Confessions and queries

Jul 11, 2023
I can’t get my wife’s friend out of my mind.

This friend, let’s call her R, lives far enough away that we only see her every few years. I’ve always been attracted to her (and she’s made some innocent-but-playful comments in the past, suggesting she feels the same way), but when we crossed paths this weekend she was far sexier than I even remember.

Maybe we’re entering a season of life, my family as well as hers, where as our kids are getting older and slightly more independent, parents are able to take better care of ourselves again. I was looking forward to her sly, easygoing smile, but I was not prepared for the fact that she has apparently been living at the gym these past few years. She greeted us at the door dressed simply in a form-fitting light blue t-shirt and tight jeans. The shirt drew my attention down to her slender waist, curving into hips that I want to squeeze when I’m dropping to my knees.

I’d never cheat on my wife, wouldn’t even get too flirty with R in real life. But I can trust all you lovely people, right? Seeing as you have no idea who I am? Anyway, when I lie down at night, I see her. That smile, those legs, her easygoing laugh. I think there’s a good chance she sees me, too. Or at least there’s enough a chance that I can credibly imagine it as I drift into playtime.

I assume I’m not alone here. Do you have this person in your life, your spouse’s friend who activates you sexually? What turns you on about them? When you’re alone at night, what do you fantasize about doing with/to/for them?
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