come for the daughter, stayed for the mother


curious alien
Jul 3, 2017
John was still sexually inexperienced but by no means naive, intelligent and quite confident, mature, and socially active, although the later could be relatively new development. Now in college, while seeking entry with some "cool kids" group (possibly chasing a girl he had a crush on in high school, but at least partially seen as necessary networking rather than pure entertainment) John received a "task" to seduce a plain slightly chubby "grey mouse" girl Grace with obvious social integration problems. The initial goal of the group is likely to humiliate, either the girl or the guy, or both (and it's entirely possible it's the guy's crush herself who gave him that task originally). John however, not only easily succeeds, but subverts the situation to his advantage; he and Grace are accepted into the in-crowd as a couple.

Grace lives with her mother, in poor and cramped conditions (one-room apartment, or even trailer) and has tense relationship with her mother, including, she is very afraid of her mother finding out she does have sex, even as John is rather sure that contrary his expectations the girl was no virgin already, and their own relationship becomes very physical quickly. And it so happens, the best place for them to have sex is still the Grace's place (perhaps John lives in dorms and don't have right kind of car of any, although he's not poor, at least not in comparison to Grace), while her mother works weird hours.

Grace introduce John to her mother Monica as her tutor, as a cover story at first, but John quickly discover Grace do indeed need help with her schoolwork, so that's not even belied that much. Monica herself John finds confusing: the older version is slender and very beautiful, even sophisticated, but there's mix of slutiness and prudiness, failures of presentation that seem not to be fully explained by poverty alone, and she's outgoing, even flirty, but also obviously restrained at the same time and her relationship with daughter is clearly broken, overprotective mixed with dismissal, and they clearly aren't talking, like, nearly at all, but surely not beyond purely utilitarian. And she doesn't hesitate to discreetly demand tutor--parent conference without her daughter's presence and even knowledge.

How they set it up soon becomes a regular occasion. Usually, John spends afternoon with Grace at her place, then leaves early to meet her mother in a nearby cafeteria. Contrary to John's fears, Monica thanks him profoundly and signs prise for how good influence he is on her daughter (at least somewhat deserving, Grace had obviously blossomed in many ways), but also at first manage to keep discussion professional and on the point, even if a little irritating in how she treats the young adult daughter rather as a child.

It's probably second or third of those meetings when she outright and out of context ask what kind of birth control they are using. John answer is very reserved at first, pointing that's something she should discuss with her daughter, but there's no point in lying and the conversation becomes very frank. Again mother seems very pleased with what she learn, and John have to manage her emotional meltdown about how her relationship with daughter is broken, without revealing underlying causes, but implying escape of abusive relationship. (Probably part of a closed religious cult or some such, but may never be learned by John definitely.)

And so it goes, Grace blossoms under John's care, but grow increasingly dependent on him, emotionally, socially, and even practically, as he starts to choose her outfits, send her to gym and so forth. They don't have at all that much in common though, John start to see Grace as shallow, and what he feels against her more responsibility than love, mixed with some guilt for about using her for his own social goals. John's meetings with Monica transform more and more into dates and are emotionally much more involved, and maybe there's even a way John can help her with something related to her work too. John doubt she does that deliberately, but she is clearly flirting and trying to seduce him. And eventually, he decides, why not.