Coming out at last

I am not your bro.

The links are standard.

You are dumb as dirt.

This thread is about defending transwomen. That is also what this site is about.

You are human dust. Your cat is a better person than you.

( . )( . )
Sorry about the mastectomy.

Settling Accounts

Mastectomy? Anybody who derides my body is a Nazi. I haven't had any surgeries except a childhood tonsillectomy and a minor reconstruction of my cumdump. My boobies are mine, bestowed by the Goddess.

I recently went through an ordeal of criminal harassment on this site.

The textual products of this gross experience have been posted.

Most of my harassers are typical Americans. Even when their discourse is extreme, their conduct is predictable.

There is an exception: the troglodyte who calls himself RoryN.

Meet RoryN. The one in the uniform:
Come and See (1985) - DISTURBING Church Scene (1080p HD)

I know you, Rory. The sickening giggle, the dead stare, the pale skin, the blubber belly. Of course you hate me.

I know your frozen heart. Your dumpster brain. You have no soul.

Many years ago i was like you. I was a political voyeur. I spied on people to use their secrets against them.

Then I read this:
The Great Terror: A Reassessment




The Great Terror: A Reassessment


I learned a lot about how the Stalinists killed people.

Eventually I grew close to Bob Conquest and worked with him, a signal honor.

His book isn't on line, but you don't read books.

This is on line:

"When the fascist armies had actually invaded Soviet territory and military operations began, Moscow issued an order that German fire was not to be returned. Why? It was because Stalin, despite the self-evident facts, thought that the war had not yet started, that this was only a provocative action on the part of several undisciplined sections of the German Army, and that our reaction might serve as a reason for the Germans to begin the war."

You want to be a little Stalin.

I know you. Stalin called Trotsky a Nazi. You call me a man dressed as a woman. Your kind just can't leave others alone. You're the type that spent your childhood torturing animals. How do I know this? I don't know. I made it up. Just like you made up the charge that I was pretending to be trans.

We've Only Just Begun




We've Only Just Begun


Don't worry. I am afraid of jail. You will be safe, little boy. Much safer than I ever was. Little boozhie coward living in a suburb and using a computer to mess with people of which you know nothing.

I'll admit you're original. Nobody IRL accuses me of faking being trans. In a unique flight of irrationality you fantasized me being an old man triggered by trans into pretending to be one. And

You claimed that even my pix were lifted from someone else. Attached is a new one. Maybe Done by a GD forl Madonna.

My treatment of you will be different. In international media I will discuss you as an exemplar of the corrupted American "left" -- a Nazi posing as a leftist. RandyRebecca described herself and you perfectly.

You are Communazis. Red fascists. You discredit the already degenerate American "left," which has nothing in common today with people like Wesley Everest, clip attached. The fellow worker died for you. But you never heard of him.

I hope you live to 100. I will protect you as I have protected many others. I want you to experience exquisitely being forgotten, irrelevant, disregarded. With no trans hos to make you happy.

Check this out. Chud.
Contribution to a Bibliography of Anti-Soviet Thought

( ' )( ' )
I.e. my boobies when I lie on my back.

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Bwhuahahaha!! Awwwww. Don't be mad, cupcake - just appreciate my skills.

I now live rent-free in your angry, mean-spirited little head, just like I do in Ann's. You two are the same.



Skills? Posting the kind of guff you dished out to me isn't a skill, junior. Unless moral suicide is a skill.

You should be glad nobody knows who you are, though lots of people soon will. Your career has ended before it started.

When you tried to impeach me by using a satirical comment by me about fetuses to portray me in your smarmy way as crazy, at first I couldn't believe it. Could any human be so dumb?

Then I remembered: this is the Stalinist method. They could not answer Trotsky. So they called him a Nazi. And killed him.

Meanwhile Trotsky and othered had exposed Stalin's collaboration with Hitler. The Stalinists could not free themselves from worldwide condemnation for this position. They insisted and insisted on the grotesque lies they had forced on the global "left."

By the time Stalin joined Hitler in dividing Poland, the global Moscow-directed "peace" movement had thoroughly corrupted the American leftist parasite class. The destruction of Poland led directly to the Holocaust. Famous American "intellectual" hos like Dashiell Hammett, an antiunion strikebreaker, the ridiculous fraud Ernest Hemingway, and leftist puppet S.J. Perelman, screenwriter for the Marx Brothers, cheered the attempted assassination of Noble Poland in The Nation magazine, organ of the Nazi Left in These States.

I am not a world-historic figure. My struggles are as nothing compared with those of Trotsky and his family. But Rory has outdone the Russians, at least for now. He posted on line the uniquely deranged claim that I am a man "triggered" by transfolk into making fun of them.

Pronouns: them is us. I am them. Nobody should think they can dis me without consequences.

( . )( . )
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Bigtisbutch is a professional victim and compulsive liar.
But with incredible tits! And I still love you, dear. Have you been sniffing around that creep Johnny Depp? The FBI is concerned for your mental health. Come on, honey. Play with my pillows.

( ' )( ' )
I would say victimization and fictionalization, both under compulsion, are the Lit jam. But then, I write books.

( ' )( ' )
But with incredible tits! And I still love you, dear. Have you been sniffing around that creep Johnny Depp? The FBI is concerned for your mental health. Come on, honey. Play with my pillows.

( ' )( ' )
The only thing incredible about you is your ability to deny reality. You are mentally unstable and you should up your daily meds.
Bigtisbutch is a professional victim and compulsive liar.
But with incredible tits!
You don't deny that you're a liar in your response. You confirm it. Whoops.

And surely a writer of your supposed prowess wouldn't screw that up.

So, you're either a shit writer, a liar, or both.

I'll leave you to try and figure out a way to save face. Best of luck. ❤️