Blurting it out....Playground style

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Why won't they listen to me? I know my body better than they do for g* sakes.... damn, I'm not doing it until I want to! Its my life and body I will choose what I'll do with them both! Just give me some time!:mad:
You've kept my secrets and trusted me with yours. My moving will put us physically far away from one another but you will always be in my mind and in my heart. I will miss our daily phone calls. I can't think of another person on earth I would rather spend 2 hours laughing and crying with. I will miss our trips to get coffee and hit the bookstore.Those were some fun times.:) You truly are a great friend.:rose: :heart:
I miss your being around. I miss our talks. I miss other things too. Hopefully soon, we can start talking more again.

I'm glad that things are going the way they are in my life now and I hope that soon you can say the same thing about your life.

:kiss: :rose:
Why is it some people get every thing they want and I can't seem to have anything.... ~sigh~
Would it kill that man to take the time to pick the fucking toys up off of the floor without me asking, damn it!
Meh, I need a job and I need to figure out what to do with my freakin life.... oh well, choices, choices, choices.
I really should be packing, not posting. I can't believe I'm still up at this hour and not doing anything productive when I have sooooo much to do.

Oh, and it was nice to 'see your name in lights' over there. I told you that you were missed.:kiss:

I'm doing my usual two mile walk in a designated walking lane, and, again, a car veers over the line.....playing games with me.

Who are these morons?
I'm really gettin skeert of bein a mom of a teenage girl!! There's way too many "hotties" runnin around for my comfort level!!! ~sigh~
ANYTHING with an extra "tool" getting close to my daughter scares me... ;) :eek:

I have to go for jury duty... don't know if I'll be picked or not but it still is a pain in the posterior!!! Sometimes I understand why they say that Southerners are backasswards!!! ~sigh~

:kiss: ME :kiss:
Why? oh why?
am i addicted ??
May be i should turn in my supplier!!!
No more Little Debbies, OK??:(

How come things don't seem easier as the days go on?

When will I be ready to BE READY??

wow... it DOES feel good to blurt things out! :rose:
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