Unable to log into chat?

Last I checked we are not face book and we have stated if you break these particular rules you will be banned with no warning so no we will not reinstate you. If you are confused on what rule you broke you can pm but other than that you will only be told the reason.
You were banned. It is not a suspension. If you wish to know specifically, you can message me.
I was able to enter chat earlier this afternoon, but now getting the error that I'm unable to enter and retry. I don't think I did anything to get banned, but perhaps I did?
sometimes it seems to take a day or two for the two systerms to communicate. you can also try clearing your cookies and cache and such, sometimes help
I haven’t been able to login to chat. Is there a problem with the site or my account? Please let me know. Thank you.
I am banned now from the chat but the mod said abusive words to me so I paid back in the same coin and now I am banned from the chat. I request the concernd persons to kindly investigate it and unban me. I have never used abusive words to anyone in my life unless the next person is being uncouth. The mod himself was uncultured so he used bad language in the first place. I am visiting this site since last about 10 years and never found an arrogant mod like that one who banned me. Thanks in advance. This is a wonderful site.
I am glad you think this is a wonderful site...but...I read the conversation and it would seem the entire encounter was completely unnecessary and was initiated by you. You started off with being aggressive. So sorry to be boring but I sadly do pity you as he was indeed a mod. I know this mod and his self esteem is just fine, He is also indeed not a father but I am sure he will be a fabulous one if he chooses to become one someday and also....as someone with a slit below I am puzzled to know why you seem to think this is worthy of using it as an insult? I have found it has not hindered my life in most ways and sadly I do not have a sister to scream about this with. But my parents did teach me to speak with respect so...respectfully...

I assure you the majority of the words used here were not mine but I simply used the ones you spouted at the mod as insults when you were warned not to do something in a room. To which you could have simply taken the warning and gone about your day but...You started with being uncouth in fact and had you perhaps not taken this concern in such a manner I would consider unbanning you but as you felt the need to double down again..I think I will decline your kind offer. So perhaps go outside...pet a dog and live your life.

Have the day you deserve. And you are welcome for taking time out of my day to have this dialogue with you.

To anyone else forgive my barking in such a manner I will take my leave now.
I've tried a number of times to connect and cannot. I purposely entered a wrong password and got a message saying the username or password were incorrect. Tried rebooting a few times and, again, used the correct username and password.
When is the the last time you were able to access chat?
He first said to fuck off. That was the first abusive word he used. Once you use abusive words, don't expect good words from others. Also when I am asking why there is no star for his name if he is a mod, he is showing me attitude by saying ummm and other ways. I have not seen at least a mod like this in my life. I do remember interacting with you and you ask anyone in chat, how my behaviour is.

Are mods there to provoke and look at fun after that or are they there to resolve the issues?

I am not sure if anyone will read it, but take it in writing from me that this particular mod (the one who banned me) is highly provocative. I request to take away his mod privileges. Thanks.
Isedora is actually the bot that runs chat so won't be able to do too much. Look in the chat mod office (usually near the bottom of the room list) or for someone with a pretty silver star and they can help you
But one cannot trust if silver star is not there that the person is not mod. A person can be mod without silver star as well? Can be person be non mod even if he has a silver Star?