Cleavage II

thank you for being respectful, talking to men who are already committed to someone is just not my thing at all. I am done posting here for now, it seems that nobody is interested in making even the most basic of conversation and just uses this as a place to get off.

Literotica was VERY different several years back and people used to actually enjoy connecting and becoming friends, sharing interests and replying to different thoughts and feelings that were shared. But it has become very different and only a place for people to lurk at other peoples photos and nothing more. It just isn't my thing at all. there are plenty of people in real life to stare at me if that was the only interest at hand, i wouldnt need to go out of my way to get that. its such a shame more people arent interested in interacting, developing connections and forming friendships. this used to be such a fun place to meet new people. now i just get Beavis and Butthead level conversation 🙄😬

Anyone who feels the same, hit me upppp. i am thirsty for connection, intrigue, stimulation, intellect, normal HUMAN conversations <3

That's too bad. Although you may feel differently, there are lots of places for people to go just to "get off." I think people come here for the chatter and the fact that there are real people behind these posts. There's fun, smart and silly commentary behind many of the posts, including yours.


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Denny & Dollie


Happy Full Moon everyone :)
Tomorrow is the Lions Gate (8/8) and we are also approaching Mercury retrograde on the 12th, in its shadow now. We are also going to experience a total solar eclipse across the United States on August 21 which will be the first one since 1979. We are also experiencing major solar flares at the moment, huge bursts of energy flying off the sun which can affect electronics, satellites and US. and all of these things combined are affecting many people greatly and they don't even realize it. You could experience anything from body pain and achiness, headaches and migraines, tingling or chills on your body and head (this is what i experience most, all that ENERGY!), exhaustion also, so damn drowsy. some people experience nervousness and agitation, and because of mercury retrograde there are major misunderstandings and miscommunications going on right now. people being more impulsive and quick to make bad choices. Just slow down. This energy is greatly affecting everyone and its a very exciting time to be alive :) Be safe, get tons of water and lots of rest and let your bodies recuperate :)
Happy Full Moon
Happy Lions Gate
Happy Mercury Retrograde
Happy Eclipse

We love this. Our adopted son, still living where we were in Florida was 28 on 8/8. Perhaps I've been suffering all things mentioned. Or maybe the super thin blood that put me in ER because my doctor over dosed me!
Lots of things happening so we got behind. Read your profile so feel we don't belong. Yet your words say you love friends and conversation. As a few have found, we are real and we love being involved with fun loving Lit members. Not so much the bull crap, politics, etc. My wife or I are constantly replying to PM's so we do get involved.
We only came here to share our vast past and enjoy the fun and games of grown up erotic life.
Your photos and comments are wonderful.
Having a real life, life on Lit comes and goes.
Please don't leave. Lit needs members like you.:heart:
Life is a beach!

Tnt69 sure wish I was the life guard on that beach. I'd be checking on your wife all the time see if she needed anything. Nice cleavage she has. Oh rest of her is perfect too mmm