desert is Tiramisu. Albertsons (which I hate) actually has a decent one
For $10, it’s pretty good but try Trader Joes too.

Favorite all round is Fresh Peaches.

I usually eat Fruit as a desert and around midnight, out come the Potato Chips!
But. NOT Lays.

The healthiest diet in the world is considered to be Mediterranean
A good balance of Seafood, Meats, Vegetables and Fruit.

If you’re overweight DO NOT cut out carbs!!
Cutting out carbs do great harm to your liver as it needs this to survive.
Get off your ass and exercise. Diets don’t work alone.

If you want a recipe email me. Maybe I can help.

There will be a part 3
So hey
"naked gourmet',

What exactly is a 'reductase' in cooking? I see this with sauces all the time an don't have a clue what it means. Just curious and thought you'd be the man.
Phalenopsis said:
So hey
"naked gourmet',

What exactly is a 'reductase' in cooking? I see this with sauces all the time an don't have a clue what it means. Just curious and thought you'd be the man.

It's an antioxidative enzyme. It also happens to be in Dietary Suplements. It's not a food group or anything.
Do you need to know something specific????

1. Are you going to have a series on easy to prepare meals?
Some of us mothers are really busy and preparing a gourmet meal isn't always in the cards.

2. What about kids who are picky eaters?

3. What can we buy from a regular supermarket that isn't crap?

I am not trying to bring you down, I like your ideas.
I just personally don't have the time.

Help out a stressed Mom who can only cook chicken, steak, and pasta. Pasta with no sauce, picky kid remember.
deathbypickle said:

1. Are you going to have a series on easy to prepare meals?
Some of us mothers are really busy and preparing a gourmet meal isn't always in the cards.

2. What about kids who are picky eaters?

3. What can we buy from a regular supermarket that isn't crap?

I am not trying to bring you down, I like your ideas.
I just personally don't have the time.

Help out a stressed Mom who can only cook chicken, steak, and pasta. Pasta with no sauce, picky kid remember.

My sister couldn't eat different foods that touched on her plate... LOL
ducky19 said:
My sister couldn't eat different foods that touched on her plate... LOL

I dated a guy like that, drove me nuts.
It all ends up in the same place and comes out the same way.

Whats the point?
I didn't think anybody else outside of Europe knew about cafeteras. People are running around buying hundred dollar espresso machines when they can get a ten dollar cafetera and make the real thing.
Pyper said:
I didn't think anybody else outside of Europe knew about cafeteras. People are running around buying hundred dollar espresso machines when they can get a ten dollar cafetera and make the real thing.

chazman said:
It's an antioxidative enzyme. It also happens to be in Dietary Suplements. It's not a food group or anything.
Do you need to know something specific????

Okay. So I was trying to copy this dipping sauce that they called a "Balsamic Reductase" I think. It tasted great but the consistency didn't seem quite right. I just didn't know if there was something about the 'reductase' thing that I was missing. It is just a simple olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and rosemary dipping sauce for bread. Mine just doesn't seem to mix as well as the original. I've seen this "reductase" term used often in menus lately. Just wondering.
Pyper said:
I didn't think anybody else outside of Europe knew about cafeteras. People are running around buying hundred dollar espresso machines when they can get a ten dollar cafetera and make the real thing.

Ahh. A fellow wise coffee lover :)
Phalenopsis said:
Okay. So I was trying to copy this dipping sauce that they called a "Balsamic Reductase" I think. It tasted great but the consistency didn't seem quite right. I just didn't know if there was something about the 'reductase' thing that I was missing. It is just a simple olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and rosemary dipping sauce for bread. Mine just doesn't seem to mix as well as the original. I've seen this "reductase" term used often in menus lately. Just wondering.

Phal, mebbe you mean a reduction? All that means is simmering something 'til it's more concentrated. It's often done to mid- and lower-range balsamic vinegars to thicken the consistancy and concentrate the flavor.
Nora said:
Phal, mebbe you mean a reduction? All that means is simmering something 'til it's more concentrated. It's often done to mid- and lower-range balsamic vinegars to thicken the consistancy and concentrate the flavor.

THANK YOU!!!! I will try that. :kiss: