Boot, sex in the water, Australia?


Jun 4, 2021
Hey everyone, I am looking for a story that I have read a long time ago...
This was (I think) POV of a woman, who went on a boot with a group(?!) of people and then had sex in the water (I think with just one guy, but may be wrong) while going swimming. It has been a long time ago, so I am not even sure if they were generally on the water for diving, or doing some other water activity(s). Nor do I remember how this ended.
This may have been set in Australia, but I am also not sure about this...
Sorry that there isn't more to go on, but I guess that is why I did not find this one using the search either...
Considering the tone of the story, this may have been in Romance or Erotic Couplings, but again, it was a long time ago...